JS to achieve three-level linkage
Is a day to learn JS, the address of the drop-down list linkage is not strange; Learning JS from the entry to master, is to step by step drops, but also to practice drops. So here we go. Problem.
Topics in this paper, the
- Title: Three-level linkage
- By changing the option values for the provincial drop-down list,
- At the same time, change the option values of the city-level drop-down list and the district-level drop-down list.
- And each option value conforms to the jurisdiction of the upper option value.
- The effect is shown below:
Thinking analytical
Level 3 linkage
- Adds the encapsulated data to the items in the provincial drop-down list
- Through event binding, when the provincial item changes, modify the municipal drop-down list item,
- At the same time, the data of the district-level drop-down list is also modified
Code sample
// Three-level linkage<body> province: <select ID ="one">
<option value="1">Please select a -- -</option></select> city: <select id="two">
<option value="1">Please select a -- -</option></ SELECT > area: <select ID ="three">
<option value="1">Please select a -- -</option></select> ! [image.png](https://p3-juejin.byteimg.com/tos-cn-i-k3u1fbpfcp/01ce213fb5fc4f4bbe5bc9ea3169203d~tplv-k3u1fbpfcp-watermark.image)
var item = [{
"name": "Fujian"."child": [{
"name": "Fuzhou"."child": ["Jin 'an District"."Taijiang District"] {},"name": Xiamen City."child": ["Siming District"."Haicang District"]]}}, {"name": "Guangdong province"."child": [{
"name": "Guangzhou"."child": ["Tianhe District"."Panyu District"] {},"name": Shenzhen City."child": ["Shenzhen District 1"."Shenzhen Area 2"]}}]]// Simple three-level linkage
var shen = document.getElementById("one");
var shi = document.getElementById("two");
var qu = document.getElementById("three");
var op = document.createElement("option");
var flag = 0;// Mark the provincial location
for (var i in item) {
// var opDate = op.cloneNode(true);
// opDate.innerHTML = item[i].name;
// shen.appendChild(opDate);
var opDate = new Option(item[i].name, i);
// The provincial drop-down list changes the trigger event
shen.onchange = function () {
// Clear the list of options
shi.options.length = 0;
qu.options.length = 0;
// If no province is selected, both the city and district levels are available
if (this.value == -1) {
var opti = "";
shi.innerHTML = opti;
qu.innerHTML = opti;
// Add a municipal object under a provincial object
for (var i in item[this.value].child) {
var opDate = new Option(item[this.value].child[i].name, i);
flag = this.value;
// The city drop-down list changes the trigger event
// Clear the list of options
qu.options.length = 0;
// Add a district under a provincial object under a municipal object
for (var i in item[flag].child[this.value].child) {
var opDate = new Option(item[flag].child[this.value].child[i]); qu.appendChild(opDate); }}Copy the code
The data is pre-wrapped, if the address data is a regular string; The first step is to decompose the string to make it easier to retrieve the data.