
This article will introduce the React project in conjunction with MOBx to extract browser keyboard events. It only summarizes some implementation ideas in the process for reference.


How to perform the corresponding keyboard function in different pages if you pull out? Here comes the idea of using the mobx repository to go in and store changes to the corresponding function


Start by creating a Mobx repository along these lines

Create a new abstract class file

import { action, observable } from "mobx";

export default abstract class APageModel {
  @observable F1 = (): boolean= > {
    return false;
  /** * listen for keyboard events */
  @action handleOnKey(): void {
    document.onkeydown = (e) = > {
      const { keyCode } = e;
      /** * whether to use keyboard events in the page ** */
      let returnValue = false;
      / / execution
      switch (keyCode) {
        case 112:
          returnValue = this.F1();
      if(returnValue) { e.preventDefault(); }}; }}Copy the code

First observablename is the function F1 and then creates an execution function to listen for keyboard events to execute the corresponding function



Create a page repository that inherits our abstract class and changes the contents of the abstract class to be overridden by the corresponding keyboard function

import { action, observable } from "mobx";
import APageModel from "./abstract/APageModel";
export default class AppModel extends APageModel {
  @observable keyName = "";
  F1 = () = > {
    return true;
  setKeyName(value: string) :void {
    this.keyName = value; }}Copy the code

Page use


import React from "react";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";
import APage from "./abstract/APage";
import AppModel from "./AppModel";

interface AppProps {}
interface AppState extends AppModel {
  keyName: string;
class App extends APage<AppProps.AppState> {
  protected createModel(): AppState {
    // Import to the repository
    return new AppModel();
  componentDidMount() {
      / / to monitor
  public render() {
    let { keyName } = this.model;
    return <div>You just pressed: {keyName}</div>; }}export default App;

Copy the code

As shown in figure

At the end

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