In this article, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the four PHP frameworks, so that you can better choose which PHP framework to use to complete the project.


ThinkPHP(FCS) is a lightweight medium framework, which is a Chinese PHP development framework transplanted from Java’s Struts structure. It uses object-oriented development structure and MVC pattern, and simulated the implementation of the Struts tag library, all aspects are more user-friendly, familiar with J2EE developers relatively easy to get started, suitable for BEGINNERS PHP framework. ThinkPHP is designed to simplify development, improve efficiency, and make it easy to expand. Its database support already includes MySQL, MSSQL, Sqlite, PgSQL, Oracle, and PDO support. ThinkPHP, with its rich documentation and examples, is a highly compatible framework, but its limited functionality makes it more suitable for small and medium-sized projects.


  • Easy to use, with rich Chinese documents;
  • Framework compatibility is strong, PHP4 and PHP5 fully compatible, fully support UTF8 and so on.
  • Suitable for the development of small and medium-sized projects


  • Ajax support is not very good;
  • The directory structure is messy and takes time to tidy up;
  • It’s easy to get started, but hard to learn.


Yii is a high-performance component-based PHP framework for developing large Web applications. Yii is written in strict OOP with complete library references and comprehensive tutorials. From MVC, DAO/ActiveRecord, Widgets, Caching, hierarchical RBAC, Web services, to theming, I18N and L10N, Yii provides almost everything needed for Web 2.0 application development today. In fact, Yii is one of the most efficient PHP frameworks out there.


  • Pure OOP
  • For large-scale Web applications
  • The model is easy to use and fast to develop.
  • It also runs fast and has excellent performance and features
  • Use the command line tool


  • Less guidance and consideration is given to the Model layer
  • Fewer document instances
  • English too much
  • Proficiency in PHP and OOP programming is required
  • A View is not an ideal View, and an ideal View might just be HTML code, not PHP code.



Code Igniter advocates the principle that “simplicity is beauty”. No fancy design patterns, no fancy object structures, it’s all so simple. A few lines of code to start running, and a few more lines to output. It can be described as a model of “simplicity of avenue”. Simple configuration, all configuration using PHP script configuration, high execution efficiency; Has the basic routing function, can carry out a certain degree of routing; Has the preliminary Layout function, can make a certain degree of interface appearance; The database layer is well packaged and has basic MVC functionality. Fast and concise, not much code, high performance, simple framework, easy to use, low learning cost, detailed documentation; With a number of libraries that are easy to use, the framework is suitable for small applications.


The realization itself is less than ideal. The internal structure is too chaotic, and while easy to use, it lacks scalability. Think of the Model layer simply as database operations. The framework is a bit simple and can only meet the needs of small applications, slightly less suitable for medium-sized applications.


In general, it is worthwhile to use CodeIgniter to complete simple and quick application. Meanwhile, it can construct a certain degree of layout, which is convenient for template reuse. In terms of data operation layer, it can be encapsulated correctly. As for the additional library, it is also nice, concise and efficient. ,

Laravel framework


  • Laravel’s design ideas are very advanced and suitable for the application of various development modes TDD, DDD and BDD. As a framework, it has everything ready. Composer is the future of PHP.
  • Laravel’s greatest strength and excellence is its combination of relatively new PHP features, as well as various design patterns, Ioc containers, dependency injection, and more.


  • Component-based framework, so it’s bloated

All right, everybody, that’s all for this article. All the people here are talented. As mentioned earlier, PHP has a lot of technical points, but there are too many to write, and you won’t read too much after you write it, so I have arranged it into PDF and document, and you can poke shimo. Im /docs/rjJttd if you need to. >>> How to grow as an architect