New express

Recently, One of the core members of MongoDB Chinese community, Tang Zhuozhang, a teacher out of a MongoDB latest book – “MongoDB Progress and Combat: Microservice Integration, Performance Optimization and Architecture Management comprehensively covers the basic principles and use methods of MongoDB, in-depth performance analysis and application tuning and other best practices, as well as complete hands-on guidance for building microservice projects based on MongoDB.

This book brings together the author’s rich experience in MongoDB microservice development, performance tuning, and rational architecture deployment. The book describes ideal use cases and provides practical tips as well as technical principles to help developers move quickly to the next level in MongoDB application development.

If you want to read the book, you can buy it on common e-commerce platforms. You can also follow the wechat public account in the community and get the book for free according to relevant activities. And of course, we’ll be bringing you this latest book at this year’s Tech conference, and if you’re the lucky one, you can take it home!

Why MongoDB

MongoDB is one of the most widely used document databases in the industry today. Since its birth in 2009, MongoDB has attracted the attention of numerous developers. MongoDB has been dubbed “Sibuxiang”, “the most rDB-like software in non-relational databases”. Even so, MongoDB still shows strong vitality in its development process. Especially in recent years, with the rapid development of cloud computing and big data, enterprise projects have more and more demands for distributed database. As a flexible and easy-to-use, highly available and highly scalable distributed database, MongoDB has made great efforts in many Internet products and enterprise projects.

The author has been working with MongoDB database since 2016, and has been working with relational databases for a long time before that. While a traditional relational database might be a “one-size-fits-all” solution from a personal perspective, choosing MongoDB will largely depend on the team’s acceptance of NoSQL or the trade-offs of agile development and efficient scaling.

The name of MongoDB comes from the English word “Humongous”, which means “huge” and “huge” in Chinese. The intention of the namer is to process large-scale data. But my team prefers to call it the “Mango” database, which, in addition to being more similar in pronunciation, has had two levels of experience with MongoDB over the years.

  • The first feeling is “cool”. MongoDB has few constraints compared to relational databases. On the one hand, MongoDB’s document model is jSON-based, making it easier for developers to understand. On the other hand, the dynamic nature of the schema makes database administration much easier, such as making changes online much faster.

  • The second feeling is “sour cool”. This may be more relevant to MongoDB data managers. Because MongoDB is “too friendly” to get started, it’s easy for beginners to get the misconception that MongoDB doesn’t require a lot of administrative effort, and as a result, technical debt is constantly being discovered once the system goes live. More tongue-in-cheek, they say, “Maintain the crematorium for the sake of pleasure.” Of course, this may not be appropriate, but the point I want to make is that, like traditional relational databases, MongoDB still needs careful consideration and care to maximize its benefits.

    Ideas for writing this book

    The title of the book is MongoDB Advances and Practices: Microservice Integration, Performance Optimization, And Architecture Management, which means that in addition to MongoDB technologies, examples of microservices-related technologies will be introduced. In today’s context, the popular microservices architecture has become the de facto standard for distributed systems. Therefore, when we talk about MongoDB application development, we cannot avoid some connection with the microservices technology stack. From a developer’s perspective, full stack knowledge and skills are still required before becoming a MongoDB expert, and these skills can be summarized in the following three areas.

    • **MongoDB database technology: ** Including basic document model concepts and data operations, as well as cluster high availability, data sharding knowledge.
    • **MongoDB’s ability to integrate microservices: ** Some understanding of the technical framework surrounding microservices is required. This book is based on the most popular Java microservice technology stack, and introduces various practical examples from MongoDB Java Driver, Spring Data Mongo (ODM layer) to the upper application integration.
    • ** Master advanced skills of MongoDB: ** Including some knowledge and experience in MongoDB system performance tuning and MongoDB architecture high availability, security, efficient operation and maintenance management.

Thus, beginners from MongoDB entry to the process of advanced, need to learn and master the knowledge is not less. Especially for advanced skills, this part is the most difficult and time-consuming. The author always agrees that a good memory is better than a bad pen. In the process of learning MongoDB, the author summarizes the actual combat experience of MongoDB in the project and publishes it in the form of articles for many times. After talking to some of my readers, I found that they were actually having a lot of application-level development problems.

While MongoDB’s official documentation is very detailed (most basic database questions can be answered in the official documentation), there is still a lack of targeted content on the integration, system administration, and tuning of the surrounding technology stack. Therefore, the author thinks that under the premise of combining some practical cases, and then combing the MongoDB technology systematically from the perspective of development managers, it may produce twice the result with half the effort, so the idea of writing this book was formed.

Summary of the Book

Part 1: Getting started with MongoDB (Chapters 1-6)

This section describes the basic concepts and introduction to MongoDB.

Through this part of the study, readers can form a certain understanding of MongoDB’s own technology.

Part 2: MongoDB microservice Development (Chapters 7-10)

This part introduces the basic concept of microservice and the related technology realization of applying MongoDB in microservice architecture.

Through this section, the reader will have an in-depth understanding of the practical methods of developing MongoDB applications based on the Java microservices stack.

Part 3: Advanced MongoDB advancements (Chapters 11 to 15)

This section introduces some of the more advanced MongoDB usage techniques.

Through this section, you can learn some best practices and guidelines for MongoDB performance tuning.

Part 4: MongoDB Architecture Management (Chapters 16-18)

This section introduces MongoDB’s experience in architecture management.

Through this part of the study, readers can get MongoDB in the framework of reliability, security and some ideas on how to solve database problems in the project.

Special instructions

The focus of this book is to discuss the advanced aspects of MongoDB development, but it will introduce some key skills necessary for MongoDB to integrate Java microservices (such as Java drivers, Spring framework integration, etc.). Microservices themselves are a very large topic, and due to my limited space and expertise, I won’t go into too much detail on containerized and distributed frameworks, which is actually beyond the scope of this book. Other books are recommended if the reader is interested.

The author thanks

Deciding to write a book is not only a way to share knowledge, but also a way to practice long-termism. I have to say, this process is really painful and happy. Due to my busy work schedule, I had to work late at night many times, sacrificing precious time with my family and children. A special thanks to my family. Without your support, this book would not have been completed so smoothly. I also want to thank my project team for giving me the opportunity to learn a lot about MongoDB during my work.

This book provides extensive case studies to share some of MongoDB’s practical experience in application development, system tuning, and management. Due to the author’s limited personal ability, there are inevitably mistakes and omissions in the book, please ask readers to raise questions and help correct, thank you again!