What’s the most important thing to start learning a new skill? Quick start. When learning any subject, there is a very important concept: minimum necessary knowledge. When it comes to acquiring a skill, figure out what the minimum amount of knowledge is necessary in the shortest amount of time and master it quickly.

The minimum necessary knowledge for a quick start in Python is the following.

(1) Basic Python syntax

Find an easy-to-understand tutorial with good examples and follow it from start to finish. Don’t read many books. Concentrate on one. Go through all the routines and figure out why. A good introduction to Python is the Concise Python Tutorial. You can leave me a message.

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Python Programming: Getting Started in Python Programming: Getting Started in Practice “Crossin’s Programming Classroom – Getting Started with Python” describes itself as the easiest tutorial to get started with. It’s perfect for people who don’t have any programming background.

2. This is a step-by-step tutorial that teaches you how to learn Python

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3. There are a lot of relevant learning videos in station B, so there is no problem for beginners to use existing resources

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Crossin programming Classroom – Basic Exercises Father and Son programming journey also known as “Learning to Program with Children” “Simple Python tutorial” I recommend above, is suitable for beginners with zero foundation. If you have other tutorials or books, you can also recommend them.

In fact, no matter what knowledge you learn, including the programming language, the inherent laws are the same. Just like reading a book, the first is to read through, master the basic concepts, understand what aspects need to be learned from a macro perspective, and then is precision, buckle every detail, must know why, do not understand the words to ask, to search, must understand, can not take the problem down.

Technical exchange group, group of friends every day to share dry goods, answer questions to solve doubts and then is hands-on practice, only practice can deepen understanding, in order to turn the knowledge of others into their own knowledge, the so-called unity of knowledge and action, practice is action. After continuous practice to a certain extent, it is necessary to jump out of the organization again and integrate the knowledge into its own knowledge system. Only then can we really know whether we have mastered it, which aspects need to be strengthened, and where to go next