Dart is a single-threaded model, so there is no main thread/child thread separation. Dart is also an Event-Looper and event-Queue, where all events are executed in sequence by the **EventLooper EventLooper

The Dart’s Event Loop

  • Get the Event from the EventQueue
  • Handling the Event
  • Until the EventQueue is empty

Event Queue

The Dart’s Event Queue

These events include user input, click, Timer, file IO, etc Event Type

Single threaded model

Once a Dart function is executed, it will execute until the end of the function, that is, the Dart function will not be interrupted by other Dart code

Dart doesn’t have threads, it just has isolates, and each isolate doesn’t share memory and a Dart program starts with the Main function of the Main isolate, and after the Main function ends, Main ISOLATE Threads start processing each Event in the Event Queue one by one Main Isolate

Event Queue and Microtask Queue

  • Dart ** Main Isolate ** has only one Event Looper
  • But there are two Event queues
    • Event Queue
    • Microtask Queue

Why Microtask Queue exists

This Queue is intended to process things that are later, but need to be processed before the next message arrives

Microtask Queue && Event Queue Execution process

When Event Looper is processing events in the Microtask Queue, events in the Event Queue stop processing, and the App can’t draw any graphics, can’t handle any mouse clicks, Cannot process file IO, etc. Event-looper Selects tasks in the following order:

  • All events in the Microtask Queue are executed first
  • Events in the Event Queue are not executed until the Microtask Queue is empty

Microtask Queue && Event Queue

Dart can only know the sequence of Event processing, but does not know the specific time of execution of an Event, because its processing model is a single-threaded loop rather than based on clock scheduling (that is, it just starts to cycle the next Event after the Event is processed. Unlike Thread scheduling in Java, there is no Time scheduling concept), that is, we specify another Delay Time Task, expect it to start executing after the expected Time, it may not execute at that Time, depending on whether the previous Event has been dequeued

Asynchronous task scheduling

Dart: Async: dart:async: dart:async: Dart :async: Dart :async: Dart :async

  • Using the Future class, you can add tasks to the end of the Event Queue
  • Add tasks to the end of the Microtask Queue using the scheduleMicrotask function

When using EventQueue, you need to be careful not to make the MicroTask Queue too large, or it will block the processing of other events Use Event Queue


A Future is a class that implements asynchracy, similar to the Promise in JS

Future constructor

Common Future constructors:

Future<T> Future(FutureOr<T> Function() computation)
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main(List<String> args) {
  var futureInstance = Future<String> (() = >"12345");
  futureInstance.then((res) {
  }).catchError((err) {
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main(List<String> args) {
var futureInstance = Future.value(1234);
// Result 1234 is displayed
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main(List<String> args) {
  var futureInstance = Future.error("This is a mistake.");
  futureInstance.catchError((err) {

This is an error
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The future. then function is commonly used when a divide-and-conquer task needs to be split into many smaller tasks to be executed step by step

void main() {
  new Future(() => futureTask) // Function of asynchronous task
      .then((m) => {print("futueTask execute result:$m")}) // Subtasks after the task is executed
      .then((m){print(m.length);return 32; })// where m is the result returned after the execution of the previous task
      .then((m) => printLength(m))
      .whenComplete(() => whenTaskCompelete); // A callback function when all tasks are completed


int futureTask() {
  return 21;

void printLength(int length) {
  print("Text Length:$length");

void whenTaskCompelete() {
  print("Task Complete");
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[Running] dart "/Users/kim/test/main.dart"
futueTask execute result:Closure: () => int from Function 'futureTask': static.
Text Length:32
[Done] exited with code=0 in 0.209 seconds
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When tasks need to be delayed, you can use new future. delay to delay task execution. As mentioned above, the task execution will be delayed for 1s only when the Event Queue of Main ISOLATE is Idle

Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1), () => futureTask);
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import 'dart:async';

main(List<String> args) {
  //———————————————— method 1 ————————————————
  Future delay(int ms) {
    var com = Completer();
    Timer(Duration(milliseconds: ms), () {
    return com.future;

  delay(1000).then((res) {

  //———————————————— method 2 ————————————————
  Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 2000), () {
    print("Method 2");
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When animating, do not use Future, use animateFrame, note:

  • The then in the Future does not create a new Event to throw into the Event Queue, but is simply a normal Function Call that starts executing immediately after FutureTask has finished executing
  • When the Future has already executed before the THEN function, a task is created, the task is added to, and the task will execute the function passed through then
  • The Future simply creates an Event and inserts it at the end of the Event Queue
  • When you use the future. value constructor, as in the second example, you create tasks and throw them into the MicroTask Queue to execute the functions passed in by THEN
  • The future.sync constructor also creates tasks to be executed in the MicroTask Queue immediately after executing the function it passed in

Future. The add and the Future. Wait

main(List<String> args) {
  Future future1() async { print("This is asynchronous function one."); }
  Future future2() async { print("This is asynchronous function two."); }

  var futureList = <Future>[];
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Synchronously run tasks: A synchronously run task is a Future in which the incoming functions are executed synchronously and the currently passed functions can be executed together, unlike then where the incoming functions are scheduled to be executed asynchronously on the microtask queue


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The scheduleMicrotask function is used to add the current task to the microtask-queue

main(List<String> args) {
  Future.microtask(() {
    // Prioritized business logic
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Using scheduleMicrotask

Use this function in the top-level invocation relationship

async.scheduleMicrotask(() => microtask());

void microtask(){
  // doing something
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The Dart library contains many functions that return Future or Stream objects. These functions return immediately after setting up time-consuming tasks, such as I/O groups, without waiting for time-consuming tasks to complete. Asynchronous programming with async and await keywords. Allows you to do asynchronous operations just like writing synchronous code.

To deal with the Future

You can obtain the result of a Future execution in two ways:

  • Use async and await
  • Use the Future API for detailed description, refer to the library overview

Code that uses the async and await keywords is asynchronous. Although it seems a little bit like trying to synchronize your code. For example, the following code uses await to wait for the execution result of an asynchronous function.

await lookUpVersion();
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To use await, the code must be in an asynchronous function (a function that uses the async flag) :

Future checkVersion() async {
  var version = await lookUpVersion();
  // Do something with version
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Tip: While an asynchronous function may perform time-consuming operations, it does not wait for them. In contrast, asynchronous functions are executed only when they encounter the first await expression (see more on this). That is, it returns a Future object and resumes execution only after the await expression is completed.

Use try, catch, and finally to handle errors caused by using await in code.

try {
  version = await lookUpVersion();
} catch (e) {
  // React to inability to look up the version
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You can use await multiple times in an asynchronous function. For example, the following code waits for the result of a function three times:

var entrypoint = await findEntrypoint();
var exitCode = await runExecutable(entrypoint, args);
await flushThenExit(exitCode);
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In await expressions, the value of the expression is usually a Future object; If not, the value of the expression is automatically wrapped as a Future object

  • The Future object specifies a promise to return an object (similar to a promise)
  • The result of execution of the await expression is the returned object.
  • Await expressions block the execution of code until the desired object is returned.

If using await results in a compile-time error, verify that await is in an asynchronous function. For example, to use await in the application’s main() function, the body of the main() function must be marked async:

Future main() async {
  print('In main: version is ${await lookUpVersion()}');
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Declaring asynchronous functions

A function whose body is marked by an async identifier is an asynchronous function. Add the async keyword to the function to return the Future. For example, consider the following synchronization function, which returns a String:

String lookUpVersion() => '1.0.0';
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For example, if a Future implementation would be time-consuming, change it to an asynchronous function that returns a Future.

Future<String> lookUpVersion() async= >'1.0.0';
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Note that the function body does not need to use the Future API. Dart creates Future objects if necessary. If the function does not return a valid value, set its return type to Future<void>.

To deal with the Stream

When you need to get data values from a Stream, you can do this in one of two ways:

  • Use async and an asynchronous loop (await for).
  • Using the Stream API, see in the Library Tour for more details

Tip: Before using await for, make sure your code is clear and you really want to wait for the results of all the streams. For example, UI event listeners should not normally be await for because the UI framework sends an endless stream of events.

Here’s how an asynchronous for loop can be used:

await for (varOrType identifier in expression) {
  // Executes each time the stream emits a value.
  // executes each time the stream emits a value
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The value returned by the above expression must be of type Stream. The execution process is as follows:

  1. Wait until the stream emits a value.
  2. Executes the body of the for loop, setting the variable to the emitted value
  3. Repeat 1 and 2 until the flow is closed.

Use the break return statement to stop receiving data from the stream, thus breaking out of the for loop and unregistering the stream.

  • If you encounter a compile-time error while implementing an asynchronous for loop, check to ensure that await for is in an asynchronous function.
  • For example, to use an asynchronous for loop in an application’s main() function, the main() body must be marked async
Future main() async {
  // ...
  await for (var request in requestServer) {
  // ...
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For more information on asynchronous programming, see the DART: Async section. Dart Language Asynchrony Support: Phase 1 Dart Language Asynchrony Support: Phase 2, and the Dart Language Specification


A Stream is very idiosyncratic but not very easy to understand, and I prefer to think of it as a factory or machine rather than as a Stream literally

Let’s take a look at the features of this machine:

  • It has a portal for anything, and the machine doesn’t know when the portal will let anything in
  • The machines in the middle can produce or process, which should take some time
  • It has an outlet, there should be some product coming out of there, we don’t know when the product will come out of the outlet

The whole process, the timing is an uncertain factor, we can put something into the entrance of the machine at any time, and then the machine will be processed, but we don’t know how long it will be processed. So the exit had to be watched, waiting for things to come out of the machine. The whole process is viewed asynchronously

We convert the machine model into a Stream

  • This big machine is the StreamController, which is one of the ways to create streams
  • StreamController has an entry, called sink, that can use the Add method to put things in, and then it doesn’t care about them anymore
  • StreamController has an outlet called stream, and when the machine finishes processing it will throw the product out of the outlet, but we don’t know when it will come out, so we need to listen to this outlet all the time. And when multiple items are put in, it doesn’t shuffle them, it’s first in, first out


The Stream operation is also a tool provided in DART to handle asynchronous operations. Unlike a Future, it can receive the results of multiple asynchronous operations (whether they succeed or fail). You can pass the result data or error exception by triggering the success or failure event for many times. For example, we often see scenarios in the development process: multiple file reads and writes, network downloads may initiate multiple, etc. Next, we analyze the common operation of Stream according to a case:

void main(){
          // A callback to the result returned by each task
           // Failed callback for each task
         onDone : ((){
           // Listen for the completion of the callback during the execution of each task
           // All tasks completed callback

Future loginFuture = Future<String> (() {// Call the login operation here
String login(String userName, String pwd){
  // Login operation
bool getUserInfo(int id){
  // Get user information
Future<String> getUserInfoFuture =Future((){

Future saveUserInfoFuture = Future((){

void saveUserInfo(String userInfo){

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You can see that in listen method, we can perform fine callbacks for each task. Even after all tasks are completed, we also have callbacks such as Cancel, Pause, Resume, onError, onDone, which can perform fine callbacks for different stages of the execution of the whole group of tasks. In addition to using Stream as a fromFutures method, we often use Stream as a fromFuture method to handle a single Futrue/fromIterable collection. Of course, in addition to this regular Stream operation, DART provides two classes that specialize in manipulating/creating streams to implement the complex operation of Stream operations ** **

Method to get Stream

  • By constructor
  • Using StreamController
  • IO Stream

A Stream has three constructors

  • Stream.fromfuture creates a new single-subscription Stream from the Future, raises a data or error when the Future completes, and closes the Stream with the Down event
  • Stream.fromFutures Creates a single subscription Stream from a set of Futures. Each Future has its own data or error event. If Futures is empty, the stream will be closed immediately.
  • Stream.fromIterable creates a single subscription Stream that retrieves data from a collection
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If you want to create a new stream, it’s very easy! 😀 use StreamController, it gives you very rich functionality, you can send data on StreamController, handle errors, and get results!

// Stream of any type
StreamController controller = StreamController();

// Create a stream that handles ints
StreamController<int> numController = StreamController();
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Generics define what types of data we can push onto a stream. It can be any type!

The sample

import 'dart:async';

void main(List<String> args) {
  StreamController controller = StreamController();
  controller.sink.add(() => print("Add a function"));

  // Listen for the exit of the stream and print the data when it comes out
  StreamSubscription subscription = controller.stream.listen((data) {
    if (data is Function) {
    } else {
      print("$data"); }}); }/* output 123 add a function */
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You need to pass a method to the Stream’s Listen function. The method input (data) is the result of our StreamController processing. We listen for the exit and get the result (data). Lambda expressions can be used here, or any other function.

Stream generation via async*

If we have a series of events to process, we might want to convert it to stream. You can use async -yield * to generate a Stream

Stream<int> countStream(int to) async* {
  for (int i = 1; i <= to; i++) {
    yieldi; }}Copy the code

When the loop exits, the Stream is done. We can combine with await for more profound experience

import 'dart:async';

void main() async {
  var stream = countStream(10);
  var sum = await sumStream(stream);

Future<int> generateData(int data) async => data;

Stream<int> countStream(int to) async* {
  for (int i = 1; i <= to; i++) {
    yield await generateData(i);

Future<int> sumStream(Stream<int> stream) async {
  var sum = 0;
  await for (var value in stream) {
    sum += value;
  return sum;
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Click here to run the above sample code directly, and click here to see Promise and Yeild in JavaScript

Method to listen on Stream

The most common way to listen to a stream is to listen. The flow notifies the listener when an event is emitted. The Listen method provides these trigger events:

  • OnData (Mandatory) Triggered when data is received
  • OnError This parameter is triggered when an Error is received
  • OnDone triggers when it ends
  • UnsubscribeOnError Whether to unsubscribe when the first Error is encountered. The default is false

Process the Stream with await for

In addition to listening, we can also use await for

Future<int> sumStream(Stream<int> stream) async {
  var sum = 0;
  await for (var value in stream) {
    sum += value;
  return sum;
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This code will receive a Stream, count all the events, and return the result. Await for can process each event as it comes. We know that a Stream is undefined when it receives events. When should we exit the await for loop? The answer is, when the Stream is finished or closed

The transformation cleans the existing stream

If you already have a Transforming an existing stream, you can transform it into a new stream. Very simple! Flows provide the map() WHERE () expand() take() method to easily convert existing flows into new flows



If you want to filter out some unwanted events. For example, in a guessing game, the user can type in a number, and when the number is correct, we react. If we have to filter out all the wrong answers, we can use where to filter out unwanted numbers

(the stream object). The where ((event) {... })Copy the code

The WHERE function receives an event, and whenever something from this stream flows to the WHERE function, this is the event. We may not need this event at all, but it must be passed in as a parameter, which can then be filtered and returned as **


If you want to control how many things this stream can pass at most. For example, if we want the user to type a password up to four times, we can use take to limit it

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The take function accepts an int representing the maximum number of events that can pass through the take function. When this number of transfers is reached, the stream will be closed and cannot be transmitted again


If you need more control over the transformation, use the transform() method. It needs to work with StreamTransformer. Let’s look at a guessing game and I’ll explain it to you

import 'dart:async';

main(List<String> args) {
  StreamController<int> controller = StreamController<int> ();final transformer =
      StreamTransformer<int.String>.fromHandlers(handleData: (value, sink) {
    if (value == 100) {
      sink.add("You guessed it.");
    } else {
      sink.addError('Not yet. Try again.'); }}); controller.stream .transform(transformer) .listen((data) =>print(data), onError: (err) => print(err));


// Output: not correctly guessed, try again
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StreamTransformer<S,T> is the inspector for our stream. It receives the stream as it passes and processes it to return a new stream.

  • S stands for the input type of the previous stream, so in this case we’re entering a number, so int.
  • T stands for the input type of the transformed stream, and what we’re adding here is a String, so String.
  • HandleData receives a value and creates a new stream and exposes sink, where we can convert the stream.
  • We can also use addError to go in and tell you there’s a problem

Then we listen to the stream after the transform. When the converted event flows out, we print this event, which is the data we added to sink just now. OnError captures the errs we add.

The types of the Stream

“Single-subscription” Streams

A single subscription stream is allowed to have only one listener during the lifetime of the stream. It doesn’t generate events until there’s a listener, and it stops sending events when you cancel listening, even if you’re still sinking.add more events. Even after the first subscription is canceled, listening twice on a single subscription stream is not allowed. Single-subscription flows are often used to stream larger contiguous blocks of data, such as file I/O

import 'dart:async';

main(List<String> args) {
  StreamController controller = StreamController();
  controller.stream.listen((data) => print(data));
  controller.stream.listen((data) => print(data));

/ / output:Unhandled exception: Bad state: Stream has already been listened to. A single subscription stream cannot have multiple listeners0      _StreamController._subscribe (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:670:7)
#1      _ControllerStream._createSubscription (dart:async/stream_controller.dart:820:19)
#2      _StreamImpl.listen (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:474:9)
#3      main (file:///Users/Ken/Desktop/test/nam.dart:6:21)
#4      _startIsolate.<anonymous closure> (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:305:32)
#5      _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:174:12)
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“Broadcast” Streams Multiple subscription streams

A broadcast stream allows any number of listeners and can generate events whether there are listeners or not. If multiple listeners want to listen to a single subscription stream, use asBroadcastStream to create a broadcast stream on top of a non-broadcast stream. If you add a listener to a broadcast stream when an event is triggered, the listener will not receive the event that is currently being triggered. If you cancel listening, the listener stops receiving events immediately. Most streams are single-subscription streams. Broadcast streams inherited from Stream must override isBroadcast to return true

import 'dart:async';

main(List<String> args) {
  StreamController controller = StreamController();
	// Convert a single subscription stream to a broadcast stream
  Stream stream = controller.stream.asBroadcastStream();
  stream.listen((data) => print(data));
  stream.listen((data) => print(data));

// Output: 123 123
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