1. 🗡 offer67. Convert characters to integers (‘0′< characters <‘9’ are numbers)Answer key

2. 856. Brackets match to calculate scoresAnswer key

A little bit of knowledge here, is that the string changes a single character, like the following does not change;

let str = 'fooag';
str[5] = 'f';
let arr = [2.4.5];
arr[0] = 7;
console.log(arr);//[7, 4, 5]
Copy the code

🗡☞offer20. String representing a valueAnswer key

🗡☞offer15. Number of 1’s in binaryAnswer key

Given a non-negative integer represented as a string, remove the k digits from the number to minimize the remaining digitsAnswer key

Double Pointers solve some problems with strings

1. 344. Reverse the stringAnswer key

2. 541. Reverse string IIAnswer key

3. 151. Flip the word inside the stringAnswer key

🗡☞offer58. Left-rotate stringAnswer key

Second, KMP algorithm

1. 28. KMP algorithm implements needle character matching position in haystack stringAnswer key

2. 459. The KMP algorithm determines repeated substringsAnswer key