The development of IT industry is very rapid. Judging from the shopping demands of e-commerce websites in recent years, the great era of Internet has come.

From the author’s understanding of Web applications in the IT industry over the years, local mobile applications started in 2010, which is also the development history of Web applications. Before 2010, mobile applications were still in an era of slow development, and Web applications were still the content of B/S business system. With the rapid development of e-commerce websites and the upgrading of mobile phone hardware, Web applications also moved from desktop computers to mobile phones.

1. Let’s talk about the development of desktop and mobile Web applications:

Desktop Web application development. PC Web applications date back to the late 1990s. At that time, American universities were doing experimental networks, which, of course, were much slower than they are today. Then the Internet era began. At that time, the famous Telnet was quite good, mainly providing the display mode of information line. I still remember playing a game called MUD MUD, but unfortunately, I did not have the chance to touch this fashionable thing. However, there was a 486 computer with a faulty hard disk that could use DOS, which was already a fashion item. Then, the Web was gradually applied to some websites, but the Web interface was relatively simple and could handle less content. You can see this from Google’s search site. Then, THE PC Web started from the forum demand function, expanded to the enterprise display website, e-commerce website, and then is the enterprise internal office system, business system. PC side Web development to now, there have been a lot of various businesses, various functions of the website. Just like today’s Singles Day, Taobao’s data set a new record once again. This is a moment to celebrate, and yet another example of the convenience of online society.

2. Development of mobile Web applications. The mobile Web developed from the forum side, when the desktop Web development forum provided mobile Web applications, allowing users to access the forum using mobile phones, of course, it was a small, simple interface. Today, there are many mobile Web applications, mainly due to the development of smartphone hardware. Now, there have been many mobile APP in the APP store on the list, and the mobile Web applications also gradually reflected in the enterprise’s internal business system function, and the involvement of various e-commerce sites, mobile end system upgrade, now let the mobile terminal of the Web application to get the promotion, now the mobile terminal of the system, has been relatively mature, Many business systems are built on mobile applications. My company has been working on mobile apps since 2007. In 2010, local mobile terminal applications gradually expanded, and many business systems gradually began to use mobile terminal applications for business processing.

3. Next, let’s talk about the security of Web applications. Now is the network society, there have been a lot of business systems, investment websites, after the development of the website, security issues on the agenda. When we visit some need to input bank account for investment, we need to confirm the security of the website first. Some sites provide features such as a password entry field to instantly verify your input and prevent it from being intercepted by phishing sites. In addition, some investment sites also put the site into a secure and encrypted web link (HTTPS), and then encrypt the data, which also ensures the site’s security. Then there is the mobile web application. Basically, the APP should cut off the time to check the access operation. If there is no operation within a certain period of time, the page will be locked automatically. But it can provide a safe operating environment for mobile applications in a timely manner.

4. Then, big data for Web applications. In today’s network society, there are many Web applications, and it is estimated that less than 10% of our access is still available. However, it is these Web applications that occupy a large amount of traffic on the Internet. Now provides a big data navigation website (, the website provides some interconnection…

Above is a personal understanding of Web applications, welcome to clap brick…