Small make up recommend

Global perspective on rendering performance optimization

The authors say, “I want to try from the perspective of overall and systematic, to share my humble opinion of” the nature of the rendering performance optimization “, and tries to put forward a path from the underlying principle, on the rendering performance optimization direction, facing the complicated problem, have a more accurate and clear basis and more valuable.”

How do you break a team with r&d efficiency

The wrong way of thinking and method of r&d efficiency implementation “will break down a team. What we need is systematic methodology and corresponding engineering practice.”

To explore the practice

The quest to generate browser unique stable ids

“This article started with a few reference dimensions to explain how a browser fingerprint is generated. It then expanded to the open source and Pro versions of FingerprintJS, and finally implemented it for the first time in the project.”

How to play WebGL parallel computing

The Web side uses WebGL to summarize high performance computing practices.

Node service resource governance

“The goal of service governance is to ensure that software is available 24 hours a day. There is no neat abstract problem model for service governance, we need to face the complexity of the real world.”

Develop reading

Discussion on the design of barrage

Barrage and its implementation.

Refactoring to Improve existing Code design. Intensive reading

“Refactoring is not code optimization, it’s about making your code understandable and extensible, and it can affect performance for better or worse.”