Secondary development of elementUI table components

Vue2.6 + JSX is based on es6


:data="includeData" height="auto"
    <template slot="action" slot-scope="{ scope }">
          <el-button @click="eventClickDelete(scope)">delete</el-button>
          <el-button><a href="" target="_bank">download</a></el-button>
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Props that

@name table component @param {data} JSON data @param {column} object const tableColumn = [{prop: "contractId",label: "contractId"},{prop: "Action ",label: "action", slot: "action"}]; @param {pagination} Boolean Whether to display pagination @param {pagination} listQuery: {total: 0, page: 1,limit: 10,importance: undefined, title: undefined, type: undefined, sort: "+ ID "} @param {selectable} function Check whether @param {number} Boolean check whether line number @param {single} Boolean check whether @event onChange Paged request data @event SELECTED Multiple @Event currentSelect singleCopy the code

Component source

/ * * *@template <picc-table :data="tableData" :column="tableColumn" :pagination="listQuery" @onChange="onPageChange">
            <template slot="action" slot-scope="scope">
                <el-button type="text" @click</el-button> </template> </picc-table>@name Form components@param {data} The JSON data@param {column} Object const tableColumn = [{prop: "contractId",label: "contractId"},{prop: "action",label: "operation ", slot: "action"}];@param {showPagination} Boolean Whether paging is displayed@param {pagination} listQuery: { total: 0, page: 1,limit: 10,importance: undefined, title: undefined, type: undefined, sort: "+id" }
    @param {selectable} Function Checks whether the function can be selected@param {number} Boolean Whether to display the line number@param {single} Boolean Indicates whether this parameter is optional@event OnChange paging request data@event Selected multi-select@event CurrentSelect radio * /
import Pagination from "@/components/Pagination";
import "./piccTable.scss";
let selectMap = new Map(a);export default {
    name: "picc-table".comments: { []: Pagination },
    props: {
        data: {
            type: Array.default() {
                return [];
            } / / data
        column: {
            type: Array.defualt() {
                return[]; }},// Paging information
        pagination: {
            type: Object.default() {
                return {
                    total: 0.limit: 20.pageNo: 0}; }},selection: { type: Boolean.default: false },
        // Display page flipping
        showPagination: {
            type: Boolean.default: true
        // Return false or true if selected
        selectable: { type: Function.default() { return new Function()}},/ / height
        height: { type: String.default: "400" },
        / / serial number
        number: { type: Boolean.defualt: false },
        single: { type: Boolean.default: false}},data() {
        return {
            radio: ""
    mounted() {
    methods: {
        init() {
            selectMap = new Map(a);this.$refs.table.clearSelection();
        // TODO:Create a header
        createColumn() {

            let children = ({ slot }) = > {
                if (slot) {
                    return this.$scopedSlots[slot]; }};let col = = { prop: "", label: "--", align: "center" }, ind) = > {
                return (
                    <el-table-column prop={item.prop} label={item.label} show-overflow-tooltip align="center" key={ind} width={item["width"] || "auto"} >
            / / select box

            / / serial number
            if (this.number) {
                    label="Serial number"
                />)}/ / multi-select
            if (this.selection && !this.single) {
                />)}/ / / / radio
            if (this.single) { col.unshift(<el-table-column fixed="left" width="50" label="" {... { scopedSlots: { default: (scope) => { return <el-radio class="singleRadio" label={} value={} /> } } }} > </ el-table-column>) } return col; }, // TODO: EventOnPagination(data) {let pagination = object.assign ({... this.pagination }, { ... data }); this.$emit("onChange", pagination); }, // TODO: sync page SyncEventlimit(data) { // let limit = { limit: data }; // this.EventOnPagination(pages); }, // TODO: sync page SyncEventpage(data) { // let page = { page: data }; // this.EventOnPagination(page); }, // set setSelected(row) {let {pageNo} = this.pagination; Selectmap. set(pageNo, => {return; })); } else { selectMap.delete(pageNo); } this.$emit("selected", selectMap); }, eventSelectionChange() { }, eventCurrentChange(val) { =; $emit('currentSelect', val)} eventSelect(selection) {this.setselected (selection); }, // select eventSelectAll(selection) {this.setselected (selection); } }, render() { let { data, pagination, showPagination, height, single } = this; let showPage = () => { if (showPagination) { return <Pagination total={} page={} limit={pagination.limit} showHeader={true} {... { on: { "update:limit": this.SyncEventlimit, "update:page": this.SyncEventpage, pagination: this.EventOnPagination } }} /> } } return ( <article class='picc-table'> <el-table data={data} fit border Empty-text =" no data "style="width: 100%" height={height} highlightCurrentRow={single} class={{"single": true}} {... { ref: "table", on: { "select": this.eventSelect, "select-all": this.eventSelectAll, "selection-change": this.eventSelectionChange, "current-change": this.eventCurrentChange } }} > {this.createColumn()} </el-table> {showPage()} </article > ); }};Copy the code

Pagination @/components/Pagination

This component is intended only for use with page turning

    <div v-if="total > 0" :class="{ hidden: hidden }" class="pagination-container">

import { scrollTo } from "@/utils/scroll-to";
export default {
    name: "Pagination".props: {
        total: {
            required: true.type: Number
        page: {
            type: Number.default: 1
        limit: {
            type: Number.default: 10
        pageSizes: {
            type: Array.default() {
                return []; }},layout: {
            type: String.default: "total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper"
        background: {
            type: Boolean.default: true
        autoScroll: {
            type: Boolean.default: true
        hidden: {
            type: Boolean.default: false}},computed: {
        currentPage: {
            get() {
            set(val) {
                this.$emit("update:page", val); }},pageSize: {
            get() {
                return this.limit;
            set(val) {
                this.$emit("update:limit", val); }}},methods: {
        handleSizeChange(val) {
            this.$emit("pagination", { page: this.currentPage, limit: val });
            if (this.autoScroll) {
                scrollTo(0.800); }},handleCurrentChange(val) {
            this.$emit("pagination", { page: val, limit: this.pageSize });
            if (this.autoScroll) {
                scrollTo(0.800); }}}};</script>

<style scoped>
.pagination-container {
    background: #fff;
    padding: 32px 16px;
.pagination-container.hidden {
    display: none;

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SCSS to hide the radio label, import “./ picctable. SCSS “;


   / / radio
        display: none; }}}Copy the code