There are many warnings when the old project is opened with XCode7. PCM: No such file for requested architechture.

The solution was to change the Debug Information Format to DWARF, and the world was instantly cleaned up.

New projects in XCode7 are DWARF by default.

Also attached is a solution to other xcode warnings:

1, Directory not found for option-l.. path

In Build Settings– Framework Search Path, Library Search Path, delete the Path that cannot be found.

Unexpected file type ‘wrapper. Plug-in ‘in frameworks & libraries build phase

In General->Linked Frameworks and Libraries, it means that you have added other non-lib files to the framework and library, such as bundles.

3, No rule to process file…

Delete the extra files in compile Source.

4, undeclared selector warning

#pragma clang diagnostic push

#pragma clang diagnostic ignored”-Wundeclared-selector”

nativeTwitterAccountPresent =

#pragma clang diagnostic pop

5. Category is implementing a method which will also be implemented by its primary class

This warning occurs when a category overrides an existing method of the class.

#pragma clang diagnostic push

#pragma clang diagnostic ignored “-wobjc-protocol-method-implementation”

#pragma clang diagnostic pop