The total population is growing at a low speed

Data: The total population of China was 1.411178 billion, an increase of 72 million over 1.33972 billion in 2010, with an average annual growth rate of 0.53%. Little ape said: in the case of the release of the second child population is still low growth, I do not know less people, the future employment competition is not so fierce?

Household population continues to decline

The numbers: This year’s census showed an average of 2.62 people per household, compared with 3.10 in 2010. Little ape have words: everybody not quite willing to regenerate baby, want me I also don’t want, raise baby too terrible.

Age distribution


In 2020, Compare that to 2010
0 to 14 years old 17.95% Rose 1.35%
15 to 59 years old 63.35% 6.79%
The age of 60 + 18.7% Rose 5.44%

Little ape said: the aging of the population is irreversible, a lot of bricks, to their own savings pension money.

Sex ratio

Data: There are about 723 million males and 688 million females, the ratio of males to females is about 105.7 to 100. Little ape said: the situation is still very bad, programmers have to hurry up to find a partner.

Education Level

Data: Proportion of people with university education or above: 0.89% -> 1.55% Average number of years of education: 9.08 -> 9.91% Illiteracy rate: 4.08% -> 2.67% No wonder now looking for a job more and more school, continue to roll up, have not graduated students to finish school.

Urban and rural population

Data: Urban population accounted for 63.89%, and rural population accounted for 36.11%, an increase of 14.21% compared with 2010. Little ape said: The Times have pushed everyone to work in the city.

Population is concentrated in economically developed areas


In 2020, Compare that to 2010
In the east 39.93% Rose 2.15%
In the middle 25.83% 0.79%
In the west 27.12% Rose 0.22%
The northeast 6.98% 1.2%

Little ape said: no way, the Internet work also have to find in the first and second tier cities, although the housing price pressure is big, also have to squeeze in.

The floating population

Statistics: Nearly 500 million people live in separate households. Little ape said: this figure is behind the countless north drift, Shanghai drift, deep drift struggle of the figure.