Many managers will find that some team members do not show the expected enthusiasm for promotion and salary increase to enable them to complete difficult tasks when conducting project management. They may even devise other incentives to encourage team members to progress towards the task. But, as it turned out, it had little effect.

So why is this the case? What should you do in a situation like this? I’m telling you from someone who’s been in the Internet business for years.

Insiders all know, in this line of work for a long time, how many will know a few it good gay friends. The world thinks that IT men are not good at talking and wooden, in fact, that is because they are not it circle, it men and they feel that they have nothing to say, talk about technology, they do not understand, talk about life, it men do not pay much attention to who gave birth to children these things, so it caused a wooden image. On the other hand, I often go out with my gay IT friends to masturbate, and during the time of drinking, I always talk about my work. Once again, I was offered a promotion and money to work on a technical point, but I didn’t want to. Why does he think so? First of all, how much is the promotion function, is not a team member to become a team leader? But the leader is not good to dry ah, dry good line, dry pot are in their own body, can not be thrown off, worry more, this group member technology generally have to take, that group member has a bug need to help change. Add money again, add money can add how many ah, 1000 tube much, take the lead to do a task to work overtime every day, the hair drops greatly, this money may not be enough to plant the money of hair. In short, they refuse to be paid or promoted to solve technical problems.

So how do you get people to really want to do it? This is about understanding the internal drive of the members. Before we talk about internal drive, there are no two identical people in the world, and each one has different needs. So each person’s point of internal drive is different. Others, who are compassionate, may need you to explain the project and the difficulty you are having, and then use servant leadership to communicate with them for once. Others may not only need servant leadership, but also need your encouragement and affirmation. Others may worry about what to do if they can’t solve the technical problem.

So managers need to find out where the intrinsic motivation of team members is, solve this problem, and maybe don’t need 996, or pay raise, or promotion at all. Team members may also be able to complete tasks ahead of schedule and with few bugs.