Hello, everyone. Long time no see. We’ve been having trouble with the project lately. I touched my forehead and found that it was bald again. I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse. I’ve been thinking about reinstalling the system. There’s a lot of stuff that’s accumulated over time. Finally, think about reinstalling the system. As the saying goes, one joy is better than many. I’ll give it to you to fill in the blanks. I hope I can give you some help.

Things are very miscellaneous, choose carefully, see if the stall has something you want.

Tool list

The following tools are my favorite. I’m a Windows environment, and most Mac applications have versions. These things are used on a daily basis. A good development environment can make your development more efficient. There will be some minor additions, but the more the better.


Microsoft developed IDE, plug-ins are very massive. It is light enough in itself but also has very strong scalability. It has to be a phenomenal IDE. Of course, if you want to use well, you need to have a certain ability to toss. A ridge can be seen as a peak from the side.

Some basic configurations:

  • Chinese Language Support

  • For personal use

  • API request

  • Other plug-in search vscode plug-in blog has a detailed introduction.

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The Chromium browser

Chromium has a few more features than Google Chrome, and it’s a natural advantage for development because it’s a community version. There are no restrictions. Be friendly. From the beginning of the work to now. Very conscientious.

Typora Markdown editor

Needless to say, I think if I write some articles, or notes. Would be a very good helper. There are a lot of powerful key combinations. At the same time, different styles of interface themes can be customized. Make the article look more elegant and beautiful.

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Git for Windows / Mac / Linux

If you don’t know its recommendations face the wall. A great distributed version control system for agile and efficient handling of any project, small or large. Generally, they form a code hosting process with remote repositories Github and Gitee.

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A process application on the Web. The quality is very good. Some of my usual project requirements analysis is to use it to complete. Supports most of the market for some table rendering.

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Mac-style code image generation tool. The ability to generate a nice picture of the code. It can be used as content to share when you communicate and improve your position.

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Netease Youdao Translation Dictionary

English is not good, do not know how to name when the dictionary translation. Very convenient. I have increased my vocabulary virtually. Even have the function of learning?

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YAPI interface management platform

For the front and back end separation. Teams need a common interface management tool. Swagger is a great interface documentation platform. But I still like YAPI, so I’m going to amway you a little bit about this very powerful API hosting platform.

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Responsively responsive

If your project needs to fit multiple screens. This tool is perfect for you. The ability to view the current effects of multiple screens of different sizes simultaneously. Good tuning capabilities for responsive development.

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In some cases, static images are no longer able to show the recurrence of some problems. But it’s too big to record video. Sending is time and resource intensive. Hence the use of this tool. Convert screen recordings into GIFs and send them to whomever you want. At the same time, the tool itself can also customize the size of the form oh, very nice.

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Responsive Web Design Tester

A mobile emulator viewport for Google Chrome plugin. Much better than the built-in debugger. The number of devices supported is impressive. You can view different screens, models under the web page style problems.

Use the Google plugin to download

XFTP FTP service tool

A good FTP service management tool, convenient front-end manual upload some files to the back end of the project, do an opening. Visual connections are very novice friendly.

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Connecting to the Putty server

A visual tool for connecting to remote servers. Very small.

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PxCook Pixel master

Hosting the design on Pixel Master allows you to generate some example code based on your project. For our reference. Greatly increase the development efficiency. At the same time, the design drawing size display is provided. Convenient for the front end of the design diagram spacing, size of the details of the master. Here’s amway it for you.

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A very good Markdown online tool that supports styles for a variety of style themes. Support wechat public account and nuggets and other platforms code export. Very convenient for daily article writing and article sharing.

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A very good command line extension, perfectly compatible with ZSH, and 99% of bash and ZSH are identical. All three systems are available. This is especially true for the heavy command-line dependencies of Mac and Linux. Meanwhile, the rich theme system greatly improves the aesthetic degree of the system.

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To be continued

Conclusion & Thank you very much

Unconsciously it is very late, I hope this sharing can help you, in the daily development can have more time to learn what you want to learn, and happy fish. Blacksmithing also needs its own hard, in the development of the time, the formation of their own development environment, do a summary, found better fish can also share to everyone oh. It is better to fish alone than to fish together. Good night!

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