Struts2: Core configuration file

Package labels

  • 1:Similar to code package, differentactionAnd you want to configureaction, must be written firstpackageThe label,packageIn order to configureaction.
  • 2: packageTag attributes.
    • (1) nameProperties:
      • nameAttribute values have nothing to do with the function itself,
      • You can write more than one configuration filepackageThe label,nameAttribute values cannot be the same.
    • (2) extendsProperties:
      • Property values are fixedextends="struts-default".
      • I wrote this property inpackageThe class inside hasactionFunction.
    • (3) namespaceProperties:
      • namespaceAttribute values andactionInside the labelnameAttribute values constitute an inter-visit path.

The action tags.

  • 1: actionThe tagactionVisit path between
  • 2: actionTag attributes
    • (1) nameProperties:
      • namespaceAttribute values andactionInside the labelnameAttribute values constitute an inter-visit path.
      • inpackageWrite multiple tags insideactionTag, butactionthenameAttribute values cannot be the same
    • (2) classProperties:
      • actionThe full path
    • (3) methodProperties:
      • For example, inactionThe method executed by default insideexecuteMethod, but inactionThere are other methods in there.
      • letactionInside more than one method is executed, usingmethodConfigure.

The result tag.

  • 1:According to theactionMethod return value, configured to a different path inside.
  • 2: resultTag attributes.
    • (1) nameProperties:
      • Same as the method return value.
    • (2)The type attribute:
      • Configure how to go to the path (forward or redirect).
      • typeAttribute default value to perform the forwarding operation.


  • src:struts.xml
	<package name="hellodemo" extends="struts-default" namespace="/">
		<! -- name: access name -->
		<action name="hello" class="com.yap.action.HelloAction">
			<! -- Configure method return value to page -->
			<result name="ok">/hello.jsp</result>

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Change the default Struts2 constant value

  • 1:Commonly used way
    • instruts.xmlTo configure.
      • <constant name="struts.i18n.encoding" value="UTF-8"/>
  • 2:There are two other ways.
    • insrcThe following to createstruts.propertiesmodified
    • inweb.xmlConfigure.

Describes the most commonly used constants

  • struts.i18n.encoding = UTF-8
  • 1:The form submits data toactionInside, inactionYou can get form submission data,
  • 2:Form submission data in Chinese, there are garbled problems, solve:
    • postCommit directly to set the encoding
    • getCommit for encoding conversion
  • 3:If theactionGet the form passpostMethods to submit Chinese, Chinese garbled between the problem to help solve, do not need to deal with their own problems.

Modular development

  • 1:Write the configuration file separately and add the configuration file to the core configuration file
    • <include file=" path "/>: Introduces XML paths.

How actions are written

  • 1: actionThere are three ways to write
    • Create a normal class that inherits no classes and implements no interfaces
    • Create classes to implement interfacesAction
    • Create class, inherit classActionSupporte

Methods to access action (emphasis)

  • 1:There are three ways to do this
    • (1) Use the method property of the action tag to write the method of the action to execute.
    • (2) Use the wildcard method.
    • (3) Dynamic inter-visit implementation (no).
  • 2:Presentation error
    • (1)This error occurs if the Action method returns a value but is not configured in the configuration file.
      • No result defined for action cn.itcast.action.HelloAction and result ok
    • (2) The method in the action must return a value. If it does return a value, the type must be String
    • (3)Action methods can have no return value. If there is no return value, the result tag does not need to be configured
      • Write the method return value as void.
      • Let’s return the value, return NONE.
<! -- Use the action tag method attribute --> <! Create action, create multiple methods, the drawback is that each action method needs to be created. -->public class BookAction extends ActionSupport {
	/ / add
	public String add(a) {
		return NONE;

	/ / modify
	public String update(a) {
		returnNONE; }}Copy the code
  • xml:struts.xml
	<! Configure action method access -->
	<package name="methoddemo" extends="struts-default" namespace="/">
	 <! Write the name of the method in the action to be executed -->
		<action name="addAction" class="com.yap.method.BookAction" method="add"></action>
		<! Update method -->
		<action name="updateAction" class="com.yap.method.BookAction" method="update"></action>

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  • psm:http://localhost/Struts2_demo/updateAction.action
  • psm:http://localhost/Struts2_demo/addAction.action

Use wildcards

  • 1:actionThe label insidenameProperties,nameWrite symbols inside property values*The asterisk
  • xml:struts.xml
	<! -- Wildcard implementation -->
<package name="methoddemo" extends="struts-default" namespace="/"> 
	<! Add (2) update (action) update (book_update); Use book_* to match the method property, which is equivalent to update the above two paths.
	<action name="book_*" class="com.yap.method.BookAction" method="{1}"></action>
Copy the code
  • psm:http://localhost/Struts2_demo/book_update.action
  • psm:http://localhost/Struts2_demo/book_add.action