Apache Commons

Apache Commons has many subprojects, some of which are commonly used as follows


Provides a series of operations on Java beans, reading and setting property values, and so on

Map and bean conversions

We put the object in the cache using the Hash in Redis as follows

The utility classes for converting maps and beans to each other are particularly useful in this scenario


Common encoding, decoding method encapsulation


And so on


IOUtils Encapsulates I/O operations

FileUtils Encapsulates the file operation class


StringUtils the following assertion tests pass

Pair and Triple

When you want to return two or three values, but the values are not related and there is no need to wrap an object separately, you can use the following data structure to return a Pair or Triple object

Google Guava

Collection creation

Immutable collections are thread-safe and cannot be changed halfway through because methods like Add are declared expired and throw exceptions

A collection of hacking technologies

Two keys map to one value

There are many other collections of various types that are not covered

stop watch

View the running time of a piece of code

TimeUnit can specify the time precision

Joda Time

Prior to jdk1.8, the only date-manipulation classes in common use were java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar, but the usability of these two classes was so poor that SimpleDateFormat was not thread-safe. This forces users to choose third-party date manipulation classes, such as Joda Time. Later, Java itself realized this problem, so JDK1.8 borrowed a lot of Joda Time concept, launched a new date API, LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, etc. We can see the following articles to know the usage, https://blog.csdn.net/zzti_erlie/article/details/100849192 API is similar to the two if the JDK version above 1.8 is recommended to use jdk1.8 the date of the new class, Joda Time is recommended if below 1.8.