I encountered some problems when installing Homebrew, record them for easy reference. Homebrew is a software package management tool based on the Mac OS platform. It has many practical functions such as installation, uninstallation, update, view, search and so on. Package management can be implemented with a simple command, and you don’t have to worry about dependencies and file paths. It is very convenient and quick. More information can be found at sspai.com/post/42924


Copy the following commands from the official website and run them on the terminal. Super simple? Ha ha ha (wry smile)

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Copy the code

Problems encountered

1, Failed to connect to raw.githubusercontent.com

Don’t have access to raw.githubusercontent.com, aiming at this problem, can modify the hosts.

1) Query the real IP address

By visitingwww.ipaddress.com/Enter raw.githubusercontent.com queries to the real IP address.

2) Modify hosts

Access the edit hosts file

sudo vi /etc/hosts 
Copy the code

Add the following content to save raw.githubusercontent.com
Copy the code

See www.ioiox.com/archives/62…

The terminal runs the preceding installation command again and displays Error: Checksum Mismatch.

2, Error: Checksum mismatch

Delete the above files and run the install command again. See apple.stackexchange.com/questions/7…


Rm/Users/wenxiu/Library/Caches/Homebrew/portable - ruby - 2.6.3 _2. Yosemite. Bottle. Tar. GzCopy the code

Finally, the installation was successful.


1) The best way to install is to go directly to the official website to provide a solution

2) Problems in the installation process, although most of them are stepped on by predecessors, but some solutions are not necessarily able to solve your problems, you can only try more until you find the right solution