The following is a collection of ebooks and Java architecture learning materials


The interview data


Java core knowledge documentation


Java Core Knowledge PDF

1. JVM

2. JAVA collection

3. JAVA multi-threaded concurrency

4. JAVA based

5. Spring principle

6. The service

7. Netty and RPC

Network 8.

9. The log

10. Zookeeper

11. Kafka

12. Rabbi tMQ

13. Hbase

14. MongoDB

15. Cassandra

16. Design patterns

17. Load balancing

Database 18.

19. Consistency algorithm

20. JAVA algorithm

21. Data structure

22. Encryption algorithm

23. Distributed caching

24. Hadoop

25. Spark

26. Storm

27. YARN

28. Machine learning

29. Cloud computing

Featured Horse Soldier Java high concurrency distributed architecture video


How do I get it?

Spring, MyBatis, Netty source code analysis, high concurrency, high performance, distributed, microservice architecture principle, JVM performance optimization, distributed architecture





Get the JVM in depth


1. Part 1 approaches Java

2. Chapter 1 approaches Java

3. Part II Automatic memory management mechanism

4. Chapter 2 Java Memory regions and Memory overflow Exceptions

5. Chapter 3 garbage collector and Memory allocation Policies

6. Chapter 4 Vm Performance Monitoring and Troubleshooting Tools

7. Chapter 5 tuning case analysis and actual practice

8. The third part is the virtual machine execution subsystem

9. Chapter 6 Class File Structure

10. Chapter 7 Virtual Machine Class Loading Mechanism

Chapter 8 Virtual Machine bytecode Execution Engine

12. Chapter 9 is the case and practice of class loading and execution subsystem

13. The fourth part is program compilation and code optimization

14. Chapter 10: Early (Compile-time) Optimization

15. Chapter 11 late (Run-time) Optimization

16. Part V efficient Concurrency

17. Chapter 12 Java Memory Model and threads

18. Chapter 13 thread safety and Lock Optimization

Because there are too many details and the text is too long, it can be seen that there is a detailed breakdown version of the set graph in the JVM to correspond to each knowledge point (see table of contents).


JVM+ Springboot +Redis+Nginx+Kafka


Spring Boot is a new framework from the Pivotal team designed to simplify the initial setup and development process for new Spring applications. The framework uses a specific way to configure so that developers no longer need to define boilerplate configurations. In this way, Boot aims to be a leader in the burgeoning field of rapid Application development.


Spring Boot features

1. Create a standalone Spring application

2. Embedded Tomcat does not need to deploy a WAR file

3. Simplify Maven configuration

4. Automatically configure Spring

5. Provide production-ready functions such as indicators, health checks and external configuration

6. Absolutely no code generation and no configuration requirements for XML

Advantages of Spring Boot

1. Spring Boot allows you to quickly develop restful microservices architecture

2. Automation is indeed convenient, do microservices more suitable, a single JAR package deployment and management are very convenient. As long as the system architecture is properly designed, large projects can be used, with nGINx load balancing, easily achieve horizontal scaling

3. Thin provisioning is one of the problems that Spring Boot will solve, but how to integrate the Spring ecosystem with other toolchains (redis, Email, ElasticSearch) is another.

Practice Springboot in depth


The first part is basic application development

1. Chapter 1 Getting Started with Spring Boot

2. Chapter 2 uses a database in Spring Boot

3. Chapter 3 Spring Boot interface design

Chapter 4 improving Database access Performance

5. Chapter 5 Spring Boot Security Design

Part ii Distributed application development

1. Chapter 6 Spring Boot SSO

2. Chapter 7 Using distributed File Systems

3. Chapter 8 Cloud Application Development

Chapter 9: Building a High-performance service Platform

The third part core technology source code analysis

1. Chapter 10 Implementation principle of Spring Boot Automatic Configuration

2. Chapter 11 Implementation principle of Spring Boot Data Access

3. Chapter 12 implementation principle of micro-service core technology

Because the details are too much, the copy is too long, which can be seen in “Deep Practice Springboot Technology Insider”, there is a detailed breakdown version of the set graph corresponding to each knowledge point (see table of contents).


Nginx is a lightweight Web/reverse proxy server and E-mail (IMAP/POP3) proxy server distributed under the BSD-like protocol. It is characterized by less memory and strong concurrency. In fact, Nginx’s concurrency does perform better in the same type of web server. In Mainland China, nginx website users include baidu, JINGdong, Sina, netease, Tencent, Taobao and so on.

Nginx is a powerful high-performance Web and reverse proxy service with a number of very good features:

Nginx is a good alternative to Apache services for high concurrency connections :Nginx is one of the software platforms of choice for web hosting business owners in the United States. Can support responses up to 50,000 concurrent connections, thanks to Nginx for choosing epoll and KQueue as our development models.

Nginx of actual combat


1. Introduction to Nginx

2. Install and configure the Nginx server

3. Basic configuration and optimization of Nginx

4. Nginx and PHP (FastCGI) installation, configuration and optimization

5. Nginx and JSP, ASP.NET, Perl installation and configuration

6. Configuration and optimization of Nginx HTTP load balancing and reverse proxy

Rewrite rule writing example of Nginx

8. Nginx module development

9. Web caching service of Nginx and open source NCACHE module of Sina

10. Application cases of Nginx in well-known websites in China

11. Atypical application examples of Nginx

Nginx core module

Nginx standard HTTP module

Other HTTP modules for Nginx

Nginx mail module

Nginx Has a detailed breakdown version of the set graph corresponding to each knowledge point (see table of contents).


Redis is a remote in-memory database with robust performance, replication features and a unique data model for problem solving. Redis provides five different types of data structures to which a wide variety of problems can be naturally mapped: Redis’s data structures are designed to help users solve problems, rather than requiring users to twist problems to fit into the database, as other databases do. In addition, with features like replication, persistence, and client-side sharding, users can easily scale Redis into a system that can contain hundreds of gigabytes of data and handle millions of requests per second.

Redis is a high performance key-value database. Redis largely compensates for keyvalue storage like memcached and complements relational databases in some cases. It provides Python, Ruby, Erlang, PHP clients, easy to use.

Redis is simple


1. Part ONE introduction

2. Meet Redis

3. Use Redis to build Web applications

4. The second part core concepts

5. Redis command

6. Data security and performance guarantee

7. Build support using Redis

8. Build application components using Redis

9. Search-based applications

10. Build a simple social network

11. Advanced content

12. Reduce memory usage

13. Expand the Redis

14. Lua scripting for Redis

Because there are too many details and the copy is too long, it can be seen that there is a detailed breakdown version of the set map in Redis Combat, corresponding to each knowledge point (see table of contents).


In IT, Apache Kafka (Kafka) is currently the most popular platform for distributed messaging or streaming data. Any application that uses any type of data (logs, events, and so on) and needs to transfer that data, as well as any application that may convert data between its components, can benefit from Kafka. Kafka was originally a project within LinkedIn, but has since been opened up for easy adoption. It has been an open source project for the past few years and has matured a lot. Several well-known IT companies use IT in their production environments.

Some of the basic components in Kafka include:

· Agent: The Kafka agent is where the data sent to Kafka is stored. The proxy is responsible for receiving and storing data as it arrives. The agent also provides this data when requested. Many Kafka agents can work together to build a Kafka cluster. Kafka uses Apache ZooKeeper to store metadata about the cluster. The agent uses this metadata to detect failures, such as agent failures, and recover from them.

· Producer: The producer is the entity that sends data to the agent. There are many different types of producers. Kafka provides its own producers written in Java, but many other Kafka client libraries support C/C++, Go, Python, REST, and more.

· Consumer: The entity that requests data from the broker. Similar to producers, in addition to built-in Java consumers, there are other open source consumers available to developers interested in non-Java apis.


Kafka: Core design and practice


Chapter 1 introduction to Kafka

Chapter 2 Producers

Chapter 3 Consumers

Chapter 4 theme and Zoning

Chapter 5 Log Storage

Chapter 6 delves into the server

Chapter 7 Delves into the client

Chapter 8 Reliability research

Chapter 9 Kafka application

Chapter 10 Kafka Monitoring

Chapter 11 advanced applications

Chapter 12 integration of Kafka and Spark

Kafka: Principles of Core Design and Practice has a detailed breakdown version of the set graph corresponding to each knowledge point (see table of contents).

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