Article source: Wechat official account | code love

This article is about how to learn programming.

In 2021, rolling and lying flat has rapidly become a social topic from a small circle. In fact, many people have thought about lying flat. So first of all, ask yourself, what capital do you have to lie flat?

At present, the salary of many industries is relatively low, the Internet industry is relatively high, which is why many people switch to learning programming.

So, as a novice, how should learn programming better?

About this question, in fact, has been asked N times by novices, Google, Baidu, Zhihu, a lot of respondents.

Today’s system to each reader friends to share a little of their own shallow view.

Why learn to program

Interest is the best teacher, persistence is the best witness, and the goal is the direction of success. First of all, Grug thinks that figuring out why he learned programming is the starting point and the key to this problem.

No matter because of interest, or for life, under pressure and other reasons, understand why you want to learn, what kind of results you want to achieve, better efforts and persistence, and finally achieve their goals.

Is English important?

Many people learning programming have a question, do not know English can learn programming?

Here’s a positive answer: yes

The person who asked this question actually wants to ask you a question: can you go abroad if you can’t speak English?

If your answer is yes, then learning to program is certainly possible.

Although the process of learning programming, many places need to use English, relatively important, but now the network is so developed, so many translation software, more action, won’t it be solved?

Many people say that English is very important, indeed, many excellent technical books and blog posts are from foreign countries, including programming language developers, are foreign bigwigs, and many official documents are in English.

So to improve their English reading level is really more important, but the way is more than difficult, many official documents, excellent technical books, has been translated into Chinese.

About translation software, plug-ins, guagao is no longer recommended here, do not understand, Google, Baidu to find, a lot of can be used.

Ways to learn programming

How to learn programming better? One of the important points is how to find suitable for their own learning methods and approaches.

There are two common ways to learn programming: self-study and training.

Whether it is self-study or training, it is important to plan your own learning route. Many novices do not understand the learning route and do not know how much they can learn to work.

Once you know your learning path, you can plan your way to learn programming according to your learning path, which is nothing more than technical documentation, books, video tutorials, blog tutorials.

There are a lot of blogs and video tutorials online now, but the good and the bad are intermingled, so it is the most important to find the one that suits you!

For beginners, videos are easier to understand and use than documents and books. After all, the effect of eyes and ears is greater than that of hearing.

For experienced programmers, however, tutorials are a waste of time, so go straight to the official documentation.

Learning programming, should have the conditions

A lot of people ask, do you need a computer to learn programming?

That’s nonsense? You can’t make software by hand.

So before learning programming, you need to prepare a good computer, Mac\Windows can be.

Finally, a lot of people ask can programming be done quickly?

Say quick is a liar, there is no quick programming secret.

My honest advice to you is the following. With these points in mind, learning to code is no different from chopping vegetables.

Programming is a do-it-yourself discipline, so it’s important to do it.

Bad writing is not as good as a good memory, so notes are important.

Where the time is, where the achievement is, so persistence is important (stay excited, learn to brag)

Development experience is the ability to solve problems, so access to information is important (Google baidu)

The circle is important, the atmosphere is important!

One last word:

** From an experienced point of view, it is really important for beginners to learn programming methods, otherwise it will lead to high consumption and low efficiency. ** If you want to improve your core programming ability (internal work), the following information is also recommended to see, for basic improvement quite helpful.

C language C++ programming learning exchange circle, QQ group [904329806] wechat official number: C language programming learning base

Organize and share (years of learning source code, project actual combat video, project notes, basic introduction tutorial)

Welcome to change careers and learn programming partners, use more information to learn and grow faster than their own thinking oh!