It is undeniable that in this Internet era, the salary of Internet practitioners is more acceptable than that of other general traditional industries, and there are more job opportunities.

So many students who are not computer programming students want to take a look at the world of this code, considering whether they can enter the industry, this essay from the programmer’s point of view to talk to you about this problem.

As a veteran programmer, it’s not hard.

1. What is programming?

In my opinion, the so-called programming, you have an idea logic, and then use code to implement it, nothing more.

For example, if you are a back-end developer and want to present a piece of data, then you will figure out how to take it, from the database, and then make some judgment calls to return the data you want to the front end (or client). This is essentially a business flow chart. You first have business data (requirements), then implement the fetch process (flow chart), and finally implement it in a high-level programming language (Python/Go/PHP).

One of my development leaders once said the following, and I couldn’t agree more.

Good developers don’t care what language they use, language is just a tool to communicate with a computer, just like you speak Chinese or English, you should focus on how the computer solves real world problems.

So programming is really just implementing your logic in a programming language and then running it on a computer.

2. How to learn programming?

A lot of students who are not from a major course may think that programming is impossible to learn. You can start with a back-end language, such as Python, Go, or PHP. Then you develop documentation based on the language, download the relevant environment requirements, and print out the classic “Hello, World!” Congratulations, you’ve learned how to program! Then you’ll learn some syntax (conditional, loop), and you’ll probably know how to code your flowcharts to produce the results you want.

And then you get to this point, and then you find problems in your programming, and then you solve the problem, and it’s as simple as “How to implement a feature in a development language from Google or Baidu”, and then you go one step further.

Start with a simple implementation and slowly learn how it works. Know what it is before you know why.

Where do you think the dynamic data is? Then you have the opportunity to learn mysql (common storage database), after learning the database, this data is consistent for a period of time, I do not want to always connect to the database to fetch, can you cache first, and then you will find another cache tool (Redis), and learn Redis.

In fact, if you have a simple understanding of the use of mysql and Redis, as well as the syntax of a development language, you can actually do business backend development!

The best thing about the world of programming is the spirit of development. All for one, one for all!

3, small white how to advance?

Computer network principle is the foundation, development language is the formula, data structure and algorithm is internal work.

After a move of two types, the total feeling is missing something, or wondering why so, congratulations to you, you have noticed. You’ll learn more about how computers have evolved and why these languages work. Or in programming, you might find that sorting seems to be a better way to do it than the other way around, and then you might wonder why that is, and it’s really about the advantages of algorithms, and algorithms tend to rely on data structures, and you learn about it.

In fact, many backend developers are not very good at data structures and algorithms! It’s also a dividing line between junior and senior engineers.

Programming is a piece of cake for you if you can learn and think logically. In plain English, it’s about using development tools to implement product logic. Start with something simple and then slowly dig deeper. Books and development documents are the best teachers, small white entry is not difficult!