Java, a cross-platform, object-oriented programming language, is a perfect example of how it is not just a language, but a powerful development platform in its own right.

First, those of you who have studied it probably know what its advantages and features are. For example, it is simple, object-oriented, distributed, interpretive, reliable, secure, platform independent, portable, high performance, multi-threaded, dynamic and so on. And learned computer programming should be able to quickly accept this programming language, studious, fast.

Second, since our strong that you must have a competition, in various fields, its competitiveness is very strong, all kinds of website development, e-commerce, distributed computing, user interface, a record store seen before, management system and so on, has its shadow, has become the mainstream, we all know alipay, Meituan, taobao, Jingdong and so on are using Java to do the background. In addition, the talents corresponding to big companies are also very scarce, so more and more people learn it, and the relevant learning materials are abundant.

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Say again the python

With the rise and development of the field of big data and artificial intelligence, Python is more popular in the field of deep algorithms of ARTIFICIAL intelligence, and Java is more popular in the field of big data. Both of these directions are very promising, and for now the ai field is a bit more demanding, and of course the pay is good.

Python is widely used in high-level scientific research, especially academic research. Python is a very popular language among professors, because its concise syntax allows users to learn the language without too much effort, and its complete library is a favorite place for algorithm engineers.

To emphasize this, Python has a threshold, at least undergraduate students should be at least graduate, because Python is generally engaged in algorithms, data analysis and artificial intelligence, these several kinds of degree requirements are not low, do not believe the training institutions propaganda to learn Python annual salary of 300,000. Not everyone can.

As a whole, the two have their own advantages and disadvantages, and each market, and mutual penetration, so, conditional can understand the two languages, if it is a beginner, and from the long-term consideration, it is recommended to learn Java first.