
There are so many photos in the phone’s photo albums that the phone itself only has 64 GIGABytes of memory, which is not enough.

I had no money and no money to buy a phone, so I had to think of another way, so I uploaded my phone’s photo albums to my raspberry PI.

Mobile phone all of a sudden more 4G, why to upload to raspberry PI, and not to Baidu or Ali network disk?

Also because of the lack of money, upload, you can ceng company traffic, but sometimes download, you need traffic, MY monthly flow is only 2G, or have to save some use.

Why don’t you just buy a usb drive and plug it directly into your phone?

. It seems so, but there’s no money for a USB flash drive!

Prepare the material

  1. Raspberry PI zero W one

Install the minio

Download the minio

Copy the code

Grant execution permission

chmod +x minio
Copy the code

Start the minio server directly and store to ~/Photos

./minio server ~/Photos
Copy the code

The background to start

nohup ./minio server ~/Photos > minio.log 2>&1 & 
Copy the code

View the startup log,

tail -f minio.log
Copy the code

Open a browser to access the address, enter the account password to log in, and initialize the account minioadmin and password minioadmin

Change the password of a login account

MINIO_ROOT_USER=minio MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=minio123 ./minio server ~/Photos
Copy the code
