What does a binary tree look like

Easy to understand

1. A tree has only one root node, which is 7.

2. A circle is a node, and a node can have or have no left and right child nodes, such as 7. The left node is 4, and the right node is 9.

3. A node has a parent node, which can be null. For example, the parent node of 7 is NULL, and the parent node of 4 is 7.

4. If a node has both left and right child nodes, the degree of this node is 2; A node has left child node (right child node) but no right child node (left child node), that is, there is only one child node, the degree of this node is 1; A node has no child node, that is, degree 0, and this node is called leaf node.

5. A tree always has N nodes, n1 nodes with degree 1, N2 nodes with degree 1, and N0 leaf nodes, so n = n2+ N1 + N0.

6. Derivation formula: leaf node N0 = n2+1.

7. All trees can be traversed. Traversal methods include pre-order traversal, post-order traversal, middle-order traversal and layer-order traversal.

8. A node has precursor nodes and subsequent nodes, that is, the data traversed by the tree in middle order (normally, the numerical order is from smallest to largest). For example, the precursor node of node 7 is 4, and the subsequent node is 9.

Generating node objects


// Generate node objects according to their characteristics

class Node {
	constructor(val,parent) {
		this.element = val ? val : null;
		this.parent = parent ? parent : null;
		if(this.left ! =null && this.right! =null) {return true;
			return false; }}}Copy the code

An object that generates a universal tree


// Generate binary tree objects based on the universal binary tree

document.write("<script language=javascript src='./queue.js'></script>");
// Create a normal tree of the class, summarize the class properties and methods

class BSTCommon {
	constructor(arg) {
	// Whether the tree is empty
		return this.size;
	/ / clear the tree
	// Traversal (root -> left -> right)
		if(! (node==null)) {console.log(node.element)
	// Run (left node -> right node -> root node)
		if(! (node==null)) {this.beforeInOrder(node.left)
	// Order traversal (left node -> root node -> right node)
		if(! (node==null)) {this.beforeInOrder(node.left)
	// sequence traversal
		if(node==null) return;
		var queue = new Queue();
		while(! queue.isEmpty()){var node = queue.pop();
			if(node.left! =null){
			if(node.right! =null){
	// Returns the precursor node of the binary tree
		if(node ==null) return null;
		// In the first case, the precursor is in the left subtree, i.e. node.left! =null
		if(node.left! =null) {var p = node.left;
			while(p.right! =null){
				p = p.right;
			return p;
		Node. left==null, you can only search up until the search node is on the right of the parent node
		while(node.parent ! =null && node == node.parent.right){
			node = node.parent;
		// Exit the loop from above with parent empty or node== node.parent-right
		return node.parent
	// Returns the subsequent nodes of the binary tree
		if(node ==null) return null;
		// In the first case, the precursor is in the left subtree, i.e. node.left! =null
		if(node.right! =null) {var p = node.right;
			while(p.left! =null){
				p = p.left;
			return p;
		Node. left==null, you can only search up until the search node is on the right of the parent node
		while(node.parent ! =null && node == node.parent.left){
			node = node.parent;
		// Exit the loop from above with parent empty or node== node.parent-right
		return node.parent

Copy the code

// Queue objects
class Queue {
	constructor(arg) {
		this.dataStore = [];
	/ / team
	/ / out of the team
		return this.dataStore.shift()
		if(this.dataStore.length==0) {return true;
			return false; }}}Copy the code

Binary search tree features

  1. The value of any node is greater than the value of all nodes in its left subtree

  2. The value of any node is less than the value of all nodes in its right subtree

The binary search tree generates an object that inherits from the universal tree object


document.write("<script language=javascript src='./node.js'></script>");

class BST extends BSTCommon {
	constructor(arg) {
		super(a)this.root=new Node();
	/* Parameters are not necessarily numeric values, but may be objects, which requires the individual to define the comparison rules, so that parameters are passed in for comparison */
	add(data){  // The key point is parent
		if(this.root==null) return this.root = new Node(data);
		var node = this.root;
		var parent;
			parent = node;
				node= node.left;
					parent.left = new Node(data,parent)
					break; }}else{
				node= node.right;
					parent.right = new Node(data,parent)
					break; }}}this.size++
	/* Find the current deleted node object */ based on the deleted value
		// console.log(' Found node')
		// console.log(this.findNode(data))
	// Find the node object where the value is located
		if(this.root==null) return null;
		var node = this.root;
		while(node ! =null&& node.element! = data){if(data<node.element){
				node= node.left;
			}else{ node= node.right; }}return node;
	// The actual delete operation
		if(node==null) return;
		// The left and right nodes of the node are not empty
			var succeedNode = this.beHideNode(node);  // Find subsequent nodes of node
			node.element = succeedNode.element;
			node = succeedNode;  // Do not delete it for the time being
		// The node to this node must be degree 1 or degree 0. If degree 1 is left or right, get the value first
		varreplacement = node.left ! =null ? node.left : node.right;
		if(replacement! =null) {// This is a node of degree 1, since the value has been taken from the left or right side of node
			// Change the parent point of replacement
			replacement.parent = node.parent;
			// Then update the left and right directions of the parent
			// check whether parent is null
			if(node.parent ==null) {this.root = replacement;
				if(node == node.parent.left){
					node.parent.left = replacement
				}else if(node == node.parent.right){
					node.parent.right = replacement
		}else{  // Here is a node with degree 0, but we don't know if it is the root node
			if(node.parent == null) {/ / the root node
			}else{  // Not the root node
				if(node == node.parent.left){
					node.parent.right=null}}}}// Contains a node
		if(this.root==null) return false;
		var node = this.root;
		while(node ! =null&& node.element! = data){if(data<node.element){
				node= node.left;
			}else{ node= node.right; }}// Exit the loop, node may be null, or node's element is already equal to data
		return Boolean(node); }}Copy the code

The test runs after the object is generated

Test in binary tree.html:

// binary tree. HTML<! DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> </body> </html> <script type="text/javascript" src="./bstCommon.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="./bst.js"></script> <script Type ="text/javascript"> var BST = new BST() var arr = [4,2,8,6,9, 5] for(var I =0; i<arr.length; I++) {BST. Add (arr) [I]} / / console log (' preorder traversal) / / BST beforeInOrder (BST) root) / / console log (' after sequence traversal) / / Bst.behindinorder (bst.root) // console.log(bst.middleinOrder (bst.root) console.log(bst.middleinOrder (bst.root) console.log(bst.behindinOrder (bst.root) console.log(bst.middleinOrder (bst.root) console.log(bst.middleinOrder (bst.root) console.log(bst.middleinOrder (bst.root) console.log) Bst.levelinorder (bst.root) // console.log(bst.contain(3)) bst.remove(6) console.log(' folder ') bst.levelinOrder (bst.root) </script>Copy the code


This is based on js code generated by the simple binary search tree interface, and the object inside can add a lot of properties and methods, here write only for a very simple way, add, delete, traverse, this a few method is convenient to know the binary tree of the knowledge, and based on binary search tree, on the basis of a lot of AVL tree, B tree, red and black tree, These trees can inherit objects from the binary search tree.