• Talk about the MEMORY model of the JVM.
  • How does JAVA class loading work?
  • What is the parent delegate mechanism? What does it do?
  • How does an object go from being loaded into the JVM to being cleaned by GC?
  • How do YOU determine if an object is garbage? What is GC Root?
  • Arthas-Java Troubleshooting artifact use
  • What garbage collection algorithms does the JVM have?
  • What garbage collectors does the JVM have? How do they work? What is STW? What stages do they take place in? What is the tricolor mark? How to solve the problem of mismarking and missing marking? Why design so many garbage collectors?
  • How do I tune the JVM? What are the JVM parameters? How to view JVM parameters for a Java process. If a Java program runs for a while and becomes very sluggish, how are you going to optimize it?