One, the city distribution query order

Query order information

1.1 Interface Format

Provides a uniform format HTTP POST or GET invocation interface and returns uniform format JSON data.

1.2 Requesting an Address…

Request parameters:

Parameter names If required type instructions
method is string Business type (default: query)
key is string Authorization code, please go to express 100 page to apply for enterprise version interface to
sign is string It is signed in 32-bit uppercase and used for authentication. MD5 encryption is performed according to the sequence of MD5 (Param + T +key+ secret). The secret number is not required
t is string Time stamp: 1576123932000
param is param Concatenated by other fields

Param data structure:

Parameter names If required type instructions
taskId is string Task ID
orderId is string The order ID

1.3 Returned Result

field type instructions note
result boolean Submit the results True The submission succeeds. False the submission fails
returnCode string Return codes
message string Return message description
data data

Data structure

field type instructions note
courierName string The rider name Null in some states
courierPhone string The rider phone Null in some states
lat string Current rider position (latitude) Null in some states
lnt string Current rider position (longitude) Null in some states
status int Order status 0- Successful order 1- Received order 10- Received goods 13- signed for 9- User cancels 99- Order cancelled
com string Express Company Code
num string Express company order No
predictDeliveryTime String Estimated time of arrival Flash, express service support, partial state is empty
traiUrl String The map link Sf Express support part of the state is empty

1.4 Provide data content

Param example


 		"taskId": "2B389A891A2C4AF8AB29927050DA52CC"."orderId": "1000086"

Copy the code

Return result example


  		"returnCode": "200"."result": true."message": "Submission successful"."data": {

    		"courierName": Master "G"."courierPhone": "15010033036"."predictDeliveryTime": "The 2021-03-10 11:00:37"."lat": "29.24303"."lng": "91.77957"."status": 1}}Copy the code


Partial status means that some parameters do not exist in the successful, signed, or cancelled status

1.5 Meaning of information Code

Information code Information Description Causes and recommended handling methods
200 successful successful
400 Parameter error, etc. Submit data is incomplete, check whether the submit format is X-www-form-urlencoded POST format
500 Server error Sometimes, if the request is not submitted according to the standard, for example, the parameters of the express company are not filled in according to the document, etc., this error will also be reported
501 Repeat submit Sometimes, if the request is not submitted according to the standard, for example, the parameters of the express company are not filled in according to the document, etc., this error will also be reported
503 Failed to verify the signature Check the encryption mode. The sequence of param + t + key+ secret is encrypted by MD5. After the encryption, the string is uppercase
601 The key is expired There is no single unit available, the account needs to be recharged

I. Cancel the ordering interface for same-city delivery

Cancel the finished order

1.1 Interface Format

Provides a uniform format HTTP POST or GET invocation interface and returns uniform format JSON data.

1.2 Requesting an Address…

Request parameters:

Parameter names If required type instructions
method is string Business type (default: cancelBest)
key is string Authorization code, please go to express 100 page to apply for enterprise version interface to
sign is string It is signed in 32-bit uppercase and used for authentication. MD5 encryption is performed according to the sequence of MD5 (Param + T +key+ secret). The secret number is not required
t is string Time stamp: 1576123932000
param is param Concatenated by other fields

Param data structure:

Parameter names If required type instructions
taskId is string Task ID
orderId is string The order ID
cancelMsg is string Reason for cancellation: The mail will not be sent for the time being

1.3 Returned Result

field type instructions note
result boolean Submit the results True The submission succeeds. False the submission fails
returnCode string Return codes
message string Return message description
data data This rimmer thought empty

1.4 Provide data content

Param example

  		"taskId":"2B389A891A2C4AF8AB29927050DA52CC"."orderId":"1000086"."cancelMsg":"Wrong address information, order again."
Copy the code

Return result example


  		"returnCode": "200"."result": true."message": "Cancelled successfully"


Copy the code

1.5 Meaning of information Code

Information code Information Description Causes and recommended handling methods
200 successful successful
400 Parameter error, etc. Submit data is incomplete, check whether the submit format is X-www-form-urlencoded POST format
500 Server error Sometimes, if the request is not submitted according to the standard, for example, the parameters of the express company are not filled in according to the document, etc., this error will also be reported
501 Repeat submit Sometimes, if the request is not submitted according to the standard, for example, the parameters of the express company are not filled in according to the document, etc., this error will also be reported
503 Failed to verify the signature Check the encryption mode. The sequence of param + t + key+ secret is encrypted by MD5. After the encryption, the string is uppercase
601 The key is expired There is no single unit available, the account needs to be recharged

Official documents:……