Describes how to deploy a front – and back-end separation project using Nginx.
A list,
Article structure:
- This section describes nginx configuration
- Write a script to implement one-click publishing
- How do I deploy the Node service using PM2
Nginx is used as a static resource server to host static files such as HTML, CSS, AND JS images, and then proxies Ajax requests that meet certain criteria to back-end services. Can realize the deployment of the front and back end projects.
In the separated mode of the front and back ends, the front and back ends deploy their own projects respectively, and the request sent from the front end to a service port of the back end will cause cross-domain. Therefore, Nginx is used to set forwarding to solve the cross-domain problem.
Nginx configuration
If you are not familiar with Nginx, please refer to my other article: What you Need to know about Nginx at the front end
- Nginx configuration is posted directly here
worker_processes 1;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
access_log /usr/local/etc/nginx/logs/access.log; #nginx request log address
sendfile on;
keepalive_timeout 65;
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location / {
root html;
index index.html index.htm;
# the front-end
location /blog {
root /data/sites/;
autoindex on;
expires 30d; Cache for 30 days
The # HTML file is not set to strong cache, each time the server to confirm whether to update
if ($request_filename ~ .*\.(htm|html)$) {
add_header Cache-Control no-cache;
if(! -e $request_filename) {rewrite^ / (. *)/blog/index.html; }}# back end, only forward /blog/ API requests
location /blog/api {
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header Host $host; # pass domain name
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; # transfer IP
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme; # Transfer protocol
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
# redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
roothtml; }}}Copy the code
One command deploys front-end static resources
Run the script directly
NPM can be used after the startup script is configured in the project
"scripts": {
"publish": "sh build/"
npm run publish
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#! /bin/bash
branch_name=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed -e 's,.*/\(.*\),\1,')
publishFolder='/data/sites/blog' # nginx target directory
echo On branch: $branch_name
# publish function
fun_publish () {
echo '\n2. start publish... '
if [ ! -d $publishFolder ];
then sudo mkdir -p $publishFolder
# recursive overwrite copy
sudo cp -f -r 'dist/.' $publishFolder
fun_green_log 'publish success! over~\n'
fun_run_log () {
echo "\033[33m \n$ $* \033[0m"$*}fun_green_log () {
echo "\033[32m$* \033[0m"
if [ $branch_name= ='master'] | | [$branch_name= ='gray' ];
# build
echo '\n1. start build... '
fun_run_log npm run build
fun_green_log 'build success, publish file list:'
find ${current_path}/dist -type f
# make sure
echo "\nAre you sure to publish to ${publishFolder}? (yes/no)"
read answer
if [ $answer! ='yes' ]
then echo Cancel publish, return!
else fun_publish # publish
echo "Only the branch:master can publish! You are on$branch_name."
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4. Use PM2 to deploy services
Normally, to start the service locally, you need to open the terminal and run NPM run start to start the service. However, when you exit the terminal, the service stops or you need to manually kill the service to restart it again.
Pm2 (Process Manager) is a process management tool. It maintains a list of processes, which can be used to manage your Node processes, take charge of all running processes, and check the status of the Node process. You can start the Node process as a daemon. Functions such as load balancing.
- Common commands
pm2 start server.js # start service
pm2 list # list all processes
pm2 restart 0 Restart the service in 0 seconds
pm2 stop 0 # service shutdown
pm2 log 0 Check the process console log
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- Parameters that
Launch parameters | role |
watch | Pm2 will be automatically reloaded when the app.js file is changed |
name | Give the process a name for easy identification in the list |
- Example for Starting services
pm2 start npm --name blog-server -- run start
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id | name | namespace | version | mode | pid | uptime | ↺ | status | cpu | mem | user | watching |
0 | blog-server | default | N/A | fork | 2664 | 7s | 0 | online | 5.3% | 44.6 MB | username | disabled |
Five, the reference
- Deploy node projects automatically using PM2
- What the front end needs to know about Nginx