MQTT version of micro message queue is designed for mobile Internet (MI), Internet of Things (IoT) field of messaging products, covering interactive live, financial payment, intelligent catering, instant chat, mobile Apps, smart devices, Internet of vehicles and other application scenarios; Through the comprehensive support of MQTT, WebSocket and other protocols, the two-way communication between the connection end and the cloud can realize message communication between C2C, C2B, B2C and other business scenarios, supporting tens of millions of devices and message concurrency.

The MOSQUITo-PHP SDK recommended by PHP in the AliCloud documentation is mosquito-PHP, a MOSQUITo-PHP MQTT extension based on callbacks and asynchronous operations that also relies on libmosquitto.

Simps/MQTT is a pure PHP code implementation of protocol parsing, the client implementation of Swoole based synchronous blocking client and coroutine client, can be used in PHP-FPM and CLI two modes.

In addition, SIMPS/MQTT supports MQTT 5.0 protocol, which is the first class library of PHP that supports MQTT 5.0 protocol. If MQTT version of micro-message queue of Ali Cloud supports MQTT 5.0 protocol in the later stage, it can be upgraded seamlessly.

The following sample code uses simps/ MQTT to implement mosquito-PHP provided earlier

git clone
cd aliyun-mqtt
composer install
Copy the code

The sample code only implements the test logic and needs to be further refined for specific business use.

  • The configuration file


return [
    'access_key'= >' '.// Aliyun account AccessKey
    'secret_key'= >' '.// Ali cloud account SecretKey
    'end_point'= >' '.// Access point address, obtained from console after purchasing instance
    'instance_id'= >' '.// Instance ID, obtained from console after purchase
    'topic'= >' '.// MQTT Topic, where the first level Topic needs to be applied in advance at the MQTT console
    'group_id'= >' '.// the MQTT client ID prefix, GroupID, needs to be applied in the MQTT console
Copy the code
  • Example using MQTT messaging alone


include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Simps\MQTT\Client;
use Simps\MQTT\Config\ClientConfig;
use function Swoole\Coroutine\run;

run(function () {
    $config = require_once __DIR__ . '/config.php';

    // MQTT Client ID suffix, DeviceId, which can be specified by the service side freely. Ensure that it is globally unique and prohibit two client connections from using the same ID
    $deviceId = Client::genClientID();
    $qos = 0;
    $port = 1883;
    $keepalive = 90;
    $cleanSession = true;
    $clientId = $config['group_id'].'@ @ @' . $deviceId;
    echo "ClientId: {$clientId}", PHP_EOL;

    // Set authentication parameters and calculate username and password by referring to the MQTT client authentication code
    $username = 'Signature|' . $config['access_key'].'|' . $config['instance_id'];
    $sigStr = hash_hmac("sha1".$clientId.$config['secret_key'].true);
    $password = base64_encode($sigStr);
    echo "UserName: {$username} \r\nPassword: {$password}", PHP_EOL;

    // Initialize the client configuration
    $clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
            'open_mqtt_protocol'= >true.'package_max_length'= >2 * 1024 * 1024,]);try {
        // Initialize the client
        $client = new Client($config['end_point'].$port.$clientConfig);

        $connect = $client->connect($cleanSession);
        // Connection status

        $topics[$config['topic']] = $qos;
        $subStatus = $client->subscribe($topics);
        // Subscription status

        $publishStatus = $client->publish($config['topic']."Hello MQTT PHP Demo".$qos);
        // Publish status

        $buffer = $client->recv();
        // Subscribe to receive messages

        echo 'Finished';
    } catch (\Throwable $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage(); }});Copy the code
  • Examples of MQTT signatures


  • MQTT Token sample


  • MQTT send order message RocketMQ subscribe order message example


  • P2P sending and receiving mode
