• Author: Chen Da Yu Tou
  • Making: KRISACHAN

Since I started writing code, I’ve spent most of my day on my computer and the ergonomic chair that I brought back from headquarters X.

Fish head also experienced countless times of obesity -> lose weight -> rebound -> lose weight -> rebound again -> do not lose the process.

When I first started writing code, MY weight was creeping up because I was sitting too long and snacking too much.

Oneself waistline is gradually loose, hairline escapes slowly, lumbar vertebra cervical vertebra also begins uncomfortable, finger also begins ghee, basically weight is increasing with the speed of 5 kilograms every half year, the body also begins slowly empty rise.

Later, I felt that I couldn’t go on like this, so I started my own sports journey.

Stage 1: Lose weight

In the first six months of writing code, my weight increased from 62.5kg to 72.5kg, and I gained 10KG.

In the state of the purse and weight inverse ratio, he began to slowly understand the topic of weight loss.

This is a heavy topic for adults.

In my first attempt to lose weight, I quickly dropped from 72.5KG to 67.5KG, and then gradually dropped to 65KG.

How weight Loss Works

First of all, we should know that the fundamental principle of weight loss is the formation of calorie difference, that is, consumption is greater than intake.

Consumption mainly includes two parts: basal metabolism and daily consumption;

Intake is what we put into our bodies each day, both of which can be measured in calories.

All kinds of weight-loss drugs and weight-loss methods on the market, in addition to hurting your body, are almost no help to weight loss, may be able to lose weight, but the body has become poor, and it is easy to rebound.

Except for liposuction, of course…

But in fact, if you do not control the intake and consumption of calories, it is easy to gain weight even if you lose weight.

Sell like thief expensive reducing weight product on market so, for example explode sweat suit, reducing weight medicine, jounce jounce machine is the word that does not have any use, the method reducing weight that really depends on reliable is tube stop mouth, take a leg, among them tube stop mouth is particularly important.

Ways to lose weight

Having said so much, then how did yu Tou Ben tou lose weight?

In fact, at the very beginning, I didn’t do much exercise, just do some anaerobic exercise every day, and mainly controlled my diet.

Fish head in the first month, basically only eat fruit, boiled vegetables, boiled egg white, boiled chicken breast and other low-fat food every day, this method is actually not healthy, the body metabolic rate will decrease, weakness, easy to halitosis; Especially for women, it may also affect menstrual and other physiological activities.

But it is suitable for people with large weight to brush fat in the short term.

If you are healthy and want to lose weight quickly, you can start eating like this for a short period of time.

But there are four things we need to keep in mind when it comes to food for healthy and steady fat loss:

  1. Oil polysaccharides do not eat: the general food will not eat fat, but if added oil, absorption into it is easy to fat; Snacks, milk tea, cake what is also, can not eat do not eat; There is a key point to pay attention to is watermelon, watermelon is a fruit, the unit calorie is not high, but easy to eat more, worked hard to lose weight for a week, a meal down there is no;
  2. Eat less fat meat: there are many people like to eat fat meat (fish head also used to like, pork belly, barbecued pork, simply not too delicious), but this is obviously excessive calories;
  3. Visceral eat less: visceral fat content is also very high, this we should also pay attention to;
  4. Eat less carbohydrates: carbohydrate is very important, is the main source of energy every day, if you do not eat it is easy to lose muscle, but in the stage of weight loss can eat less, if you do not eat enough, then fruits, vegetables, whole grains, boiled meat and egg white.

Because I am not a professional dietitian, and do not need to rely on the body for food, so there is not too much attention, almost ok, but here is a point to pay attention to, if you are hypoglycemia, or in the process of discomfort, you must stop, health first!

These are my main diets when I was losing fat. If you have any questions or better recipes, please leave a comment.

The most began to exercise less, but because the control diet, so also is thin very quickly, this is not to say that as long as you pay attention to diet, don’t just OK, low calorie intake is not good to the body for a long time, just because the new weight loss has a dividend (brought about by the changes in lifestyle), so to eat like this short, main or intake with cost control.

Stage two: Running

After the fish head slowly thin down to contact sports, because thin, but also moved.

Initially, Fishhead chose running as a way to maintain weight and relieve fatigue.

After all, running is the lowest barrier to entry.

So what do you need to know about running for beginners?

First, prepare a pair of running shoes that are comfortable and fit your foot shape.

If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. Running shoes are the most important running equipment. Be not the shoe that the price jumps over is better, suit oneself just is supremely standard.

In addition to professional running shoes and cross-country running shoes, suitable for ordinary running, mainly divided into slow shock system, stable system (support shock absorbent) and control system three categories, respectively suitable for normal arch foot type of light weight, moderate and heavy weight runners.

Different arch types, pronation or pronation, are all important factors in choosing a running shoe.

How to check your foot shape? Actually foot type no more than three kinds:

Photos from Zhihu:How should beginners choose running shoes?

Different arch types, pronation or pronation, are all important factors in choosing a running shoe.

First of all to see

The easiest way to determine the shape of your foot is to simulate the shape of your hand

During running, if the palm is slightly inward when landing off the ground, it is pronated;

If the palm is facing down (midfoot), it is midfoot;

If the palm is slightly outward (touching the ground inward), it is pronated. **

The specific situation can be in the time to buy shoes to consult customer service or sales clerk, here is not launched.

As for how to choose, you can also look at the following image:

Photos from Zhihu:How should beginners choose running shoes?

Second, attention when running.

Precautions before running

What do you need to pay attention to when running?

Always check your condition before running, and don’t run if you feel uncomfortable or tired.

And don’t run when it’s too hot or too cold. Just run when you feel comfortable.

Running is usually done in the morning before the sun comes out or in the evening when the hills are set. The temperature at this time will be more appropriate and it will not be unsafe.

Warm up before you run and stretch afterwards.

You can download an exercise APP to follow the specific movements. The fish head uses Keep.

If you are interested, you can also follow the Keep account “Kris Chen Da Yu Tou” and join the movement.

Running form

A picture is worth a thousand words

Photos from Zhihu:What is the correct running form?

One thing to watch out for here is breathing. Novice runners often have a hard time running at a steady aerobic pace. Breathing through the nose allows novice runners to better control their speed. In general, jogging can be 3:3 (3 steps, 1 exhale, 3 steps, 1 inhale).

Also, land on your toes, not your feet.

Third, a sustainable running program

Running is also a long-term persistence, for beginners, fish head here to provide a schedule, we can refer to the reference.

time plan
The first week Monday, Wednesday, Friday morning run or night run (winter can choose evening run, summer night run not too late, 20:00-21:00 will be more appropriate), run 3 km each time, weekend energy can continue or the next stage of the amount of running, otherwise rest.
In the second week of Monday, Wednesday, Friday morning run or night run (winter can choose evening run, summer night run not too late, 20:00-21:00 will be more appropriate), run 5km each time, weekend energy can continue or the next stage of the amount of running, otherwise rest.
The third week Monday, Thursday morning run or night run (winter can choose evening run, summer night run not too late, 20:00-21:00 will be more appropriate), run 7km each time, weekend energy can continue or the next stage of the amount of running, otherwise rest.
The fourth week Monday, Thursday morning run or night run (winter can choose evening run, summer night run not too late, 20:00-21:00 will be more suitable), each run 9 km

According to the training plan above, you should be able to run 10km in about the fifth week. After running 10km, you will be an amateur runner in the door. During this process, you will also be exposed to the relevant knowledge and can make your own plans.

The above is only a reference to the amount of running, specific can be specified according to the individual situation, but the principle is safe, sustainable, do what one can!

Phase three: fitness

A combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise is better.

Fish head also did a fitness card, but the fitness card did more than a year, but the effect is no, I think a few days should personally come to see is why.

As a matter of fact, I don’t go to the gym very much recently because of my work and the boring trainer who sells private lessons. However, I can also exercise without going to the gym. After all, I don’t depend on my body to live.

Are there other exercises you can do at home besides going to the gym? Yes.

Specifically, you can follow the training on the exercise APP. It is recommended to practice every day and then increase the amount every week.

But the important thing about anaerobic exercise is that most movements require: shoulder lifting, belly pulling in, and proper breathing.

Countershoulder is to prevent other parts from borrowing;

Stomach retraction is to stabilize the core and reduce the chance of injury;

Breathing is also to give people a good exercise rhythm, enhance the training effect, for the crowd of fat loss, correct breathing is also very important, some people because they will not use the correct breathing method in the process of fitness often appear symptoms such as side stitches, dizziness. Generally exhale when force, inhale when restore.

If it is to go to the gym, the hand has surplus food, suggest to find a fitness coach, buy a set of private teaching tape, or see if there is a friend can teach their own, their practice is easy to hurt.

Fish head also does some simple exercises when not going to the gym, which are as follows:


Push-ups are the best exercises for the pectoralis major and triceps, and they are easy to do and are not limited by the venue. It’s also one of the easiest moves to learn in resistance training.


  1. Body support, chest up, body must be in a straight line from shoulders to ankles, arms on chest, hands slightly wider than shoulders;
  2. Then start to slowly descend, elbow Angle is 90 degrees after the start of the return (if you can’t do it can kneel on the knee, this time the hands forward a little, so that still can keep chest higher than hip);


  1. Regular push-ups

Image from the HI Campaign

  1. Kneel push-ups (when you can’t do regular push-ups)

Image from the HI Campaign

Matters needing attention

  1. The elderly are forbidden to use fingers, high-fives and weight-bearing exercises. Patients with heart disease and hypertension are forbidden this method.
  2. Push-ups are gravity training. Long-term push-ups are easy to cause greater pressure and impact on knuckles (fist), wrist (palm) and shoulder, causing pain and damage to the above parts. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain these joints more frequently.

Tablet support

Plank is a kind of muscle training method similar to push-ups. It is mainly exercised in the prone position and can effectively exercise the transverse abdominis muscle, which is recognized as an effective method to train the core muscle group.


  1. Shoulder, waist and ankle are in the same line
  2. The big arm is perpendicular to the ground
  3. Keep your neck naturally relaxed


  1. routine

Image from the HI Campaign

Matters needing attention

  1. Keep your body straight at all times and stay in this position for as long as possible. To increase difficulty, arms or legs can be raised;
  2. You need a suitable flat plate, not too hard, not too soft. With your shoulders above your elbows, keep your abdominal muscles contracting for power (control).

Bobby jump

Bobby jump is one of my favorite moves, as anyone who has done HIIT knows, it is a move that makes people scared, hearers sad and doers cry. But for burning fat, raising exercise heart rate is very effective.

Burpee is a transliteration of burpee. It is a combination of squat, push-ups, leg flexion and abdominal retraction, etc. The muscles trained include core, arms, chest muscles and back, which can be used for 75% of the muscles of the body.


  1. Jump back with feet, torso in line with legs;
  2. Keep the movement steady and consistent;
  3. Tighten the abdomen and have a brief lift.


  1. routine

Image from the HI Campaign


In order to ensure their health, many physical symptoms that programmers may have, such as neck pain and back pain, can be relieved by exercise. People who exercise regularly are not prone to these problems.

Do not know daily what does everybody have to relieve fatigue small trick? Welcome to discuss in the comments section. If you feel good, fish head can share with specific points.

If you like to discuss technology, or have any comments or suggestions on this article, you are welcome to add yu Tou wechat friends to discuss. Of course, Yu Tou also hopes to talk about life, hobbies and things with you. His wechat id is krisChans95