Bob’s life goes on

  1. First of all, what is 996
  2. Take a look at Bob’s recent project schedule and daily attendance, first take a look at the overall schedule, in fact, there have been various overtime work since the year before, mainly there is a large demand for international multi-site (partial reconstruction, methods and skills please follow Bob’s blog to share)
  3. There are qingming Holiday and May Day holiday from April to May. Bob will take 3 days off from April 7th, 14th and 21st, and work all the rest of the time
  4. Then take a look at the recent daily attendance (actually not daily…)

Finally I want to say that no one wants 996, Bob neither, life goes on, family, kids, and programmer’s girlfriend, I’m really sorry

**1. In order to make a living, there is no doubt that Bob is not the smart type of person, a lot of work does need to work overtime... ** **2. In order to work, Bob's company does have some difficulties recently. It is also in the process of rapid change, a lot of work needs to be completed as soon as possible ** **3. For yourself, to a little pressure, do not escape, you will find a different you ****Copy the code

Value your time and treat your family well.