The multicolor icon has been around for a long time, and it seems a little old-fashioned to come out now… But for the convenience of knowing how to use iconfont in the future, and for more beginners to be familiar with iconfont, I decided to write a more detailed article to record its use. This article mainly refers to Uncle Hua’s article: Touch the hand, with your elegant use of icon
Create an account on the iconfont website and create a project. Select the response icon on the official website to add to the project. For example, I have a project called Vuepress-Bolg that adds a Github icon.
One of the most basic uses is using Unicode. Its main advantages are:
- Best compatibility, support IE6 +
- Support according to the font way to dynamically adjust icon size, color and so on, but the disadvantages are also obvious:
- Multicolor ICONS are not supported
- Fonts are rendered slightly differently on different devices, text is rendered differently on different browsers and systems, and the position and size of the display can be affected by CSS attributes such as font-size, line-height, word-spacing, and so on, which can be difficult to adjustThe first stepIntroduce fonts in your project’s CSS if your project is using images like
Such front-end framework development then you can in publiccss
For example, minevue
There is one under the projectcommon.css
/* common.css */
@font-face {
font-family: 'iconfont'; /* project id 872514 */
src: url('//');
src: url('//') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('//') format('woff'),
url('//') format('truetype'),
url('//') format('svg');
Copy the code
Note: the content above is not a copy of mine, but a copy of your Unicode content on the Iconfont project. This code is used to import the iconfont font remotely. You don’t need to download it locally. To introduce fonts into your project, you need to specify a class whose font type is iconfont:
/* common.css */
@font-face {
font-family: 'iconfont'; /* project id 872514 */
src: url('//');
src: url('//') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('//') format('woff'),
url('//') format('truetype'),
url('//') format('svg');
.icon-online { /* Define a class */
font-family:"iconfont" ! important;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-webkit-text-stroke-width: 0.2 px.;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
Copy the code
Since my font is imported remotely, I’ll call it icon-online, but you can use other names as well. Step 3 Use Unicode on the page
<i class="icon-online"> 
Copy the code
Create an I tag, give it a class, and then write the code for the font you want to use in the tag. This will display your corresponding icon on the page. As you can see, one of the big disadvantages of Unicode is that you see this string in the code. You don’t know what icon it is at all until you open iconFont and look for the corresponding code in your project. So there’s another way to font class.
The second way is to use font-class, which has some advantages:
- It is compatible with Internet Explorer 8+
- It is more intuitive to write than Unicode. It’s easy to tell what the icon is.The first stepfind
Under the project ofFont class
And copy it:
Then, in
/* common.css */
@import "//";
@font-face {
font-family: 'iconfont'; /* project id 872514 */
src: url('//');
src: url('//') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('//') format('woff'),
url('//') format('truetype'),
url('//') format('svg');
.icon-online { /* Define a class */
font-family:"iconfont" ! important;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-webkit-text-stroke-width: 0.2 px.;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
Copy the code
Then you can change the unicode mode to font class:
<i class="icon-online icon-github"></i>
Copy the code
Note : However, if your front-end project uses multiple sets of IconFont, be sure to have major namespace issues.
Both Unicode and Font class only support monochrome ICONS, so the iconfont I tag is equivalent to a word, and you can control its font color according to its color. But you can’t use multicolor.
As Internet Explorer slowly fades away, the svG-Icon format is becoming the mainstream and recommended method. It mainly has the following advantages:
- Support for multi-color ICONS, no longer limited by monochrome.
- Support for font-size and color adjustments like fonts.
- Support ie 9 +
- Animations can be implemented using CSS.
- Reduce HTTP requests.
- Vector, zoom without distortion
- You can finely control how each part of an SVG icon is used:The first stepThe introduction of
There are two ways of introduction:
- in
Click Download to local, it will download the font files related to this project. Find the one you downloadediconfont.js
File, copy it into your front-end project (just copy this one file), and reference it in your front-end codejs
<script src="./iconfont.js"></script>
Copy the code
- Remote import, no need to download this
“, but directlyiconfont
The address generated in the project:
<script src="//"></script>
Copy the code
The second step is to set the common class name
/* common.css */
.icon {
width: 1em; height: 1em;
vertical-align: -0.15 em;
fill: currentColor;
overflow: hidden;
Copy the code
Step 3 Select the corresponding icon and get the class name, and apply it to the page:
<svg class="icon" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#icon-github"></use>
Copy the code
xlink:href=”#” The prefix icon- not all ICONS have this prefix. Use it according to the font class of your icon. In addition, the use of symbol this way is not to need to reference woff | eot | the vera.ttf | these font library, namely the unicon and can save the font – class two steps.
Now you can go to the Iconfont color icon library and select the color icon you want to apply to your page.
Create a common multicolor icon component
By completing step 3 above, you are ready to use multicolor ICONS in your project. But how can a front-end with a “quest” allow long HTML tags to be written every time an icon is used? I’m sure the first thing you want to do is encapsulate it as a component. (If you did, congratulations, it clicked ) Take creating a multicolor icon component in vUE as an example: Step 1
Create the IconSvg component
Start by creating an iconsvg. vue file in your component folder:
<svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true">
<use :xlink:href="iconName"></use>
export default {
name: 'icon-svg'.props: {
iconClass: {
type: String.required: true}},computed: {
iconName() {
return ` #The ${this.iconClass}`}}}</script>
.svg-icon {
width: 1em;
height: 1em;
font-size: 18px;
vertical-align: -0.15 em;
fill: currentColor;
overflow: hidden;
Copy the code
The second step
Register as a global component
Since multicolor ICONS can be used in multiple places, I recommend that you register this component as a global component. For example, I would create a GlobalComponent folder in the Components folder:
Copy the code
Then in index.js, register it as a global component:
// Store some global components import Vue from'vue'
import IconSvg from './components/IconSvg'// Register icon-svg vue.component ('icon-svg', IconSvg)
Copy the code
Finally remember to introduce in main.js:
// main.js
import '@components/GlobalComponent'// Global component...Copy the code
The third step
Use multicolor icon components
Font-size: 16px “font-size: 16px”; font-size: 16px “font-size: 16px”;
<icon-svg icon-class="icon-github" />
Copy the code
Doesn’t that make it easier? Since icon-SVG is also a component, you can also add additional attributes to it, such as:
style="font-size: 20px;"
title="I am a Github icon"
Copy the code
But I ran into a problem in using it. When you want to add an event to the icon, it doesn’t work. Let’s say I add a click event to the icon:
<icon-svg icon-class="icon-github" @click="onClick"/>
Copy the code
The Click event did not fire. Temporary solution: use event modifiers native:
<icon-svg icon-class="icon-github" @click.native="onClick"/>
Copy the code
If you have a better solution, please leave it in the comments section, thanks…
Note Another benefit I like about using IconFont is that it can add multiple project members to a project, which makes it very convenient for the team to work on the project.
Multi-colored ICONS are used in wechat mini programs
Please refer to “Wechat applet using multi-color icon details”.
After the language
Refer to article: Hand to hand, with your elegant use of icon
Knowledge is priceless, support original