1. GitHub image access

Here are the two most commonly used mirror addresses:

  • github.com.cnpmjs.org

  • hub.fastgit.org

That is to say, the image above is a clone version of GitHub, you can visit the above mirror website, the content of the site is fully synchronized with GitHub mirror, and then download the clone in this website.

GitHub file acceleration

Cloudflare Workers is used to accelerate github release, Archive and project files, and the deployment does not require a server and has its own CDN.

  • gh.api.99988866.xyz

  • g.ioiox.com

The above website is a demonstration site. If you cannot open it, you can view the open source project: gh-proxy-Github (hunsh.net/archives/23…) Files accelerate self-deployment.

Github speeds up downloads

Just copy the current GitHub address and paste it into the input box to speed up the download!

Address: toolwa.com/github/


Speed up your Github


Enter the Github repository address and use the generated address to perform git SSH operations

5. GitHub Accelerator for Chrome (recommended)


If it is inconvenient for you to install online, you can reply to Github in the background of the public account to speed up.


6. GitHub Raw acceleration

Above the lot raw domain names is not github.com instead of raw.githubusercontent.com, making acceleration if not this domain name, you can use the Static services provided by the generation of CDN.

Raw.githubusercontent.com will be replaced by raw.staticdn.net can be accelerated.

7. GitHub + Jsdelivr

The only problem with jsdelivr is that it can’t get the EXE file or the EXE and DMG files attached to Release.

That is, if the EXE file is attached to Release but not in code, it cannot be retrieved. Therefore, it can only be used as a static file CDN, not as a Release to speed up download.

8. Transfer to fork warehouse for download through Gitee

There are many tutorials on the web, but here’s a brief explanation of how to do it.

Visit gitee website: gitee.com/ and log in. Select “Import repository from GitHub/GitLab” at the top as follows:


Paste your Github repository address in the import page and click Import:


Wait for the import operation to complete, then download and browse the corresponding GitHub repository code in the imported repository. You can also click the “refresh” button at the top of the repository to synchronize the GitHub repository.


9. Modify the HOSTS file to accelerate

Manually bind the CDN to the IP address.

Step 1: get lot global. SSL. Fastly address access: github.global.ssl.fastly.net.ipaddress.com/#ipinfo CDN and IP domain name:


Get: github.global.ssl.fastly.net

Step 2: Get the Github.com address

Access: github.com.ipaddress.com/#ipinfo CDN and IP:


Get: github.com

Step 3: Change the IP address found in the host file mapping


1, change the permissions of C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file and specify that it can be written to: right-click ->hosts-> Properties -> Security -> Edit -> click Users-> check box next to the permissions of Users “Write”. As follows:


Then click OK.

2, right click ->hosts-> Open Method -> Select Notepad (or your preferred editor) -> add the following at the end: github.global.ssl.fastly.net github.com

Copy the code