Reference for this article is… Record.9 figure use, their summary, attached Demo

Common operations

  • It is made ready9 figure.Package into APK for direct use (basic operation)
  • Dynamically load local, server9 figure.
  • Dynamically created using code9 figure.

Load.9 Figure flow

On the basis of the original image, 1px was added in the upper, lower, left and right directions, and black line (#FF000000) was used to define the stretching of the image and the filling of the content area.

Left-black dot vertical stretching area up-black dot horizontal stretching area right-black line vertical display area down-black line horizontal display area

To load the.9 diagram in Android

  1. It is made ready9 figure.
  2. will9 figure.Use the AAPT tool in the SDK directory9 figure.convertPNG figure(Automatic conversion when packaging APK)
  3. Image loading toBitmap, the use ofNinePatch.isNinePatchChunk(bitmap.getNinePatchChunk())Determine whether or not9 figure.
  4. create9 figure.Object, using the APInew NinePatchDrawable(Resources res, Bitmap bitmap, byte[] chunk, Rect padding, Rect opticalInsets, String srcName)
  5. NinePatchDrawableLoad it into the View

The core code

public static void setNineImagePatch(View view, File file, String url) {
    if (file.exists()) {
        Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.getAbsolutePath());
        byte[] chunk = bitmap.getNinePatchChunk();
        if (NinePatch.isNinePatchChunk(chunk)) {
            NinePatchDrawable patchy = new NinePatchDrawable(view.getResources(), bitmap, chunk, new Rect(), null); view.setBackground(patchy); }}}Copy the code

Example Demo: Demo address

Aapt conversion.9 figure

Single file conversion:./aapt s -i xxx.9.png -o xxx.png

/aapt c -s inputDir -c outputDir inputDir is the original.9 Figure folder, outputDir is the output folder

Aapt is in the build-tools folder of the SDK directory, such as: **\ SDK \build-tools\29.0.2 Example:

Single file conversionD:\tools\sdk\build-tools\ 29.0.3 >aapt s -i d: /temp/ 1.9.png -o d: /temp/out/ 1.png
Crunching single PNG file: d: \temp\ 1.9.png
        Output file: d: \temp\out\ 1.png# Batch conversionD: \tools\sdk\build-tools\ 29.0.3 >aapt c -S d: /temp/in -C d: /temp/out
Crunching PNG Files in source dir: d: \temp\in
To destination dir: d: \temp\out
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