There was a period of time in middle school obsessed with all kinds of magic, magic skills for female students during the break, after school to practice magic and fancy card cutting. Later, magic in my world sink for a good period of time, lamenting when a programmer to give up a lot of hobbies, this time I want to put them together. The compass is turning, this article teaches you to write a mind prediction magic terminal application
1. Technical introduction
The node depend on the package | The paper |
commander | Commonly used for scaffolding commands, according to the user input command response to different logic |
inquirer | Get user input information |
chalk | Terminal print highlights |
2. Experience magic
The installation
npm install magic_game_node -g
Copy the code
Start the game
magic_game_node --start
Copy the code
This is where the game begins:
Have not played the students to experience the magic of the charm of it ~~~
3. Principle analysis
You’re smart enough to know what’s going on, and yes, it’s a simple math problem, right
If you subtract the ones place plus the tens place from 0 to 100, you’re always going to be a multiple of 9 and a mathematical formula will tell you what you’re doing
Ps: (10x+y) is the two-digit number between 0 and 100, and (x+y) is the sum of the ones place plus the tens place
Since every time you calculate it is a multiple of 9, I will make the totem of multiple of 9 keep the same totem every time it runs, and the rest are random totems
4. Source code analysis
This program is only one file, the main game logic is not difficult, know principle after everyone can write basic logic, the following is to consider the good interaction experience, I hope is to use NPM can download, and then type the command started the game, at this time. I’ll use the commder js, it often on the hands and feet of registered command
// index.ts
#!/usr/bin/env node
const chalk = require('chalk')
const inquirer = require('inquirer')
const commander = require('commander');
// Instantiate commander
const program = new commander.Command();
// Encapsulate chalk to output color
function color_str(color: string, str: string) :string {
const colorStrings = chalk.keyword(color)
return colorStrings(str)
// random number function
function Random(min: number, max: number) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min
// Register the command
function registerCommend() {
.version('1.0.4'.'-v, --version')
// Start the game command
.option('-s, --start'.'Add peppers')
program.on('option:start'.function () {
// Execute the game logic
async function game_main() {
console.log(color_str("red"."Now the game begins."))
console.log(color_str("green"."Hi, everybody. I'm the composer growing the Sun."))
console.log(color_str("green"."Is a virtual civilization of the magician, next to begin my performance ~"))
await inquirer.prompt({
type: 'input'.name: "type".message: color_str("orange".'Please think of a random number between 10 and 100. Assuming the number is X, please subtract x from the sum of its units and tens places to obtain a number Q. Please repeat the number Q three times in your mind, press any key to continue.)})console.log(color_str("purple"."In our civilization, every number behind represents a totem. I have drawn the corresponding relationship. Please draw the totem corresponding to the number in meditation and keep it in mind.))
// Put ICONS that are not multiples of 9
const list1: string[] = ["
"."☬"."♝"."♬"."◐".♣ ""."Bring".♦ ""."
// Put the icon for multiples of 9
const list2: string[] = ["§"."〼"."When"."Problem"."☼"."☽"."■"."★"."♠"."Has"."
// the index of list2 is placed outside the for loop so that the ICONS for multiples of nine are consistent
const index2: number = Random(1.12)
for (let i = 1; i < 101; i++) {
/ / a single
let item: string;
const index1: number = Random(1.20)
// Multiple of nine
if (i % 9= = =0) {
item = `${i}:${list2[index2]}`
} else {
item = `${i}:${list1[index1]}`
// Outputs the newline logic
if (i % 5= =0 && i > 4) {
process.stdout.write(item + "\n")
process.stdout.write("\n")}else {
process.stdout.write(item + "")}}await inquirer.prompt({
type: 'input'.name: "waite".message: color_str("orange".'Have you chosen? Let me make a prediction.')})console.log(color_str("yellow"."-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --"))
console.log(color_str("yellow"."-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --"))
console.log(color_str("yellow"."-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --"))
console.log('What did you choose?${list2[index2]}`)
console.log(color_str("red"."If the prediction is right, please give my article a thumbs up."))
console.log(color_str("yellow"."-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --"))
console.log(color_str("yellow"."-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --"))
Copy the code
5. Publish to NPM… This article is very detailed, just follow this to publish NPM
However, you need to be aware of the following:
- The name in pageck.json cannot be the same as the package name published by NPM. Version needs to be updated each time it is published
- Add #! To index.ts file /usr/bin/env node to let the terminal know how to load the file
- The bin field in pageck.json points to the packaged JS file
The last
You can download the source code and run it yourself, and play the github address to run the command: NPM run dev
If you find this article helpful or give me some suggestions, please feel free to comment and start
Your encouragement is my motivation to write