The following is my compiled PHP resources, you see the officer to use, do not have to find their own.

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  • PHP PSR code standard

    • Website:
    • Original text:…
    • English:
  • PHP Resource List

  • PHP Design Pattern

  • PHP knowledge skill tree

PHP resources standing

Development projects

A comprehensive program

  • DuckChat – Proprietary chat software
  • BookStack – wiki-like and online book writing platform

PHP framework

  • Slim
  • Flight [GitHub] – An extensible micro-framework for PHP
  • Bullet PHP [GitHub] – A micro framework for building REST APIs
  • Aura – Contains many components
  • Kohana-hmvc framework
  • Workerman-php Socket server framework
  • Ohsce – High reliability PHP communication & control framework SOCKET
  • PPM – PHP Process Manager
  • ZPHP – SOA Service Framework
  • Appserver. IO [GitHub] – Multithreaded PHP application server
  • MeepoPS – Multi-process SocketService
  • PhpDaemon [GitHub] – PHP asynchronous framework
  • Qpm-quick PHP process management framework
  • Zan PHP Framework – An open source WEB services Framework based on PHP coroutines
  • Swoole-php is a high-performance network communication framework
  • React-asynchronous Framework (NODE.js for PHP)
  • Zephir [GitHub] – you can write programs in intermediate code similar to PHP, then automatically convert to C++ and run them as extensions
  • Yaf – Yet Another Framework
  • APIx
  • Go! [GitHub] – PHP AOP framework
  • ToroPHP – Miniature routing framework
  • Fat-Free Framework

Software/class libraries

Not classified

  • SmartWiki – Documentation tool that supports MD
  • Monolog
  • Hoa – An extensible set of PHP libraries
  • Kanboard – Project management tool
  • Belt – Tool function library
  • PHP Sitemap Generator – Sitemap generation class
  • Array2XML
  • XML2Array
  • PChart – Chart generation library
  • PHP QR Code – QR Code generation
  • Easybook
  • Hashids – Generates unique, discontinuous short ids based on integers
  • Particle – Unique ID generator
  • Pinyin – Chinese to Pinyin tool
  • Ratchet [GitHub] – Create real-time, two-way client server WebSockets application
  • JsonMapper – library that maps embedded JSON structures to PHP classes
  • Macaw-php routing class
  • Fastroute-php routing class
  • Pimple – Dependency injection container
  • PHP-DI [GitHub] – Dependency injection container
  • Mobile Detect – Browser environment detection
  • DeviceDetector – Browser environment detection class
  • PHP Cron Expression Parser – Crontab format parsing
  • Box-phar build tool
  • Phpmyfaq-f.a.q. application
  • Hook-baas software
  • KodExplorer [GitHub] – Web-based online file manager, code editor
  • ICEcoder [GitHub] – Web IDE (Web-based code editor)
  • Php-parser-php Parser
  • PHPSandbox – a way to run PHP as a standalone process
  • PHPCPD – Tools to find similar patterns in code
  • Ubench – code execution efficiency measurement tool
  • Text_Diff – Code file comparison tool
  • PHP Analyzer – Performs the same flow analysis as the compiler
  • Apache2nginx [GitHub] – Online conversion of Apache configuration to nginx configuration
  • Phproject [GitHub] – Project management system
  • php-mirroring – Packagist and Github mirroring
  • SocketLog – a tool for wechat, API, and AJAX debugging that outputs logs to the Chrome console via WebSocket
  • ApnsPHP – IOS push notifications
  • php-socket-raw
  • Faker – Fake data generator
  • Validations – Validation tools
  • Geocoder
  • Codiad – Web Online IDE
  • Style-Guide-Boilerplate – Manual making tools
  • PHP Humanizer – Data Formatting (multilingual)
  • UnifiedArchive – Compress/uncompress
  • Diff – PHP implementation of Diff
  • Php-ml-php machine learning library
  • Geotools – GEO Geographic information tool
  • Phpbrew-php version & extension management tool
  • X-prober-php probe
  • Countries – World countries in JSON, CSV, XML and YAML.
  • PHP dotenv – PHP .envEnvironment Configuration Management
  • Ramsey/UUID – UUID generator
  • Linfo – Server stats UI/library


The front-end related

  • Php-css-parser-php implemented CSS Parser
  • Minify-js and CSS compression tools
  • Munee – a PHP library for image resizing, CSS-JS merging/compression, caching, and more


  • Easy SMS – SMS sending component
  • PhpSms – SMS sending library
  • BotMan – A framework PHP library for building chatbots

File management

  • Nextcloud Server – Php-based private cloud service
  • Cloudreve – A cloud disk system that supports multiple cloud storage systems

Text processing

  • Pangu.php – Automatically adds Spaces for text
  • TOML parser for PHP
  • Yaml


  • Php-data-structure-and-algorithms – PHP Data structures and Algorithms

Code review

  • PHPStan – Static analysis tool to detect code bugs
  • PHP_CodeSniffer – PHP/JavaScript/CSS code specification check tool
  • Php-cs-fixer-php code specification inspection
  • PHPMD [GitHub] – PHPMD Mess Detector PHPMD [GitHub] – PHPMD Mess Detector
  • PHPCheckstyle – Code style detection software
  • GrumPHP – Code quality check tool



  • Whoops – Exception/error handling classes
  • BooBoo – Exception/error handling class
  • PHP-Error

A debugging tool





  • Chinese Calendar – Chinese calendar (lunar calendar) and solar calendar (Gregorian calendar) conversion and query tools
  • Carbon – Time and date processing class


  • overtrue Wechat
  • Wechat-PHP-SDK
  • LaneWeChat
  • WeiPHP
  • The micro engine
  • Vbot

Web scraping/proxy



The API documentation

The database


  • Phabricator – Project management software for agile development, including Code hosting, Code Review, task management, document management, problem tracking, build and continuous integration, blog, internal chat, etc

    • Phabricator Chinese site – contains Chinese documentation, all plug-in demo and configuration documents
  • Walle – Web system deployment tool

  • Piplin — Continuous Integration Systems

  • Phing [GitHub] – PHP project build tool

  • Deployer [GitHub] – PHP project deployment tool

  • PHPCI [GitHub] – Continuous integration tool


  • RoboTask – Object-oriented PHP task runner
  • Php-queue – Manages the application of the Queue back end
  • Robotask-php Background task component
  • Task – a pure PHP Task runner inspired by Grunt and Gulp
  • Php-resque – PHP version of Resque
  • TaskPHP – A scheduled task framework based on native PHP
  • SimpleFork – A streamlined PHP multiprocess control library

The cache



  • Matomo – Open source Web statistics software


  • Swift Mailer-PHP mail library
  • PHPMailer


PDF/bar code

  • Barcode – Barcode generation tool
  • Snappy – Generate thumbnails in image or PDF format based on URL or HTML page
  • TCPDF [GitHub] – Use the official PDF class to generate PDF documents and bar code generation tools
  • FPDF [GitHub] – Generates PDF files using pure PHP code
  • PDFParser [GitHub] – PDF document parser library
  • Dompdf
  • Browsershot – Converts HTML to an image, PDF, or string

HTTP/ Network communication

The test framework

  • Phpspec-specbdd testing framework
  • Behat-storybdd testing framework
  • Coforel-bdd full stack testing framework
  • PHPUnit – Unit testing framework
  • Atoum – Unit testing framework
  • Enhance-PHP – Unit testing framework
  • Mockery

A template engine

The image processing

  • Imagine – Picture manipulation class
  • Image Cache – Image compression, caching class
  • ImageWorkshop – A PHP library for managing and manipulating images
  • Intervention Image – Powerful Image manipulation class
  • Munee – Image size adjustment, CSS-JS merge/compression, caching and other functions
  • Gantti-gantt diagram is generated
  • Wideimage – Image processing library
  • Material Design Avatars-php avatar generation class
  • ShearPhoto – Screenshot tool
  • Glide – HTTP-based image manipulation
  • ColorExtractor – Gets the color in the image
  • Captcha – Verification code
  • Lychee – Picture management system

PHP extensions

  • Pickle – PHP extension installation tool
  • PHPTrace – a tool to trace and analyze PHP scripts
  • Zephir [GitHub] – Programming language for writing PHP extensions
  • Yaconf – A high-performance configuration management extension
  • PHP – beast-PHP source code encryption module

PHP related software/tools