This is the seventh day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see: August More Text Challenge

Obtain the DOM in js

1. document.getElementById()

Gets a DOM element object based on its ID

  • Parameter: element ID
  • Return value: The DOM object obtained based on the element ID, or null if not obtained
  • Note:
    1. If ID names are the same: then get the first;
    2. The context of getElementById must be Document
var parent = document.getElementById('parent');

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2. context.getElementsByTagName()

  • Parameter: label name
  • Return value: dom set of specified tag name obtained from context, not space-time set
  • Note:
    1. The DOM collection is a class array with a length and an index
    2. Context is not specified. When you want to get all the specified tags under an element, that element is the context
var lis = parent.getElementsByTagName('li'); }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
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3. context.getElementsByClassName()

In context, the collection of elements is obtained based on the element class name

  • Parameter: element class name
  • Return value: a collection of elements with the specified class, or an empty collection if not obtained
  • Context: The element under which you want to find the element with the class name is the context
var someBox = document.getElementsByClassName('some-box');
var child = parent.getElementsByClassName('child');
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4. document.getElementsByName

The name attribute is used to get the element object, typically a collection of form elements

  • Parameter: element name attribute
  • Return value: a collection of elements with the specified attribute value
var input = document.getElementsByName('inputField');

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5. document.documentElement

Gets the HTML element object


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6. document.body

Gets the body element object

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Gets the width and height of the browser’s visible window

  • The width of the
var winW = document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;

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  • highly
var winH = document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;

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7. According to the selector (can be used in mobile terminal, there is a compatibility problem in PC)

Context.queryselector gets one context. QuerySelectorAll gets allCopy the code
var single = document.querySelector('.some-box');

var multi = document.querySelectorAll('.some-box');
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2. DOM node properties

1. The node:

Everything in HTML becomes a node. Nodes describe the relationship between nodes through node attributes and obtain element objects according to node relationships.

DOM node:

node nodeType nodeName nodeValue
Element nodes 1 Upper case label name null
Text node 3 #text The text content
Comment node 8 #comment The comment
document 9 #document null

Note: Newlines and whitespace are text nodes

var parent = document.getElementById('parent');
var second = document.getElementById('second');
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2. Node attributes

2.1 childNodes

Gets all the children of the current element node whose attribute values are collections


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2.2 the children:

Gets all the element child nodes of the current element whose attribute values are collections

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2.3 fistChild

Gets the first child node of the current element

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2.4 firstElementChild

Gets the first element child node of the current element

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2.5 lastChild

Gets the last child node of the current element

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2.6 lastElementChild

Gets the last element child node of the current element

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2.7 parentNode

Gets the parent node of the current element where the attribute value is the object

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2.8 previousSibling

Gets the last sibling node

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2.9 previousElementSibling

Gets the sibling node of the previous element

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2.10 nextSibling

Gets the next sibling node

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2.11 nextElementSibling

Gets the next element sibling node

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    1. The node collection or nodes obtained according to the relationship between nodes are ALL DOM collections or DOM element objects. We can manipulate these collections or objects, just like we can manipulate DOM collections or objects.
parent.lastElementChild.firstElementChild.innerHTML = 'I added it through the DOM node property'; = 'red';
parent.lastElementChild.firstElementChild.onclick = function () {
  alert('This is the event bound by the DOM node property relationship.')};Copy the code

3. Dynamically operate the DOM

Create a DOM element object document.createElement()

  • Grammar: the document. The createElement method ()
  • Parameter: HTML tag name
  • Return value: the newly created DOM object
  • Note: The newly created DOM object behaves no differently than the DOM object we fetched from the page;
var newDiv = document.createElement('div');
newDiv.innerHTML = 'I'm a new div'; = 'red'; = '100px'; = '100px';
newDiv.onclick = function () {
  alert('I'm a click on a new div.');
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  • ? There’s no div on the page, right? Why not? Because we created this dynamically, we didn’t insert this new div into the HTML document.

AppendChild: adds an element to the end of the element container

  • AppendChild (element object);
  • Parameter: element object (either new or existing)
  • Return value: element object inserted into the container
var wrapper = document.getElementById('wrapper');
var obj = wrapper.appendChild(newDiv);
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3. Parent container. removeChild()

var originExist = document.getElementById('originExist');
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3. InsertBefore inserts an element before an element tag in the specified container

  • Syntax: parent container. InsertBefore (newEle, oldEle);
  • Parameters: the new element to be inserted, the old element already in the container
  • Return value: newEle
var insertResutl = wrapper.insertBefore(newDiv, originExist);
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4. CloneNode () to clone a node

  • Grammar: curEle cloneNode (false)
  • Parameter: true indicates deep clone, and all descendants of the current node are cloned. False indicates that only the current node is cloned
  • Return value: cloned node ()
var cloneWrapper = wrapper.cloneNode();
console.log(cloneWrapper === wrapper); # # # #falseThe clone has nothing to do with the original nodeCopy the code

4. Property operation

SetAttribute () sets HTML inline attributes for the current element

  • Syntax: element object. setAttribute(attr, value)
  • Parameters: property name, property value
var attributeBox = document.querySelector('#attributeBox');
attributeBox.setAttribute('name'.'Glass outside the River');
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GetAttribute () gets the attribute value of an in-line attribute in the current HTML

  • Syntax: element object. getAttribute(attr)
  • Parameter: property name
  • Return value: property value
var name = attributeBox.getAttribute('name');
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3. RemoveAttribute () deletes the specified attribute

  • Syntax: element object. removeAttribute(attr)
  • Parameter: The property to delete
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