This is the 19th day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: The Last Gwen Challenge in 2021″

❤️ About the author: Hello everyone, I am Xiao Xu Zhu. Java field quality creator 🏆, CSDN blog expert certification 🏆, Huawei Cloud enjoy expert certification 🏆

❤️ technology live, the appreciation

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A fan asked me if I could automate Jenkins deployment once GitLab submits. Take the time to post a good code, share with my fans, but also share with everyone.

Environment to prepare

Jenkins installation:

0❤️Jenkins from zero to one ❤️ : Install – Windows install using Jenkins. Msi

Install gitlab:

Gitlab from Zero to One is installed based on Docker-Gitlab

Jenkins configuration

Installing a plug-in

Install Gitlab Hook plug-in

Install the Build Authorization Token Root plug-in

Install Generic Webhook Trigger

Install GitLab

After the plug-in is installed successfully, restart Jenkins.

Gitlab configuration

Create a new test project

Create a simple Spring Boot project

After startup, access effects

Jenkins created a ci-test project

Operation as shown in figure:

Discard old builds

Choose Git for source management

Select the corresponding account password and specify the branch

Failed to connect to repository : Error performing git command: Git. Exe ls – remote – h HEAD

Error: The version of Git is too low, you need to upgrade it, or Jenkins has not configured git.

Next, log on to Jenkins screen and open “System Administration” -> “Global Tool Configuration” -> “Git” -> “Path to Git executable”

After saving, go back to the project configuration and reconfigure git information

There is no error at this point

Build triggers and add Webhooks

You need to install the Generic Webhook Trigger and GitLab plug-ins to get this option

Remember to fill in the GitLab CI Service URL in GitLab webhooks

Gitlab configuration webhooks

Fill in the URL and token (because I did not do SSH authentication, SO I did not use SSL authentication)

URL: Jenkins URL configured above

An error is reported after saving

Urlis blocked: Requests to the local network are not allowed


Enter the admin area

Test whether webhook is successful

An error was reported after operation

Hook executed successfully but returned HTTP 403 Error 403 anonymous is missing the Job/Build permission

HTTP ERROR 403 anonymous is missing the Job/Build permission

URI: /project/ci_test
MESSAGE: anonymous is missing the Job/Build permission
SERVLET: Stapler

Powered by Jetty: / / 9.4.42 v20210604


The anonymous user has the read permission

Remove cross-site request forgery

Major changes in Jenkins release since 2.204.6 include: removal of CSRF protection disabling

Jenkins version 2.204.6:

Jenkins 2.204.6 and above:

CSRF can be shut down after Jenkins is started by adding relevant parameter configuration for canceling protection before Jenkins starts. The configuration is as follows:
Copy the code

Restart Jenkins and see the effect, as shown in the figure, that is, CSRF is turned off.

If you hit test and return 200, you’re successful.

Validate automated builds

Submit the code to GitLab

Added an interface

Push to gitlab

Jenkins view

As shown, it has been built automatically

Let’s look at the log


To solve the “Hook executed successfully but returned HTTP 403” problem:…

High version Jenkins closed cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection:…