According to a June 2020 study by ErMetic and IDC, at least 79% of enterprises have experienced a cloud data breach in the past 18 months.

In 2020, the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has had a significant impact on network attacks. Generally speaking, attackers log in to servers by blasting, execute malicious commands to download botnet Trojans, set up botnets and control the compromised servers to receive remote instructions to launch DDos attacks. In addition, it also includes Web attack, malicious crawler attack, API attack and so on.

So how to use cloud server for high defense?

No matter whether you are running Windows or Linux, there will be vulnerabilities. If you find vulnerabilities, install patches in time to prevent them from being exploited by malicious attackers.

2. Install anti-virus software Network viruses are difficult to prevent, you can install the network version of anti-virus software on the cloud server to control the spread of viruses, in the use of anti-virus software, remember to timely update and update the virus database every day.

3. Install and configure a firewall. The firewall can prevent illegal access and is of great importance to the cloud server.

4. Regular backup From the perspective of cloud server security and data security, one thing needs to be done: regular backup to prevent sudden system failures or careless illegal operations by users. In addition, important system files that have been modified can be stored on different servers so that they can be recovered in time if the system crashes.

5. Protect the account password account password is like the first line of defense of the cloud server, once hackers enter the system, then the front defense measures are very likely to lose effect, so the server system administrator account and password management is very important to ensure system security measures.

6. Periodic security check By running the system log program, the system records the status of all users using the system, including the latest login time, accounts used, and activities. The log program generates reports periodically. By analyzing the reports, you can know whether there are anomalies.

Bird Cloud server provides 5G-20G free DDoS attack traffic cleaning to ensure the security of cloud server, comprehensive monitoring and alarm mechanism to ensure the normal operation of cloud server.

Professional DDoS defense devices provide Internet applications with refined defense capabilities against DDoS attacks, such as UDP Flood, SYN Flood, and CC attacks. You can configure traffic parameter thresholds in the user center, cloud server, and cloud server based on the service model to monitor attack and defense status.

Provides monitoring services for all products, including performance indicator monitoring, automatic alarm, and historical information query. With the cloud monitoring service, users can learn about cloud resource usage in more detail, facilitating timely adjustment.

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