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If you aren’t familiar with it, test-driven development (TDD) is a software development practice where you write tests before you write application code.

Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development practice that involves writing test code before you start writing application code.

TDD is something most computer science students are taught, but are never actually required to use. And you can get away without doing it for most of your coursework. (I have some thoughts on that here.)

Most computer science students learn ABOUT TDD, but are never actually required to use it. And you can get away with using it in most of your class work. (I have a few thoughts about it here)

At any rate:

At least:

  1. Good tests make Good documentation — both for you and anyone who might come onto your project later. Test frameworks Like Jasmine and Jasmine read like plain English. Name your tests in a way that describes the tested function’s behavior in a particular circumstance.

Good tests produce good documentation – you or someone else will probably revisit your project. Test frameworks like Jasmine and Jasmine read like normal English. Name tests in a way that describes the behavior of test functions in a particular environment.

  1. Even if writing a correct function implementation is difficult, pre-written tests will give you a clear target to hit.

You’ll program faster. Even writing a proper implementation of a function is difficult, and writing tests ahead of time will give you a clear goal.

  1. You’ll code correctly faster. Keep your test runner open to get continuous feedback on your work. This will get You to a correct implementation faster than coding an entire module at once and then testing it.

Make your tests run at work to get constant feedback and write code faster and correctly. This will allow you to implement a correct implementation more quickly than simply coding the entire module and then testing it.

  1. You won’t forget to write the tests. Code without tests should make You uneasy, period. Passing test suite is reassurance to you and other developers that your code (probably) won’t break.

You don’t forget to write tests, and code without tests makes you nervous. A comprehensive, passed test suite can reassure you and other developers that your code will (probably) not break.

  1. It provides a solid starting point for later work. Similar to #1. Also, if you pick a project back up after a few months, you’ll forget how most of the code works. Tests can be a reminder, and a tested code base can be a fallback if you suddenly break things.

It provides a solid starting point for future work. Similar to the first one. Also, if you go back to a project a few months later, you’ll forget how most of the code works. Tests remind you, and the test code base is a reference if you mess with something suddenly.

  1. It pushes you to write cleaner code. Long, complicated functions are hard to test. Simple tests and clear descriptions will naturally lead to shorter, more readable application code.

It forces you to write cleaner code. Long and complex functions are difficult to test. Simple testing and clear presentation naturally result in shorter and more readable application code.

  1. You’ll write more meaningful tests. With code already written, It’s easy to write tests that just pass instead of tests that confirm Useful functionality. Imagine if your math Professor only tested you on things you already knew — that wouldn’t be very useful!

You will write more meaningful specialties. If you write your code in advance, it’s easy to write tests to pass rather than to validate useful features. Imagine if your math teacher just tested what you already knew, there would be no point!

Do you have any other reasons? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

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