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This article is a translation, using free translation.
HTML is the cornerstone of Web development. However, many developers who are in a hurry to learn CSS, JS and so on just skip it and miss its potential.
Below are many attributes that are unfamiliar to beginners with HTML.
Developers who have had it for years probably don’t know. Say is an
1. Multiple
The multiple attribute is a Boolean value that allows the user to operate on the tag, which is of type file or email. Of course, you can also use the < SELECT > tag.
For email , add the multiple attribute. The email values you enter need to be separated with no Spaces.
For of type file, you can select multiple file uploads.
<input type="file" multiple />
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2. Accept
The element has an Accept attribute, which allows you to specify the type of file to upload.
You need to split file types by.
<input type="file" accept=".png, .jpg" />
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Of course, you can also use it to upload audio or video.
3. Contenteditable
Contenteditable is a global property (applicable to all HTML elements) that makes HTML editable.
Note that it only changes the visible content and the content of the DOM.
<div contenteditable="true">I'm a cool editable div ;)</div>
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Of course, if you want to make the entire document editable, you can use Document. designMode = “on” and document.designMode = “off” to turn off editing. If you want to save an entire document or an edit, you can do so directly through DOM manipulation.
4. Spellcheck
Spellcheck is also a global property that checks HTML content for spelling errors. You can use spellCheck on input and other elements.
Note: Spelling errors for non-editable elements are not normally checked, even if spellCheck is set to true and the browser supports checking.
<! -- No check -->
<p spellcheck="true">
Thanks furr checkinng my speling :)</p>
<! - check - >
<p contenteditable="true" spellcheck="true">
Thanks furr checkinng my speling :)</p>
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5. Translate
Translate tells the browser whether the specified content should be translated.
Say you want to prevent Google from automatically translating your company name or brand name.
<footer><p translate="no">LearnPine</p></footer>
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6. Poster
We can set the specified video poster with the Poster property while the video is loading or before the user starts playing the video.
If poster does not specify an image, the first frame of the video is available and displayed as a poster.
<video controls
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7. Download
The Download attribute, combined with the element, tells the browser the URL to download, rather than navigating to it, prompting the user to download it locally.
You can also name files.
<a href="index.html" download="fileName">Download me :)</a>
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The URL points to video and image resources, which will not be downloaded directly and will be redirected
7 Useful HTML Attributes you may not know
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