In today’s society, money is the standard to measure a person’s value. If you work in a company, no matter how much the leader values you, but the salary is very low, it is difficult to retain people, after all, the work is to make money, if you can’t meet the salary, it is nonsense to talk about anything else.

Recently, I saw such a popular post in the career forum, “7 old Android received the offer from Ali, and was angry when he proposed to leave the company to the leader: he didn’t even do the job for the annual salary of millions”. What the hell is going on? Please look down.

The net friend said, after graduating from college in sina work for 5 years, in sina did take about 10 people soldier at the grassroots level leaders to resign out behind the financial business do followed, to now also has been done for two years, the annual salary of 700000, but is in fact to the company’s sales and investment manager do outsourcing, technology, management structure ability what also have no, Recently, I received an annual salary of 1.2 million yuan from Ali.

Can mention to leave the time the leadership actually say: in our here 965, go to the fortune newspaper factory 996, is really what you want? Does an annual salary do everything to change your life qualitatively? Besides, I raised you all by myself, and you’re not a brother for a million bucks a year? The man listened to the leader’s words disconsolate.

Netizens have their own views on this:

  • Some net friends said: Listen to your boss parrot in order to retain you nonsense, do not deny that fubao factory has departments in 996, but most business departments of the group have not worked overtime to this intensity.

  • Some netizens said: When you talk to him about money, if he doesn’t give you money, you are playing a gangster. His boss is free to talk about his ideals, and you haven’t reached the economic ability to talk about ideals.

  • Another user said: “Go and have a look, life is not a regret… I just might not be able to get used to it and come out soon. Don’t ask me how I know, because I just mentioned leaving.

  • Some netizens said: it is not a wise choice to go to fortune Factory, we should improve ourselves on the basis of the original, see if you have the heart.

To be honest, man struggles upwards while water flows downwards. Ali is such a good platform. Why not go there? And a $1.2 million compared to 700000 now, is not the general difference is big, the main to ali also can learn things, to oneself also has a lot of help in the future, this leadership most bemused, talk about feelings is to play rascal don’t talk about money, if you, you walk not to walk, so don’t hesitate to go to ali is the best choice, want to keep people will give up the money.


So much has been said, but a few ideas: analysis of their own situation; Make the choice that suits you; Take on more responsibility and break the perception of what to do for the purpose of growth; Seize the opportunity to temper yourself; Ditch some laziness and be more active; Be close to someone who is awesome. Be close to a teacher who provides you with the tools to help you learn.

I’m in my sixth year of Android development, and two years after graduation, I was lucky enough to join the Bytedance family. In byte 4 years, witnessed too many people come and go, deeply impressed by a colleague, job-jumping Ali salary direct double, but also see a lot of people plated “Dachang” gold everywhere hit a wall, after all, still fell in the technology!

I may be a success story myself, going from 1-1 to 2-2 in four years, but the tears are for another day. In general, thanks to their continuous learning, review summary, improve technology!

Android Development 2020 Interview Questions: Android Development 2020 Interview Questions

The interview guide not only includes questions I personally encountered, but also questions collected from friends. In the future work, I will continue to update and enrich the interview bible, of course, also hope that you can contribute more high-quality interview questions.

It not only shows common interview questions and answering skills, but also explains the knowledge points of each question in detail, so that every programmer not only knows the why, but also the why.

You can feel the situation of the real interview through the actual interview record I recorded, and learn some interview skills so that they can be handy in the future interview and get the offer they like smoothly.

Due to space reasons, some contents are shown in screenshots below. If you need the following complete study notes PDF, you can click the “like” + comment support,Click here to get it for free!

The text is divided into four parts:

  • Java Basics + Advanced (★★)
  • Android Basic + Advanced (★★★)
  • Project Interview FAQ (★★★)
  • Resume + social recruitment solutions + classic HR interview analysis

Java Basic + Advanced (★★)

1.HashMap 2.ArrayList 3.LinkedList 4. Memory model 6. Garbage collection algorithm (JVM) 7. The difference between garbage collection mechanism and calling System.gc()? Class loading process 9. Reflection 10. Multithreading and thread pool 11. Design patterns (six basic principles, design patterns commonly used in projects, handwritten singletons, etc.) 13. Breakpoint continuation 14.Java big Four references 15.Java generics 16. 17. Discuss the application of abstract class and interface from the design of Java container class

Android Basic + Advanced


  • A typical Activity lifecycle?
  • The life cycle of an Activity in exceptional cases & How is data saved and recovered?
  • After jumping from Activity A to Activity B, and then clicking back to build, what is their lifecycle call flow?
  • How to count the Activity’s working time?
  • Tell me about the startup mode and usage scenario of the Activity.
  • How to stop all activities in an app anywhere & How to stop an Activity anywhere?
  • What is the Activity task stack? Is it used in the project?
  • How do activities communicate with fragments? How do activities communicate with Services?
  • How does the Activity and Fragment lifecycle compare?
  • What Flags are commonly used for activities?
  • What’s the difference between delivering data in an Intent and delivering data in a Bundle? Why not use HashMap?
  • Can intents set multiple actions, multiple categories in an implicit launch & by the way, how they match?
  • Is there a limit to how an Activity can pass data using intents & what to do if you pass a complex object, such as a complex control object?
  • Can the setContentView method be called multiple times in an Activity? So what happens when I call setContentView the second time at different times?
  • How do I animate my Activity to enter and exit?
  • Is there a way to start an Activity that is not registered in androidmanifest.xml?


  • What is radio? (School Recruitment & Internship)
  • What are the registration methods for broadcasting?
  • Classification & features & Usage scenarios of broadcast?
  • Explain the principles, differences and usage scenarios of system broadcast and local broadcast.
  • If two applications register the same broadcast, one static and one dynamic, with the same priority, which application receives the broadcast first when it is sent from the system?


  • What is a content provider? (School Recruitment & Internship)
  • Describe how to create content providers & usage scenarios for your application. (School Recruitment & Internship)
  • Talk about how contentProviders work.
  • The relationship between the ContentProvider, ContentResolver ContentObserver?
  • Talk about permission management for ContentProvider.


  • What is the Service? (School Recruitment & Internship)
  • Talk about the life cycle of a Service. (School Recruitment & Internship)
  • What is the difference between a Service and Thread? (School Recruitment & Internship)
  • Implicit booting for Android 5.0 + and its solution.
  • Tell me about the Service survival solution
  • IntentService: IntentService: IntentService: IntentService
  • How to create a Service for a separate process?
  • How do services and activities communicate with each other?
  • Tell me about the system Service you know.
  • Talk about your understanding of ActivityManagerService.
  • What is the difference between creating a Thread in Activtiy and a Thread in a Service?


  • Must child threads not update the UI? (School Recruitment & Internship)
  • Tell me about Handler.
  • How do you resolve memory leaks caused by handlers?
  • How do I use Handler to get a child thread to communicate with a child thread?
  • Can you tell me how Handler is designed?
  • What is HandlerThread & principle & Usage scenario?
  • What is IdleHandler?
  • Can a thread create more than one Handler?
  • Why does Android not recommend child threads accessing the UI?
  • Why does Looper loop death not cause apps to freeze?
  • Can I just create a new Handler in the child thread?
  • What are the differences in the way Message objects are created?
  • Is there any connection between ANR and Handler?
  • What is the difference between Looper for child thread and Looper for main thread?
  • Why can’t handlers communicate across processes?
  • How is message delay implemented by Handler?
  • What is a message barrier?
  • Let’s say the main thread new Handler A and Handler B and Handler C, and now we have A child thread, and in that child thread we send A message through Handler C, can Handler A and Handler B receive it? Why is that?


  • What is AsyncTask? What problems can be solved (school recruitment & Internship)
  • Tell me about the role of AsyncTask’s three generic parameters & some of its methods.
  • Tell me about AsyncTask.
  • Do you find AsyncTask inadequate?


  • What is the difference between v4 Fragment and APP Fragment in Android?
  • Fragment life cycle & let’s talk about the Activity life cycle.
  • How does Fragment load lazily
  • Does ViewPager + Fragment leak memory?
  • How do Fragments communicate with Activities?
  • Tell me about the three ways fragmentcan be toggled and the differences & usage scenarios.
  • The difference between getFragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager, getChildFragmentManager?
  • FragmentPagerAdapter and FragmentStatePagerAdapter difference?
  • How does a Fragment achieve the same effect as an Activity stack?


  • What is serialization & what can it be used for? (School Recruitment & Internship)
  • How many serialization methods are available on Android? Tell me the difference. (School Recruitment & Internship)
  • What if some fields in the class you want to serialize are not serialized?


  • Tell me what you know about Android multi-process development.
  • What are the ways of interprocess communication in Android?
  • What is the AIDL? How to create an AIDL.

File storage

  • Talk about how data persistence works in Android & usage scenarios. (School Recruitment & Internship)
  • Have you been exposed to MMKV? Talk about the difference between Share Preference and it.
  • Which third-party database frameworks have been used? Have you packaged a SQLite library yourself?
  • Is SQLite thread-safe & SharedPreference thread-safe? (School Recruitment & Internship)
  • Please tell me briefly what is level 3 cache? (School Recruitment & Internship)
  • The difference between Apply and commit in a SharedPreference.
  • Tell me what you know about SQLite transactions.
  • Strange SQL statement inspection. (School Recruitment & Internship)

ListView & RecyclerView

  • What is a ListView? How to use it?
  • What is RecyclerView? How to use it? How to return different items.
  • What is the difference between ListView and RecycyclerView?
  • Describe your experience in ListView and RecyclerView optimization.
  • Talk about recycle mechanism of RecyclerView
  • Talk about how you added more pull refresh and pull down loading mechanisms to ListView & RecyclerView.
  • How do you create a local refresh of ListView and RecycleView?
  • Talk about how to page load?
  • What is the problem with nesting a ListView under a ScrollView?
  • A ListView or a RecyclerView in the display of news data, picture dislocation, what are the possible reasons & how to solve?

Graphics programming

  • Do you know anything about Bitmaps? How does it exist in memory?
  • Do you know why Bitmap causes OOM? How to optimize?
  • Tell me about image compression.
  • Principle of LruCache & DiskLruCache.
  • Tell me about some third-party image loading libraries that you normally use and how they work.
  • If you could design an image loading library, how would you do it?
  • There is a very large image, how do you load this large image?
  • Do you know some libraries for processing images in Android (OpenCv & GPUImage…) ?
  • How to calculate the memory footprint of an image?


  • Do WebViews cause memory leaks? What’s the reason? What are the solutions?
  • Do you know Hybrid development? Tell me about your relevant experience.
  • WebSettings & WebViewClient & WebChromeClient
  • Tell me what you know about the Hybrid framework.
  • How to improve native WebView loading speed?
  • Tell me about your understanding of how webView works. Have you optimized it in your projects? Tell me where you start?


  • What is a ViewPager? Tell me about the adapters. (School Recruitment & Internship)
  • Do you know anything about viewPage 2? What are the differences from ViewPager 1?
  • What are the causes of memory leaks when using ViewPager + Fragment? How to solve it?

View Event distribution mechanism

  • What is the event distribution mechanism? What problem is it mainly used to solve?
  • Tell me about the event distribution process & some cases where your project resolved event conflicts.
  • Describe the functions and relationships of the three methods for event distribution.
  • What happens if I force the dispatchTouchEvent method to return true or false in a TextView that has a click event set?
  • What do you know about motionEvents? Under what circumstances is the Cancel event triggered?
  • Can you tell me something about the coordinate system in Android?

View drawing mechanism

  • Talk about the View drawing process. (School Recruitment & Internship)
  • Talk about the Activity View tree structure.
  • What are the ways to customize a View? Tell me about an example from your previous project.
  • What’s the difference between invalidate and postvalidate?
  • What are some of the methods you often override when customizing a View?
  • How do you customize properties in a custom View?
  • RequestLayout (),onLayout(),onDraw(),drawChild()
  • How to calculate the nesting hierarchy of a View?
  • How does custom View consider model adaptation?


  • Talk about the layout & features of Android.
  • Do you know the layout file to control object process?
  • With a layout requirement that a text control is placed halfway across the screen, how do you arrange it?
  • LinearLayout, FrameLayout, RelativeLayout performance contrast, why?


  • What is a Binder? For what?
  • Tell me more about the Binder mechanism.

3, Project interview FAQ (★★★)

  • The development cycle
  • Problems encountered in the project
  • The biggest gain of the project
  • How did the project come online
  • How is the project profitable
  • Draw the project architecture diagram
  • Project development process
  • Your role in the project
  • Which modules of the project are you responsible for
  • Talk about the implementation of the module you are responsible for
  • What third-generation frameworks are used in the project
  • Have you ever written your own framework
  • How do you improve yourself in your spare time
  • Have your own technology blog
  • Your career plan
  • Why you left your job
  • Why do you choose our company
  • Talk about the highlights and weaknesses of your project
  • How do your projects stay consistent
  • How is the project structure constructed
  • How is screen adaptation solved
  • Have read what source code
  • How is the project version upgraded
  • What version control tools do you use
  • Can you develop independently
  • How does the App interact with the server
  • Has the requirement document been written
  • Has the interface been documented
  • Which cloud servers have been used
  • Which third party platforms are used

Four, resume + social recruitment solutions + classic HR interview analysis

The above is the summary of the Android advanced interview encountered real problem analysis, I hope to help you; At the same time, many people often encounter a lot of questions about resume creation, career confusion, HR classic interview questions to answer and so on. Also, I have collected and sorted out a full set of resume making, puzzles in the Recruitment of Golden Three Silver four clubs, HR interview and other questions. If you have any questions, you can provide professional answers.

For Android development friends should be the most comprehensive and complete interview materials, in order to better organize each module, I refer to a lot of high-quality online blog posts and projects, and strive not to miss every knowledge point. Many friends reviewed with these contents and got offers from BATJ and other big manufacturers. This material has also helped many Android developers, and I hope it can also help you.

Because of the length, if you need the above complete study notes PDF, you can like + comment support under the working man brother,Click here to get it for free!