Over the weekend, while all of your roommates were out on dates, a single rookie checked job sites like Boss Zhiping and found that 90% of Android development jobs required kotlin. So spent two days carefully selected 7 high quality Kotlin project source code for free to everyone to learn

01** — ** High copy headlines

No picture, no truth, please see the screenshot below:

I have to say, it’s a pretty good imitation. This project uses the MVVM architecture and uses these third-party libraries

1. Glide is a powerful image loading library recommended by Google.

2. Retrofit2.

3. RxJava2

4. rxbinding

5. Fragmentation (can build single activity and multi-fragment APP)

6. RxBus

02** — ** Highly imitated wechat

This project is awesome, not only the client side, but also the server side.

It is a copy of wechat 7.0 to achieve an IM APP, APP side based on Kotlin language and C++, Server side based on C++, Using Google Databingding Library, Lifecycle, LiveData, RxKotlin, Retrofit, Mars (IM component), Muduo (Linux IM component), Protobuf, etc. The project includes Android server and Linux server

03** — ** Music player

This is an online music player based on Baidu music API. A project with MVP + RxJava + Retrofit architecture, which has the functions of playing local, online music and MV, is developed using Java and Kotlin

04** — ** FILM and television App

Based on componentalization + MVP + Retrofit + RxKotlin + Dagger2 implementation of a Kotlin language set film and television, music, live, cross talk one of the super App.

05** — ** Copy the short video of “Eye of heaven”

Based on Kotlin language imitation “Eyepetizer” a short video Android client project, using Jetpack + coroutine implementation of MVVM architecture.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that all UIs are measured by annotation tools. The font color, size and spacing are almost all pixel imitations of “Eyepetizer” Android client App, corresponding to v6.3.1 (the latest version at present).

06 – * * * * making the client

Retrofit2 + RxJava2 + Dagger2 + DataBinding + LiveData + Navigation, MVVM with Android JetPack, Involves a variety of common controls, AIDL, CMake.

07 – * * * * electricity App

The project adopts modular, MVP architecture, Kotlin language, third-party frameworks: ARouter, RxLifecycle, Retrofit, Dagger2 and so on.

Unfortunately, my phone died when I tried to get a screenshot. We get the source code after running it!

Scan the QR code of the poster below to get the above 7 source codes, and join the Kotlin learning exchange group and learn with like-minded guys. (No hands, thank you.)