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Z shell(ZSH) and OH my ZSH

Z shell

The Z shell, also known as ZSH, is a UNIX system shell built on top of bash(the default shell for macOS). ZSH is basically an extended version of Bash with many additional features.

Learn more about bash here ~…

On Linux /UNIT systems, bash usually has a.bashrc file, rc meaning run-control, which is the run control file. The declarations and commands associated with a program that are executed when the program is started. User-specific configurations are usually declared in this file.

Similarly, when you install ZSH, you can see its configuration file.zshrc under the user’s home directory (such as ~/.zshrc), which can be installed via Homebrew

brew install zsh
Copy the code

In order to configure all the plugins you want and have a nice theme, it is recommended that you install a zSH-related framework, oh my ZSH.

Oh my zsh

Install oh my ZSH

$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Copy the code

You need to close the terminal to open a new session. Make sure the ZSH terminal is used

Oh my ZSH also has many custom configuration items, which can be implemented by modifying ~/.zshrc. For details, see the original text at the top, or its official website

After modifying.zshrc, run source ~/.zshrc to ensure that the content is updated ~