Data analysis technology is an area where Python is widely used. If you master the relevant common data analysis technology in Python, you will have the opportunity to gain the knowledge of Python syntax, data analysis, mining, data processing ability and use data mining algorithms to solve problems.

Today I’m going to share with you 60 useful Python data analysis techniques.

It not only explains big data, data collection, data storage, data analysis, data science, commonly used machine learning algorithm and other knowledge points in detail.

In addition, a large number of the original factory interview questions waiting for everyone to GET! At the same time, there are 6 classic books on data analysis techniques used in Python. You can scan the code to get them. The quota is 100!

For those who do not have a solid grasp of Java operation and MongoDB, we launched software Engineer ability certification to help you systematically learn, fully establish coding learning thinking and solid coding ability.

By providing free training, the learning mode based on “task document + task video + task group communication + simulation problem + knowledge point explanation” is adopted in the training process, so that everyone can realize the goal of practice oriented, task driven and common growth.

Welcome to join our study group to study systematically! Lay a good foundation to prepare for entering dafang!

60 data analysis techniques commonly used in Python

In order to make it easier for you to learn, we launched the “Million Knowledge Base” campaign, which contains 60 learning materials of “Common Data Analysis Techniques in Python”, including big data, data collection, data storage, data analysis, data science, common machine learning algorithms and other knowledge points. Whether you’re just starting out with Java, Python, or the front end, or you’re already a technical enthusiast, you’ll find everything you need here.

Scan the code to join the technical salon group, the data will be updated at 5 PM every day

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Python data analysis technology book is free

A book is an essential tool for learning the data analysis techniques commonly used in Python, especially for self-learners. Today, I’m going to bring you 6 classic books for learning common data analysis techniques in Python.

Scan the qr code of the poster to join the technology salon group, the information will be updated at 5pm every day, students get free books, limit 100!

Millions of knowledge base waiting for you!

Up to now, 600 Java knowledge bases, 600 Python knowledge bases, 600 front-end knowledge bases and 500 basic capabilities of IT software engineers have been sorted out, including both the basic capability learning of Xiaobai +1 and the project capability learning tutorials required for the entrance to the big factory. The knowledge base is constantly updated, welcome to join us to learn!

The knowledge base covers the following knowledge points and is updated daily. Welcome to study together in the group.

Preview of some materials:

Data too much, unable to screenshot one by one, welcome to scan the code to enter the technical salon group, data will be updated at 5 PM every day ~