
In Linux, you can use the touch command to create files, but it doesn’t have anything to do with files, except that it can also use ‘>’ and ‘>>’, but the touch command is much more than just creating files. Here are 6 common techniques.

1. Create a single file

hxl@hxl-PC:/home/HouXinLin/touch$ touch test.txt
hxl@hxl-PC:/home/HouXinLin/touch$ ls
Copy the code

2. Create multiple files

hxl@hxl-PC:/home/HouXinLin/touch$ touch 1.txt 2.txt
hxl@hxl-PC:/home/HouXinLin/touch$ ls
1.txt  2.txt  test.txt

Copy the code

3. Create lots of files

If you need to generate a large number of files for testing, you can use the following method

hxl@hxl-PC:/home/HouXinLin/touch$ touch {1.10.}
hxl@hxl-PC:/home/HouXinLin/touch$ ls
1  10  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
Copy the code

Suffixes can also be attached.

hxl@hxl-PC:/home/HouXinLin/touch$ touch {1.10.}.txt
hxl@hxl-PC:/home/HouXinLin/touch$ ls
10.txt  1.txt  2.txt  3.txt  4.txt  5.txt  6.txt  7.txt  8.txt  9.txt

Copy the code

4. Update time

If you only want to update the access time of existing files, you can use the “-c” parameter.

touch -c hello.txt
Copy the code

There is also -m to change the modification time of the file.

5. Set specific access

To set the access/modify time to a specific date time, use the -t option option.

hxl@hxl-PC:/home/HouXinLin/touch$ls -l Total usage0
-rw-r--r-- 1 hxl hxl 0 11month4 19:51 a.txt

hxl@hxl-PC:/home/HouXinLin/touch$ touch -c -t 202012111111 a.txt 
hxl@hxl-PC:/home/HouXinLin/touch$ls -l Total usage0
-rw-r--r-- 1 hxl hxl 0 12month11  2020 a.txt
Copy the code

6. Use the timestamp of another file as a reference

touch -r ref.txt abc.txt
Copy the code

The above command sets the access/modification time of abc.txt to the access/modification time of ref.txt