Article source: Wechat official account by Tang Ren

A few days ago, I received such a message on wechat. I was a little surprised, but also very happy.

I’ve been writing for a decade now, sharing what I’ve learned, observed, and thought, and at least documenting my own growth along the way.

To be honest, I feel lucky to influence and help some people in a subtle way.

Before Xiao Zhang contacted me, we actually had no contact. But he’s been reading my articles and studying on my planet, and it’s nice to see him learning and doing something.

Blowing their own words will not say, today with you to talk about zhang through 6 rounds of interviews into ali products post some experience, I hope to inspire you.

I read zhang’s transcript of the interview, and there are several key points worth learning.

First, prepare different versions of yourself.

During these six rounds of interviews, each time with a different interviewer, there was always a self-introduction. To this end, Xiao Zhang prepared 30 seconds, one minute, one and a half minutes and two minutes of four different versions of the introduction.

The content of self-introduction is divided into two parts, the first part is to introduce their basic information, especially the content related to products; The second part is to talk about cognition and feelings based on the business and products of the company.

I find that many people don’t pay much attention to self-introduction in the interview process, just give a brief introduction and let the interviewer see the resume to ask questions. Some people don’t even bother to introduce themselves, just say it is on the resume.

In fact, the interviewer is asking you to introduce yourself in order to hear your logic and to look at the information you are describing for the next part of the interview.

So, a good introduction will actually give you a head start for the rest of the interview and lead the interviewer into his or her own rhythm.

Second, steer clear of mainstream hits when talking about products.

In the first round of the interview, Zhang was asked to share a favorite App, assuming that he was the product manager of the App, and how to optimize it.

For this kind of question, Xiao Zhang is also prepared in advance. He avoided popular apps such as wechat and Douyin and stocked up on two or three of his favorite apps, such as hupu, a sports App.

Next, he will use application examples to bring the interviewer into the product scenario, give the interviewer the requirements, and give the interviewer a detailed introduction from the perspective of product positioning and functionality.

In the process, the product analysis logic prepared in advance will be described completely, along with some product optimization suggestions, combined with the product scenarios mentioned above to make the interviewer feel empathy.

Finally, he will talk about his understanding and thinking of this product, mainly from the perspective of user and product manager, focusing on his own views, rather than vague theories.

In my view, this strategy is the right one. Because when talking about such products as wechat, the probability of error will increase.

Instead, steer clear of popular products and talk about a product you use often and like. It gives the interviewer a sense of how you use it as a user and how you think as a product manager.

Third, love and persistence.

As a zero-based fresh graduate, I successfully passed six rounds of interviews and got the offer from a big factory. Obviously, it is necessary to pay and work hard behind.

Zhang had interviewed Tencent and Bytedance before, but failed. It’s either lack of project experience, or I haven’t heard from you since I sent out all kinds of good people cards.

For lack of project experience, this is a problem many new product faces. If you have no experience, create experience. Experience is gained through project practice, actual combat simulation, and amateur projects, and can be used in critical moments.

If you really love your job, you will do everything you can to solve the problem. If you haven’t taken action, you haven’t loved it enough.

In addition to love, also need to insist. A lot of people give up, is defeated by difficulties insist, without persistence, it is impossible to get their expected results.

In Zhang’s own words, it is sad to feel that she has tried her best but is still out of reach.

I believe that every person who loves products has a dream, they try to create and change something, they hope to influence some people through their efforts, they may not be understood, they may be despised.

But don’t underestimate them.

Towering trees also grow up from saplings, maybe one day, we are changed that group of people.

To all the new product cheer, refueling, the future is yours.

The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago. The second best time is now. ** For those of you who are learning to program or are working, if you want to improve your programming skills, help you improve! ** I may be able to help you here ~

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