The NodeJS Chinese tutorial for Mixin Messenger app development has been posted on GitHub.

  1. Create a robot to receive messages
  2. Collection and transfer

This tutorial guides Node.js developers to create Mixin Messener robots. The Mixin Messenger bot accepts users’ chat messages as well as payments. Robots can also send messages and transfer money to users.

Currently, Mixin Messenge has the following open source applications:

introduce Mixin Messenger id GitHub
Sister figure 7000100214 lyricat/meizi-bot
Little ant carrying bricks 7000101695 MooooonStar/ant
Random chatbot 7000101419 cw35/random-chat
Group candy assistant 7000100213 ewnk/grouphelper
Cnb_atm robot 7000100137 myrual/opensource_cnb_atm
Mixins square 7000100111 albertschr/mixin_square

Mixin Network’s first Developer Contest entries and finalists have been confirmed. All works are displayed on GitHub. Welcome programmers to watch.

The Mixin Network Developer guide is located in GitBook