Finding information is a kind of ability;

Away from Baidu bidding ranking, you need better tools

“Wei Zexi” the thing is worth our thinking very much, baidu’s bidding ranking I don’t say much. If you’re looking for something even more awesome, check out these six. To some extent, they can help you get rid of the bullying Baidu and find more resources than anyone else!

1. Run the site command to search for exact results

Site allows you to do site searches for specific websites.

If you do not use this command, search engines will default to a full web search. That way, the search results will be filled with information from unknown sites that you won’t even click on, which could poison your computer. Even if the information you find is useful to you, you don’t want to cite it in your report because the site has no credibility and no one trusts the data.

The site command can help you solve this problem. You just need to specify a trusted site, and the search engine will automatically search for relevant results from that site. The usage method is as follows:

Use method of site

The format of the site command is: keyword + site: + website domain name

You will find that after the keyword you want to search, add the site command, and all the search results will come from the site you specify. There will be no shady little sites to mess with. Also, notice that the colon after site is an English character.

Let me give you an example. I often search Jane books for “time management” articles, just type time management site into Google, and I’m done. In addition, Jane’s own search does not support search by time period, using Google with the site command can avoid this problem.

If you can’t use Google, you can’t use the Internet scientifically. You can also go to Baidu to use the site command, which can help you avoid bidding ranking advertising, pro test useful.

2. Customize Google CSE search

This tool is only available on Google, so you need to learn how to surf the Web scientifically first. Use the science website to search Jane’s book for tutorials, and you’ll be surprised.

Google Custom search is an upgraded version of the site command. Using site, you can search only one website at a time, but using Google CSE, you can search several websites simultaneously. Moreover, after setting up, it can be used by many people without repeated Settings. It can be said that “once setting up, enjoy for life”.

Here’s how to use it, super simple, just 3 steps:

  1. Open Google Custom Search,
  2. Click “New Search Engine” on the left side of the screen
  3. Add a few sites you search regularly and you’re done!

Operate on the area circled by the blue box

Let me give you an example. In my work, I often need to search for science and technology media, so I will add the well-known domestic science and technology media, such as 36krypton, tiger smell, etc., to make my own personality search. Google generates a link for me that I click on every time I search for tech media.

My custom search, search all tech media at once

In addition, when studying abroad and taking the second round of postgraduate entrance examination, you need to find a large number of schools’ information. You can add the websites and forum addresses of some schools to your Google CSE, which improves the search efficiency immediately.

Finally, don’t think it is difficult to get online scientifically. There are so many people online through science every day to understand a wider range of information. Think of here, not scientific Internet appears backward.

3. Pinterest

What if a picture is too small and you want a clearer picture? If a picture has a watermark that is hard to erase, want to find the original picture without watermark, how to do? With!

This is a website that many people know has a free photo resource. But beyond that, the site can also help you search for similar images. For example, if you have a picture of a beautiful woman, but it’s not good enough, you can upload it to Pinterest, and it will help you find similar pictures. You can also perform a similar search on just a small area of the image and get a similar image to that area.

On the left is my original image, Pinterest searches for images similar to “Images in rectangular boxes”, and on the right is the result

The method of use is:

  1. Go to Pinterest
  2. Type in keywords for a preliminary search or upload an image
  3. Click on search results or uploaded images and use the “magnifying glass” icon in the upper right corner to search for more similar images.

Click on the magnifying glass in the blue box, and you’ll see something really cool

Most people know that baidu and Google can do image search, but they can’t do a similarity search for an area of an image (unless you crop the image yourself). Moreover, most of the images found on Baidu are news images, which are far less designed than those found on Pinterest.

In addition, this website can be accessed normally in China. You can also download their plugin, install it on your Firefox or Chrome browser, and search for images while browsing the web.

4. Dry goods search wikiHow

Many people know about Baidu Experience, but not about wikiHow. They are the same product, but I think the latter is more useful. Visit (English) or (Chinese) to find out.

How to use it is very simple, just go to the website and type in the keywords.

All kinds of dry goods, not only life, career skills, and even shy things

I have seen a lot of public accounts is to translate the content of dry goods above, and then make their own articles, the effect is good. Also, wikiHow’s illustrations are of such high quality that you can download them and use them. If you’re a reader, wikiHow is also formatted for quick reading.

In addition, there are a lot of content provided by foreign authors on this website, so it is more suitable to search for dry goods related to foreign countries. If you want to know “how to read Shakespeare,” there is no entry on Baidu Experience, but wikiHow has plenty.

5. Google Trends

In order to create strong articles, use trends when necessary. Trends are not what we feel, they are what the data says. To search for Trends, use Google Trends.

It is in the same category as Baidu Index, which can tell you what people are searching for. Google Trends is useful for determining international Trends. But for some reason, it can not be used to judge the domestic trend.

The Google index is also simple to use:

  1. Open the Google Trends page
  2. Look at the hot spots on the web page
  3. Type in the keyword you want to search for to see the popularity trend of that keyword

I’m searching for papi Jiang’s popularity in the last 90 days, but this is actually papi Jiang’s popularity in the United States

6. Google Docs

Wechat public accounts generate so much content every day, but baidu can’t search it. Sogou search with wechat cooperation to make a public number search, can solve this problem.


  1. Open Sogou wechat search
  2. Select the type of search: articles/public accounts
  3. Key in keywords

You can select the search type on the right of the keyword input box

In addition, a recent update to the tool allows you to see the number of views of articles at the bottom of the search results, making it easier for you to judge the value of articles. Generally speaking, in a non-wechat environment, click on wechat articles, you can’t see the reading volume.

Here is the seventh tool that comes with it

Search Wikipedia for more information

A lot of people already know Wikipedia, so it’s last. It is a similar product with Baidu Encyclopedia, but there are essential differences.

Wikipedia is a non-profit project (funded by millions of donations), but Baidu Baike is a product of Baidu inc. I’ve seen people selling services to modify baidu’s encyclopedia entries, just like baidu’s Tieba was sold. As a result, the number of people willing to improve the company’s entries is significantly less than wikipedia, and Baidu is definitely not as fair and inclusive as Wikipedia.

In addition, The layout of Wikipedia is better than Baidu Baike, which is suitable for finding information quickly. There are no distracting ads, either, unlike Baidu Baike, where the sidebar is full of glitzy ads.

In the upper right is the search box


  1. Open Wikipedia (English version) or Wikipedia (Chinese version)
  2. Type your keywords, or select another language in the left column

P.S. may have some websites in English, but using these tools is a great opportunity for you to learn English

Feel free to comment, and I will reply when you see it. What other search tools do you know?