It takes about 5 minutes to read the text.

Prior to the start

I haven’t written in three months since my last article, “.NET: a unified Development Platform for Continuous evolution.” During this period, I held two offline activities, one in Shanghai and the other in Chengdu. Along the way, I attended Microsoft’s Artificial intelligence Openhack. In fact, the main reason why I haven’t updated the content is that I am too busy with my work. In the past few months, I have been mainly engaged in many things at the operation level. I often make fun of myself with my friends, but NOW I have time to update the article. I planned to sort out the EF CORE 2.1 content and then update it, and then make a video. But these days I pay more attention to the vaccine event, so I don’t have much mood. For example, someone posted the banned article on the blockchain, and wechat has now blocked ethereum’s official website. I think it’s funny.

The body of the

As I mentioned in my previous article “Ng-alain @delon scaffold Generation development template for Angular UI Framework”, I will Core, Angular as the main core direction, and integrate a project of ABP + Ng Zorro+ Ng-Alain. The project has been released so far.

  • Warehouse link: (a friend recently said in making more and more slowly), it seems that we need in the domestic set up a mirror to deploy the two sites, the content is the same.
  • One is IIS:
  • The other is Linux:
  • User name: admin
  • Password: 123 qwe

I said at the beginning of 2018 that I would do a set of enterprise-level solutions this year. We’re halfway through 18 years. The matter is still far off the agenda.

Demonstrate the project functionality

The first is login

The workbench

This is the new version of the workbench, can be freely defined, NG ZORRO and card color ng-Alain effect in combination with the lever.

The required development environment

.NET backend environment

  • Visual Studio 2017
  • Core SDK 2.1
  • SQL Server 2012 is later than SQL Server 2012. 2014 is recommended
  • GIT

The front-end environment

  • Visual Studio Code
  • node
  • The YARN technology stack is based on Typescript, Angular, G2, @delon, and Ng-Zorro-ANTd. It’s helpful to know and learn about these things in advance.

How to run

  • Open the solution through VS2017
  • Set the Host project to the startup project
  • Through database generation

Select the EntityFrameworkCore layer as the default project to execute

Copy the code
  • And then run

After open source

The project is open source and has few functions, so it is more necessary for everyone to participate in common maintenance and communication. This open source example will continue to be updated and maintained.

Code generator

The current code generator currently only supports the generation of back-end code and does not support the front-end code, the actual reason is that I have been choosing the front-end template, and now happily settled on ng-ALIAN, so this thing will also start.

Dreams still have to exist

In fact, in the past three years, I have been insisting on the promotion and technical research of ABP framework. In fact, I have a wish that when we talk about JAVA, we can mention some well-known frameworks such as Spring CLoud, Spring Boot and so on. When it came to the.NET framework, there was no such open source framework that had as much influence in the community as they did, and even if it had a reputation, it wasn’t very popular. So I want to get more people involved in making the ABP framework become. NET circle in an easy to use, consistent with small and medium enterprise rapid development framework, later mentioned. NET framework when there is such an enterprise – class framework ABP.

If there’s anything else you’d like to know, anything you’d like to ask, you can leave a comment below. I am looking forward to communicating with you.

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