
A while back, I saw a great GitHub repository, 30-seconds-of-code, whose core idea is “you can learn the functions you need in 30 seconds”. Of these, 30 seconds means that each function implementation is much leaner than you’d expect, which inevitably involves some JavaScript wizardry.

Furthermore, 30-seconds-of-code classifies JavaScript functions into three levels: elementary, medium, and advanced. So, this article has extracted and translated the top 50 beginner level JavaScript functions to share with you.

Start of the text ~

1. all

Check that the supplied function returns true for all values in the array.

  • useArray.prototype.every()To test whether all elements of the array are presentfnIn returntrue
  • Omit the second argumentfn, the use ofBooleanTo be the default
const all = (arr, fn = Boolean) = > arr.every(fn);
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all([4.2.3].x= > x > 1); // true
all([1.2.3]); // true
Copy the code

2. allEqual

Checks whether all elements in the array are equal.

  • useArray.prototype.every()To check that all elements in the array are the same as the first element.
  • The use of strict comparison operators to compare elements in arrays is not consideredNaNIs not equal to.
const allEqual = arr= > arr.every(val= > val === arr[0]);
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allEqual([]); // false
allEqual([]); // true
Copy the code

3. and

Checks whether both arguments are true.

  • Use logical and on two given values&&Operator.
const and = (a, b) = > a && b;
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and(true.true); // true
and(true.false); // false
and(false.false); // false
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4. any

Checks whether the supplied function returns true for at least one element in the array.

  • useArray.prototype.some()To test if there are elements in the array based onfnreturntrue
  • Omit the second argumentfnWill,BooleanAs the default.
const any = (arr, fn = Boolean) = > arr.some(fn);
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any([].x= > x >= 2); // true
any([]); // true
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5. approximatelyEqual

Check that the two numbers are roughly equal.

  • useMath.abs()Add up the difference between the absolute values of two numbersepsilonComparison.
  • Omit the third argumentepsilonWill be used0.001To be the default.
const approximatelyEqual = (v1, v2, epsilon = 0.001) = >
  Math.abs(v1 - v2) < epsilon;
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approximatelyEqual(Math.PI /; // true
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6. arithmeticProgression

Creates an array of numbers in an arithmetic series, starting with the given positive integer and working up to the specified limit.

  • useArray.from()To create a desired length (lim/n), and usemapFunction to fill it with values in the specified range.
const arithmeticProgression  = (n, lim) = > 
  Array.from({ length: Math.ceil(lim / n) }, (_, i) = > (i + 1) * n );
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arithmeticProgression(5.25); // [5, 10, 15, 20, 25]
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7. atob

Decodes base-64 encoded string data.

  • Creates one based on the given Base-64 encoded stringBufferAnd useBuffer.toString('binary')To return the decoded string.
const atob = str= > Buffer.from(str, 'base64').toString('binary');
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atob('Zm9vYmFy'); // 'foobar'
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8. average

Calculate the average of two or more numbers.

  • useArray.prototype.reduce()Add each value to the accessor, starting with8.
  • Divide an array by its length.
const average = (. nums) = >
  nums.reduce((acc, val) = > acc + val, 0) / nums.length;
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average(... [1.2.3]); / / 2
average(1.2.3); / / 2
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10. binomialCoefficient

Count the number of nonrepeating and nonsequential ways to select k items from n items.

  • useNumber.isNaN()To check if one of the two values existsisNaN.
  • checkkIs less than0Is greater than or equal tonIs equal to1n-1And returns the appropriate result.
  • checkn-kIs less thankAnd swap their values accordingly.
  • from2kLoop and compute the binomial coefficients.
  • useMath.round()To consider the rounding error in the calculation.
const binomialCoefficient = (n, k) = > {
  if (Number.isNaN(n) || Number.isNaN(k)) return NaN;
  if (k < 0 || k > n) return 0;
  if (k === 0 || k === n) return 1;
  if (k === 1 || k === n - 1) return n;
  if (n - k < k) k = n - k;
  let res = n;
  for (let j = 2; j <= k; j++) res *= (n - j + 1) / j;
  return Math.round(res);
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binomialCoefficient(8.2); / / 28
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11. both

Checks whether two given functions both return true for the given argument.

  • To provide theargsThe result of calling two functions, using logic and (&&) operator
const both = (f, g) = > (. args) = >f(... args) && g(... args);Copy the code
const isEven = num= > num % 2= = =0;
const isPositive = num= > num > 0;
const isPositiveEven = both(isEven, isPositive);
isPositiveEven(4); // true
isPositiveEven(-2); // false
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12. btoa

Creates a Base 64 encoded ASCII string from a string object, where each character in the string is treated as a byte in binary data.

  • Creates one for the given string using binary encodingBufferAnd useBuffer.toString('base')To return the encoded string.
const btoa = str= > Buffer.from(str, 'binary').toString('base64');
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btoa('foobar'); // 'Zm9vYmFy'
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Note that the Buffer object needs to be used in the Node environment.

13. byteSize

Returns a string in bytes.

  • Converts the given string into a Blob object.
  • It is used in bytesBlob.sizeTo get the length of the string.
const byteSize = str= > new Blob([str]).size;
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byteSize('😀'); / / 4
byteSize('Hello World'); / / 11
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14. castArray

If the supplied value is not an array, it is converted to an array.

  • useArray.prototype.isArray()To determine thevalWhether it is an array and returned as is or encapsulated in an array accordingly.
const castArray = val= > (Array.isArray(val) ? val : [val]);
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castArray('foo'); // ['foo']
castArray([1]); / / [1]
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15. celsiusToFahrenheit

Convert the Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit.

  • Follow the transformation equationF = 1.8 * C + 32.
const celsiusToFahrenheit = degrees= > 1.8 * degrees + 32;
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celsiusToFahrenheit(33); / / 91.4
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16. clampNumber

Restrict num within the inclusion range specified by boundary values A and b.

  • ifnumOut of range, returnsnum.
  • Otherwise, return the most recent number in the range.
const clampNumber = (num, a, b) = >
  Math.max(Math.min(num, Math.max(a, b)), Math.min(a, b));
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clampNumber(2.3.5); / / 3
clampNumber(1, -1, -5); // -1
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17. coalesce

Returns the first non-null argument defined

  • useArray.prototype.find()Array.prototype.includes()To find out that the first one does not equalundefinednullThe value of the.
const coalesce = (. args) = > args.find(v= >! [undefined.null].includes(v));
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coalesce(null.undefined.' '.NaN.'Waldo'); / /"
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18. compact

Removes false values from the array.

  • useArray.prototype.filter()To filter false values (false,null,0,"",undefinedNaN).
const compact = arr= > arr.filter(Boolean);
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compact([0.1.false.2.' '.3.'a'.'e' * 23.NaN.'s'.34]); 
// [ 1, 2, 3, 'a', 's', 34 ]
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19. compactWhitespace

Compress whitespace in a string.

  • useString.prototype.replace()And regular expression to replace all occurrences of 2 or more whitespace strings with a single space.
const compactWhitespace = str= > str.replace(/\s{2,}/g.' ');
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compactWhitespace('Lorem Ipsum'); // 'Lorem Ipsum'
compactWhitespace('Lorem \n Ipsum'); // 'Lorem Ipsum'
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20. complement

Returns a function that is the logical complement of the given function fn.

  • In providingargsParameters of the callfnResults using logical operators!
const complement = fn= > (. args) = >! fn(... args);Copy the code
const isEven = num= > num % 2= = =0;
const isOdd = complement(isEven);
isOdd(2); // false
isOdd(3); // true
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21. containsWhitespace

Checks for empty characters in a given string.

  • useRegExp.prototype.test()And an appropriate regular expression to check if a given string contains null characters.
const containsWhitespace = str= > /\s/.test(str);
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containsWhitespace('lorem'); // false
containsWhitespace('lorem ipsum'); // true
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22. copySign

Returns the absolute value of the first number, but the sign of the second value.

  • useMath.sign()To check if two numbers have the same sign.
  • returnxIf they are the same, otherwise return-x.
const copySign = (x, y) = > Math.sign(x) === Math.sign(y) ? x : -x;
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copySign(2.3); / / 2
copySign(2, -3); / / - 2
copySign(-2.3); / / 2
copySign(-2, -3); / / - 2
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23. createDirIfNotExists

Create a directory if it does not already exist.

  • usefs.existsSync()To check if the directory exists, usefs.mkdirSync()To create a directory.
const fs = require('fs');

const createDirIfNotExists = dir= >(! fs.existsSync(dir) ? fs.mkdirSync(dir) :undefined);
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// creates the directory 'test', if it doesn't exist
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24. createElement

Create elements from the string (not added to the document) If a given string contains more than one element, only the first one is returned.

  • useDocument.createElement()To create a new element.
  • useElement.innerHTMLSets its internal HTML to the supplied string argument.
  • useParentNode.firstElementChildTo return the element version of the string.
const createElement = str= > {
  const el = document.createElement('div');
  el.innerHTML = str;
  return el.firstElementChild;
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const el = createElement(


); console.log(el.className); // 'container' Copy the code

25. currentURL

Returns the current URL.

  • useWindow.location.hrefGets the current URL.
const currentURL = () = > window.location.href;
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currentURL(); // ''
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26. dayName

Gets the name of the workday from the Date object.

  • useDate.prototype.toLocaleDateString()As well as{ weekday: 'long' }Option to retrieve workdays.
  • Use the optional second argument to get the name of the specific language, or omit it using the default locale setting.
const dayName = (date, locale) = >
  date.toLocaleDateString(locale, { weekday: 'long' });
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dayName(new Date()); // 'Saturday'
dayName(new Date('09/23/2020'), 'de-DE'); // 'Samstag'
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27. dayOfYear

Gets the day of the year (between 1 and 366) from the Date object.

  • usenew Date()Date.prototype.getFullYear()To get the first day of the yearDateObject.
  • withdateSubtract the first day of the year and the number of milliseconds per day to get the result.
  • useMath.floor()Round the resulting figures appropriately to whole numbers.
const dayOfYear = date= >
  Math.floor((date - new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0.0)) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24);
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dayOfYear(new Date()); / / 272
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28. daysAgo

The value is a string representing the days n days before today.

  • usenew DateTo get the current day,Math.abs()Date.prototype.getDate()Update date accordingly, and useDate.prototype.setDate()Set the result.
  • useDate.prototype.toISOString()To be returnedyyyy-mm-ddFormat string.
const daysAgo = n= > {
  let d = new Date(a); d.setDate(d.getDate() -Math.abs(n));
  return d.toISOString().split('T') [0];
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daysAgo(20); // 2020-09-16 (if current date is 2020-10-06)
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29. daysFromNow

Calculates the date n days from today as a string representation.

  • usenew Date()Get the current day,Math.abs()Date.prototype.getDate()To update popularity accordingly, and useDate.prototype.setDate()To set the result.
  • useDate.prototype.toISOString()To return theyyyy-mm-ddFormat string.
const daysFromNow = n= > {
  let d = new Date(a); d.setDate(d.getDate() +Math.abs(n));
  return d.toISOString().split('T') [0];
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daysFromNow(5); // 2020-10-13 (if current date is 2020-10-08)
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30. degreesToRads

Change the Angle from degrees to arcs.

  • useMath.PIAnd the formula for degrees to radians to convert an Angle from degrees to arcs.
const degreesToRads = deg= > (deg * Math.PI) / 180.0;
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degreesToRads(90.0); / / ~ 1.5708
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31. difference

Computes the difference between two arrays without filtering out duplicate values.

  • According to thebcreateSetCollection to getbUnique value in.
  • rightauseArray.prototype.filter()To keep awayb, and the use ofSet.prototype.has().
const difference = (a, b) = > {
  const s = new Set(b);
  return a.filter(x= >! s.has(x)); };Copy the code
difference([], [1.2.4]); / / [3, 3]
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32. digitize

Converts a number to an array of numbers, removing its sign if necessary.

  • useMath.abs()Remove the sign from the number.
  • Convert numbers to strings using the expansion operator (.) to construct an array.
  • each value to an integer.
const digitize = n= > [...`The ${Math.abs(n)}`].map(i= > parseInt(i));
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digitize(123); / / [1, 2, 3]
digitize(-123); / / [1, 2, 3]
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33. distance

Calculate the distance between two points.

  • useMath.hypot()To calculate the Euclidean distance between two points.
const distance = (x0, y0, x1, y1) = > Math.hypot(x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
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distance(; / / ~ 2.2361
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34. divmod

Returns an array of the quotient and remainder of a given number.

  • useMath.floor()In order to getx / yIn the business.
  • Get using the modular operatorx / yThe remainder.
const divmod = (x, y) = > [Math.floor(x / y), x % y];
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divmod(8.3); / / (2, 2)
divmod(3.8); / / [0, 3]
divmod(5.5); / / (1, 0]
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35. drop

Creates an array with n elements removed from the left.

  • useArray.prototype.slice()To remove elements that are numbered from the left.
  • Omit the last argumentn, the default value is1.
const drop = (arr, n = 1) = > arr.slice(n);
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drop([1.2.3]); / / [2, 3]
drop([1.2.3].2); / / [3]
drop([1.2.3].42); / / []
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36. dropRight

Creates an array with n elements removed from the right.

  • useArray.prototype.slice()To remove elements that are numbered from the right.
  • Omit the last argumentn, the default value is1.
const dropRight = (arr, n = 1) = > arr.slice(0, -n);
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dropRight([1.2.3]); / / [1, 2]
dropRight([1.2.3].2); / / [1]
dropRight([1.2.3].42); / / []
Copy the code

37. either

Checks whether at least one function returns true for a given set of arguments.

  • In use provided by the entryargsUse logic and operators on the result of calling a function (||)
  • Use the logical or (||) operator on the result of calling the two functions with the supplied args.
const either = (f, g) = > (. args) = >f(... args) || g(... args);Copy the code
const isEven = num= > num % 2= = =0;
const isPositive = num= > num > 0;
const isPositiveOrEven = either(isPositive, isEven);
isPositiveOrEven(4); // true
isPositiveOrEven(3); // true
Copy the code

38. elementIsFocused

Checks whether the given element is focused.

  • useDocument.activeElementTo determine whether a given element is focused.
const elementIsFocused = el= > (el === document.activeElement);
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elementIsFocused(el); // true if the element is focused
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39. everyNth

Returns the NTH of each element in the array.

  • useArray.prototype.filter()To create an array containing each of the given arraysnthA new array of elements.
const everyNth = (arr, nth) = > arr.filter((e, i) = > i % nth === nth - 1);
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everyNth([].2); // [2, 4, 6]
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40. expandTabs

Convert tabs to Spaces, where each TAB corresponds to a count space.

  • useString.prototype.replace(), regular expressions,String.prototype.repeat()To replace each TAB character withcountThe blank space.
const expandTabs = (str, count) = > str.replace(/\t/g.' '.repeat(count));
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expandTabs('\t\tlorem'.3); // ' lorem'
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41. factorial

Compute the factorial of a number.

  • Use recursion.
  • ifnLess than or equal to1, the return1.
  • Otherwise, returnnAnd the product ofn-1The factorial.
  • ifnIf it is negative, returnTypeError.
const factorial = n= >
  n < 0
    ? (() = > {
        throw new TypeError('Negative numbers are not allowed! ');
    : n <= 1
    ? 1
    : n * factorial(n - 1);
Copy the code
factorial(6); / / 720
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42. fahrenheitToCelsius

Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius.

  • followC = (F - 32) * 5/9The conversion formula of.
const fahrenheitToCelsius = degrees= > (degrees - 32) * 5 / 9;
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fahrenheitToCelsius(32); / / 0
Copy the code

43. filterNonUnique

Filter out non-unique values to create an array.

  • usenew Set()And the expansion operator.To create contains inarrAn array of unique values in.
  • useArray.prototype.filter()To create an array that contains only unique values.
const filterNonUnique = arr= >
  [ Set(arr)].filter(i= > arr.indexOf(i) === arr.lastIndexOf(i));
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filterNonUnique([]); / / [1, 3, 5]
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44. filterUnique

Creates an array with filtered unique values.

  • usenew Set().The expansion operator is inarrCreates an array of unique values in.
  • useArray.prototype.filter()To create an array that contains only unique values.
const filterNonUnique = arr= >
  [ Set(arr)].filter(i= > arr.indexOf(i) === arr.lastIndexOf(i));
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filterNonUnique([]); / / [1, 3, 5]
Copy the code

45. findLast

Finds the last element of the given function that returns true.

  • useArray.prototype.filter()To removefnReturns the element false.
  • useArray.prototype.pop()To get the last element of the filtered array.
const findLast = (arr, fn) = > arr.filter(fn).pop();
Copy the code
findLast([].n= > n % 2= = =1); / / 3
Copy the code

46. formatNumber

Format numbers using local numbers.

  • useNumber.prototype.toLocaleString()To convert a number to a local number format delimiter.
const formatNumber = num= > num.toLocaleString();
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formatNumber(123456); / / '123456' in ` en - US `
formatNumber(15675436903); / / '15.675.436.903 ` in DE - DE `
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47. fromTimestamp

Create a Date object based on the Unix timestamp.

  • Multiply by by1000To convert the timestamp to seconds.
  • usenew Date()To create a new oneDateObject.
const fromTimestamp = timestamp= > new Date(timestamp * 1000);
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fromTimestamp(1602162242); / / the T13:2020-10-08 HKT. 000 z
Copy the code

48. functionName

Print the name of the function.

  • useconsole.debug()And the function passed innameProperty to print the name of the function to the console.
  • Returns the given functionfn.
const functionName = fn= > (console.debug(, fn);
Copy the code
let m = functionName(Math.max)(5.6);
// max (logged in debug channel of console)
// m = 6
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49. gcd

Computes the greatest common divisor between two or more numbers/arrays.

  • The inside of the_gcdThe function will use recursion.
  • The base case is whenyIs equal to the0In this case, returnsx.
  • Otherwise, returnyGCD and divisionx/yThe remainder.
const gcd = (. arr) = > {
  const _gcd = (x, y) = >(! y ? x : gcd(y, x % y));return [...arr].reduce((a, b) = > _gcd(a, b));
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gcd(8.36); / / 4gcd(... [12.8.32]); / / 4
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50. getAncestors

Returns all ancestors of the element from the document root to the given element.

  • useNode.parentNodewhileLoop to move up the element’s ancestor tree.
  • useArray. The prototype. The unshift ()Adds each new ancestor to the beginning of the array.
const getAncestors = el= > {
  let ancestors = [];
  while (el) {
    el = el.parentNode;
  return ancestors;
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// [document, html, body, header, nav]
Copy the code



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I am Wu Liu, like innovation, tamping source Code, focus on Vue3 source Code, Vite source Code, front-end engineering and other technical fields to share, welcome to pay attention to my “wechat public number: Code Center”.