Today, the little C who was cut in the previous article is shared. You can see this article “Under the winter, where are those people who were CAI?” Recently, he has found the Offer of toutiao, his favorite company, and will be employed soon. At my request, he wrote a summary as follows. “I” in the following, not fish brother, is specifically refers to small C.

The two most common words heard during these two months are winter and downsizing. Being part of an army of downsizing, experiencing anxiety to worry to confidence to joy. Anxious is that was cut days, not so good, dare not go downstairs every day, review in the room. I was afraid to tell my family. The fear is that they cannot find a job and become unemployed. Confidence is more and more confident after taking offers from several second – and third-tier factories. Joy is getting the green light at the same time. Today, I’m going to share with you what you need to pay attention to during the technical interview process.

Update your resume

In under the guidance of the elder brother of the fish, I put my resume highlights details some of the project are introduced, and some achievements with quantitative data, the resume is best not to write too many pages, generally 2-3 pages is enough, to pick up the key to write, to write and personally involved in cow force, it is best not to write programs that the cow force, but you are not familiar with, it’s face, let people doubt the truth of you. Thanks to fish brother for that.

The CV

Resume basic it is look for a person to push, pull hook, the boss reply will seem very low, some companies don’t like really hiring, push the advantage is that can easy to follow-up tracking feedback, began to not worry go out an interview, prepared for more than half a month, but the past from Java, Android, design model, algorithm and data structure, basic all over again, The weak areas are algorithms and data structures, which are mainly brushed in LeetCode.

Review the content

In the Java review, the following sections were highlighted:

1. Containers: HashMap, HashSet, LinkedList

2. Memory model

3. Garbage collection algorithm

4. Class loading process

5, reflection

6. Multi-threading, thread pool

One of the interviewers said, “Can you write a LinkedList?” This is really looking at two-way LinkedList correlation, such as add data, delete data. If you do not read the source code, it is difficult to know the internal principles.

In the review of Andorid, the following sections were highlighted:

1, UI custom View

Event interception and distribution mechanism

3. Solved some performance problems and practical applications in projects.

4. Performance optimization tools: TraceView, Systrace, Debug GPU overdrawing & GPU rendering mode analysis, Hierarchy Viewer, MAT, Memory Monitor & Heap Viewer & Allocation Tracker, LeakCanary, Lint.

5, performance optimization direction: network, memory, drawing, power, APK thin

6. Principle and use of IntentService

7. How to implement cache itself? LruCache principle

8. Graphic image correlation, such as OpenGL ES pipeline process, EGL understanding, Shader correlation

9, SurfaceView, TextureView, GlSurfaceView difference, use scenario?

Review the Android Framework, focusing on the following parts:

1. AMS management

2. Start the Activity process

3. Binder mechanism

4. AIDL principle

5. Why Parcelable? What are the benefits?

6. Android image shows related flow, VSync signal, SurfaceFlinger to FrameBuffer

In the third party framework, the following sections are highlighted:

1, Glide source code introduction

2, EventBus source code principle

3, LeakCanary source code principle

4, ARouter source code principle

Plug-in related framework, too late to take a close look, understand the main principles and genres of different plug-in mechanisms, as well as advantages and disadvantages and limitations.

Algorithms and data structures, focusing on the following parts:

Common single linked list, reverse, insert, delete, double linked list insert, delete, common sort, heap sort, merge sort, etc. Pre-order ergodic, middle-order ergodic, post-order ergodic of binary trees, maximum K problem. Classic breadth – and depth-first search algorithms, which are often examined in large companies

A little insight

The interview should be modest, in the interviewer and you have different views, should be open to accept, generally ask you have any questions, that the interview will soon be over, to ask the company’s products, projects related content, convenient to understand each other. If there is no news in a few days, there is no news. There are all kinds of reasons. It may not match the position, the price may be higher, there may be no HC, and so on. Just make your own summary and take notes after each interview. Don’t ask for the results of the interview unless you waited a long time and feel you could have passed. ** will be interested in you and will naturally contact you again. HR will not release any suitable candidates. ** Interview is mainly cognitive differences, differences are large, naturally there is no consensus. Of course, there is no need to beat myself. I failed baidu in the interview, but got the Offer from Tencent. Different interviewers are looking for like-minded people. So that’s it. I hope it’s useful.

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